
Riser Phenex? DXD SI. Multicross?

Well, have you already been transmigrated into Riser Phenex? As a all-powerful transmigrator, his power was to receive unique powers from the multiverse related to fire, or so to speak, characters with fire-related powers. Such as the power of Adolla Burst, like the power used by Sho and Shinra Kusakabe. Like speeding up to the speed of light, as well as stopping time and moving within this temporal bubble. Just like the power of the flames of the Zanpakutou of Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto - Shikai: Ryūjin Jakka | as well as his Bankai: Zanka no Tachi. The flames of the Mera Mera no Mi used by Portgas D. Ace and Sabo. As well as the Flames and Quincy powers of Bazz-B, "The Heat".

Kaioshin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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83 Chs



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I give a mischievous smile after that insight about Serafall. He could hardly wait to tease her a bit at the next opportunity. For now, however, he had to focus on the inauguration of his new power plant.

"Welcome, my dear guests!" Riser spoke with his childish yet powerful voice. "I am very pleased that you all could come to witness the first step towards advancements in the Phenex territory and the Underworld."

The guests applauded politely. Riser walked up to a large switch on the wall.

"And now, without further ado, I present to you... the future! Goetia!"

I signal the AI to start up the power generator. The lights flickered to life as the massive machine hummed and purred.

"Wow!" Rias exclaimed, her blue eyes widened in amazement.

"Incredible!" Sona whispered, adjusting her glasses. (A/N: she got the glasses in the past 3 years. Hahaha.)

Even Latia seemed impressed, her eyes wide.

I absorb the compliments like a sponge. My chest swells with pride. I was showing off, and proud of it.

"Yes, this machine will power our land for centuries!" he declared with open arms. "It's the first step toward a bright future for the demon people!"


["My lords! This facility, like the entire Phenex territory, is now operational!"]

["Following the hall, we will see some items tested in these facilities."]

Then holography starts displaying some pieces with their information, about what they are and their tests, with only one shown through mirrors. (A/N: Imagine the items like ASAUCHI/Zampactou, Apple of Eden from Assassin's Creed, Jeweled Sword Zelretch, Demon Armor Teigu: Incursio, Gura Gura no Mi, and so on. Well, the others who don't know, these are Gacha items...)

More applause followed. I received pats on the back and enthusiastic congratulations. Even Ajuka Beelzebub, usually so serious, gave a approving smile.

"Extraordinary, young Phenex. Simply extraordinary. I can't wait to study the technical details up close; where did you get the idea to create a sentient sword?" he said as he approached Riser.

I nod graciously. "Feel free, Lord Beelzebub. For a brilliant mind like yours, there could be no higher praise. As for the sword, every Longinus has a spirit within, somehow sentient. So, I thought of making one for each person."

After the compliments, it was time for the celebration feast. Guests crowded around lavish tables, filling their plates with luxurious and rare delicacies. Riser watched with satisfaction as his father and mother, as well as the Maous, chatted animatedly while savoring the food and fine wines.

It was then that Riser noticed Serafall isolated near a window, watching the rain outside with a thoughtful expression. It was the perfect opportunity!

Riser approached her stealthily from behind.

"Hey!" he shouted, poking her ribs.

"Ah! Ris-chan, you little rascal." Serafall feigned a jump, playing along, as she felt me approaching. I see, Serafall almost intentionally drops a note on the floor, so I bend down to pick it up.

"Oops, let me help you with that..." I said to her, already bending down to pick up the paper.

While bending down, Riser took a discreet peek under her skirt. Serafall blushed furiously and pulled down her dress.

"Riser! You little pest!" she scolded with not much conviction.

Riser blinked innocently. "Sorry, it was an accident. Sometimes I forget my own strength!"

I flashed a charming smile that melted her momentary irritation. Serafall rolled her eyes but couldn't help a little smile.

"Oh well, it was definitely an accident," she sarcastically teased.

