Li Yichen is the middle child of the Li Family, who's mother, Li Mei, is the Matriarch of the Moonlit Orchard, the strongest Sect on the continent. Li Yichen was to be wed to Gao Chen, the rising prodigy of the Moonlit Orchard, to bring in such a talented youth into the Li Family, strengthening their claim as the number one Family. However, Gao Chen cares naught for her soon to be wife Li Yichen, for one simple reason... Li Yichen has no talent. The disciples of the Moonlit Orchard whisper about this Useless wife of the rising star Gao Chen, comparing her to her sisters, who outclass her in every way. How will Li Yichen deal with this? --- So, this novel will be dark, and I don't mean 'kinda gray, kinda black' dark, I mean 'dark' dark. Besides that, this will be my first time trying cultivation, but it isn't the real focus of the novel; Li Yichen simply cannot cultivate that well. There will be no real 'happy ending' here; Li Yichen is a broken woman, and she eventually finds a way to salvage what she has and take what she wants. Both her and Gao Chen will be twisted characters, so there is no feel good story to be had. I wanted to write this for awhile now, and the first chapter has more about the specifics of the novel. Additional Tags: Futa, Rape, Pregnancy.
Before we begin...
If you come from one of my other works, don't worry, this is going to be a every once in awhile upload, so I won't be toning down my other works; maybe Milan and Ker will get slower, but they honestly are already pretty slow.
If this is your first of my works, and you like my writing, check out everything else~!
Besides that, this book is YURI, which means GIRL ON GIRL.
If you don't like it, then don't bother reading.
Additionally, this will have FUTA, which is a girl with a dick.
Gao Chen is scum, and Li Yichen is broken; this will be a darker story, with many sensitive topics, so tread carefully; if you dislike reading about those, don't read.
I don't plan on this being a long novel; maximum 100 chapters, maybe a bit more; this will follow a rather linear path, and focuses on Gao Chen and Li Yichen's relationship, as well as some other people.
I will be doing alternating PoV's, meaning the book switches from Gao to Li, then back; maybe a side character or two have their own little parts, to give new perspective.
Again, Dark, Yuri, Cultivation, scummy characters...
I'll give warnings for smut via *'s, and if a chapter contains something like rape or self harm, I'll give a warning for it.
If you don't like that lineup, don't continue on; I really don't feel like dealing with people who dislike those things complaining ABOUT those things...
So, fair warning aside, enjoy.
Staring into the gold trimmed mirror in front of me, I sat still as Bao applied some powder to my cheeks, whitening my fair skin even more.
My tired eyes stared back at me, the pale blue orbs filled with exhaustion, already dreading today.
Finishing with the powder, Bao started combing my long, silky black hair, which had blue hints when the light hit it just right.
Pulling it gently into a knot, she slid a silver hairpin into it to keep it up, before laying a new black headband over my bangs, keeping them in place.
I hated the woman that looked back at me; she was useless, a talentless Cultivator who couldn't even get past forming her Nascent Soul at the age of 16, while her peers steadily climbed past her, reaching Soul Formation at the age of 15, already scratching their way at the Soul Transformation Realm beyond that.
The whispers of everyone inside the Moonlit Orchard constantly filtered into my ears; even when I did find secluded spots, someone's voice was nag at my mind, boring its way inside.
So, I needed to look away from this awful woman before me, instead focusing on my Servant, Bao.
A White Tiger who had stepped into the Ascendant Realm, which was one step above Soul Transformation, had angered my youngest sister, Li Fen, and was bound by her.
My prodigy of a younger sister sent her back to the Orchard, where she was promptly 'gifted' to me as a Servant, and yet...
Staring at her luscious white hair, fluffy ears, and hard crimson eyes, I held in a sigh.
Her beauty surpassed my own; that feral light in her eyes, the serious expression she wore, and that long scar my sister had given her made her a wild beauty, one that many in the Orchard lusted after.
Bao continued to work at my hair, her eyes filled with annoyance as she combed away; she made her hatred of her work known through her eyes and actions, always reluctant to do what I asked or needed.