Riser shrugged, trying to look guilty. Inside, however, I was elated. The seed of doubt was planted. Now I just needed to water it with more subtle insinuations here and there, and see what would bloom...

"Well, I hope you enjoyed the view, you pervert," Serafall said playfully. "Because that's all you're getting for now!"

She gave a mischievous wink and walked away, swaying exaggeratedly. Riser watched, fascinated. What a complicated and layered woman she was!

Yes, these mutual teases between them would be very interesting to explore in the future...

Riser was lost in thought when a childish voice snapped him out of his reverie.

"Riser! There you are!"

It was Rias, running towards him with a bright smile. Her red curls bounced with every step.

"This party is amazing! You're incredible, Riser!" she exclaimed, holding his hands with absolute adoration in her eyes. "When I grow up, I want to marry you!"

Lucifer fell off the Chat! *

Grayfia, at the same time, supported her husband, who almost fainted. *

Riser coughed, taken aback. And then he started patting her head. What he didn't know was that a girl who proclaimed him as her chess rival was very upset. Just like a girl who was watching the Mk25 and Hulkbuster Bots was also very upset. Not only her, a girl with blonde hair and blue tips was burning with anger.

"Well, we don't need to think about that now, do we?" he said diplomatically. "We're still children. We have plenty of time ahead!"

Rias pouted but reluctantly agreed.

"All right, but I'll still be your fiancée when I grow up!" she insisted stubbornly.

[MAOU LUCIFER.exe ERROR!] as if he was foaming at the mouth. (A/N: Imagine a person having a nervous breakdown. He was already annoyed, but now he's on another level. Imagine how he'll react when he finds out about the marriage contract. And the best part is when she simply doesn't even fight against him.)

Riser sighed. This girl would still be a handful... she seems a bit spoiled, but let's face it, she's noble. She's rich. She will be beautiful. Her parents and brother spoil her since they grew up in war. There are people in life who don't have any of those.


(At the same time. Europe?! Scandinavia.)

The day of a little girl named Lavinia Reni, today she and her parents went on a trip, but unfortunately, along with her parents, they had an accident. For her, there were only scratches. But her parents died. She was crying on a hospital bed where her "remaining family" would come to pick her up.

What she doesn't know is that they don't care much about her. And they would be willing to take her parents' house and throw her into an orphanage.


(Back to Phenex Castle – Riser's room.)

I flop onto the bed tired after all the hectic work I did, and why did I do it. I needed money, and with the current income, I should be able to earn millions per month, but now I should be able to earn billions. I'll have money to do anything I want. I'll be able to build my

 system, and now I have clones almost directly researching and studying everything about magic.

I'm studying how to remake all the items I have. I believe I'll be able to create a copy of each one. But to do that, I obviously need many items on the market, which are expensive. Not only that, I completed several goals at once. Apparently, my direct dealings with the Maous are going excellently. To make the System now was to understand how it would connect to all the devils.

Well, in a way, he is the first devil, so maybe he can use it as an anchor.



"One of the people of interest had an accident. Her parents died, her name is Lavinia Reni."

"We will go to her in two days. Let her relatives take care of her. Once she is accustomed to the other family, we will find her. Hide her tracks, so no one gets close to her. And don't let anyone from the supernatural world contact her without our knowledge."

"It will be done, Riser-sama!" Tsunade said bowing, making her two meteors shake.

["I'm a good person for helping Lavinia, very good for letting her go to her aunt and uncle's house, knowing they don't like her much. Indeed, I am a good person."] I think about just approaching her at her lowest point. Just as I did with Valerie.

["Now that I think about it, I'll change Valerie's piece to a Mutant Pawn, after all, it's better to hide her power because it awakened."] I think about changing her piece. (A/N: He will change it to a Pawn. For Valerie Tepes.)

Author's note:

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:


Ben Phillips


Nicholas Berenguer

jose torres

clinton fraley


Kloud Paradizo

jeremy L.

tomakin flashian




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