When that was finally over, I stood up, staring at the rest of my body; like all cultivators, my skin was flawless and my figure slim.
My breasts were modest, my waist thin, and my hips just wide enough; behind that was my butt, which was as modest as my breasts.
I had a wrap over my chest, and I wore silk underwear, waiting for Bao to life the lavish blue robes onto my shoulders.
Tying the floral robe in place with a silver wrap, I nodded to her as she placed sandals on my feet.
My voice was low and gentle, and the Tigress next to me glanced over, washing her hands off with her Qi.
"Yes Young Miss?'
The derisive tone washed over me, leaving me unfazed; I had heard worse...
"Where is the reception?"
"Fang Teahouse, Young Miss."
Nodding to her, I fell silent again, walking towards the door.
Exiting my room, I entered the giant palace that my fiancee, Gao Chen, called home.
Residing on a large peak inside the Moonlit Orchard, my fiancee had built her own palace on the mountain, calling it the Shimmering Palace, since she had made it from entirely Yin Attributed materials, shrouding the peak in a perpetual fog.
The Shimmering Palace... well, shimmered at night, when the three moons above us shone down on it.
Making my way through the long, empty halls, we entered my private courtyard, where an ornate transport awaited me.
A silver palanquin was nestled on the backs of two feathered Qilin's, the two beasts belonging to the Matriarch, Li Mei.
Better known as my mother; not that I had called her that in the last decade.
Entering the silver box, I sat down on the cushion inside, listening to Bao mount one of the Qilin and get them moving.
The ride was smooth, and as I watched the various peaks and forests roll by, we eventually reached Tranquil Moon City, the heart of the Moonlit Orchard's territory.
Citizens and Cultivators alike stared at the Palanquin, and even from here I could hear them speak.
"-less Young Miss!"
"Why is she..."
"-nder what she's doing here..."
"-nk that Gao Chen got bored?"
Sighing internally, I kept my face expressionless as we neared the giant building known as 'Fang Teahouse'.
Run by the one of the many Elders of the Sect, it was a place that many disciples wanted to unwind and relax, chatting amongst their friends.
Landing on one of the small balconies on the side, Bao rapped her knuckles on the door before opening it.
Stepping out, I stared at the empty pavilion, sighing out loud.
Walking forwards, I stared at the six seats of honor.
One was for me.
One for Gao Chen.
Two for my parents; Li Mei and Li Ai.
Two for my sisters; Li Hui Ling and Li Fen.
And yet, each one remained empty.
The pavilion was large, large enough to fit a hundred.
Taking a seat, I stared down at the pot of tea laying on the table, my eyes honing onto the tealeaves.
It was a pass time of mine, reading tealeaves...
Every reading was bad, but it was interesting.
This wasn't any different; one circle separated from a few others, much smaller than the rest.
It didn't take a genius to figure that one out.
Taking the teapot, I poured my own cup, as was customary, and waited.
Staring straight ahead, I waited, the tea growing colder and colder.
Bao was sneering at me from behind, the woman enjoying the passing time as she cultivated.
I waited longer, the sun setting off to my left.
Dipping under the horizon, the stars stared to shine down onto the earth.
And yet, I still waited.
When the moons were finally overhead, I broke the silence that permeated the air.
The Tigress glanced down at me, and I could feel her wide grin.
"Yes, Young Miss?"
"How many were invited today?"
She fell quiet, and I stared straight ahead.
"Everyone, Young Miss."
My heart was already in pieces, and yet some of them still broke even further at her words.
"I invited everyone, and yet none showed up."
Bao nodded behind me, watching as I got up.
"Go ahead, enjoy yourself Bao. I'll be heading home."
No one else was going to drink this tea; no one else was going to eat those cakes.
Even on my 18th birthday, a milestone for every Mortal and Cultivator alike, no one showed up to partake in any of the delicacies laid out.
Getting into the palanquin, I gently knocked on the wall in front of me.
The Qilin were smart, and so they took off, heading back home.
Back to my empty room, hidden away in the corner of an ornate palace, shrouded in cold.