
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

S1 Ep.9

(Strong language is used in this chapter. Kids and younger audiences are not recommended to read this chapter without a guardian present. You have been warned.)

It was soon known of the trial to pass in order to join Master Koji's new class and everyone thought it would be impossible to achieve.

But some had the courage to attempt it and in a school with over 10 thousand students it sparked hope for those who didn't have the courage to try.

Soon almost every day a teacher would fight at least 30 students a day.

Madam Bo started seeing the Dueling fields filled with more teachers then there were students.

'This is bad.'

Koji however was in the teachers only library since he was now a part time teacher and student for the remainder of his time.

Koji soon discovered the teachers had access to hundreds of soul techniques that couldn't be found.

'Shadow clones, illusion manifestation, Sword Ki flight. There's so many different things to learn but aren't these a little too rudimentary? Let's try adding a few things to them.'

It took many years to create and perfect said 'rudimentary' techniques but to Koji? They were too easy as Madam Bo walked into the library a few hours later to find Hundreds of Koji's walking around the library with a book in hand reading their contents.

"What… the… fuck?"

All of the koji's turned to madam bo before the the real Koji that was sleeping was woken up by his clone.

"Huh? Oh sorry madam Bo do you need one of these books?"

Madam Bo was lost for words before Koji snapped his fingers and made all the clones Return their books and return to the original Koji.

"How can I help you headmaster."

Madam Bo sprang up from her daze before she sat down.

"I don't even want to know what that was but it seems your trial is having more of an negative effect on the staff then I anticipated."

Koji suddenly remembered all of the death glares he received as he saw nearly a dozen teachers resting in the medical ward.

"Oh did they pull a muscle while dueling with a student? I can go help them recover with Healing Aura."

Shadow clone and Healing Aura, two more very difficult techniques yet madam Bo wanted to resign as she was never able to master Shadow Clones or Healing Aura after many years of training.

Even her old mentor wasn't able to grasp them both.

'At this point I shouldn't be surprised.'

Koji then handed madam Bo a small notebook with some diagrams of the human body and technique names on top of them.

"I'm not sure if these can help make the techniques easier to use but I found these minor changes take some strain off of your soul essence."

Madam bo took a quick glance at the page and thought nothing of it until she looked and saw every page was filled out with hundreds of techniques.

'He's only been in the library for a few hours but… what if they work?'

Madam Bo then turned to the Shadow Clone technique and saw koji's slight change.

'Visualize a mirrored reflection stepping through? That sounds too easy.'

The normal shadow clone technique was made for you to imagine you were being split in three and then again and again and so on until you stopped the process.

Like how Zuang kept constantly making clones in his fight with Koji. However it took quite the strain as the technique only made two clones at a time from the main body.

Koji sat down as he saw Madam Bo preparing to try this new method in the technique before he saw Madam Bo make nearly a dozen shadow clones in just a few seconds which was more she could ever do.

"It….. it worked….. WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Koji was not expecting that reaction before he went to grab his notebook back but was a second too late as Madam Bo started reading every page for every technique she couldn't use or control easily.

"How did you manage this Koji?! How?!"

Koji saw Madam Bo use one technique after another while he scratched his head.

"I don't know. I just thought something was missing."

But what Koji didn't know is that he had involuntarily made a national treasure.

Perfecting hundreds of techniques that were thought to be at their best in just a few hours? It was like they were written by Koji in the first place and their techniques were cheap knockoffs.

"These techniques were so difficult to use but now I think anyone can learn them with a single glance."

Koji felt embarrassed as he didn't think much of it

But then Zuang and Xia along with hundreds of teachers came charging through the door like an angry mob only to see Koji sitting and multiple Madam Bo's reading Koji's notebook.

Zuang was the first to speak as everyone was silent in their confusion.

"Ummm madam Bo? What is going on?"

Madam Bo then filled every inch of the library with her clones and said as she was jumping up and down.

"I did it! I've mastered Shadow clones! And it's all thanks to master Koji!"

All of the teachers were confused while Xia and Zuang looked at Koji and the small notebook in Madam Bo's hand.

Moments later Koji felt uncomfortable as he was standing in front of all of the teachers who were sitting on the gymnasium floor while Koji and Madam Bo were on the stage.

Many teachers were in confusion as to what was going on until madam Bo held up Koji's notebook.

"Master Koji has done the impossible! He will now be the Technique Master from this point forward!"

The gym was instantly thrown into a outburst of the teacher's objections, Zuang and Xia included.

"Madam Bo surely you are joking? Having a student manage every one of our soul technique's?! It is wrong!"

"The reputation of this school will be made a joke if you allow a student to have our most sacred position!"

Many said they would resign but madam Bo didn't bother to try and convince them to change their minds.

Koji was confused as he thought he already read every technique.

Madam bo sensed koji's confusion and explained even as the teachers kept voicing their concerns.

"The Master Technique archivist allows you to look at any technique allowed from this school or from the others."

Koji was beginning to imagine all of the other techniques he could see with his own eyes before madam Bo smiled and pulled Zuang to the stage.

"Zuang! Use your shadow clone technique based on what you know right now."

Zuang was still furious with both Madam bo and Koji but did as instructed but only managed to make ten clones before nearly running out of Soul essence.

Madam bo smiled as he held out koji's notes on his version of the technique for Zuang to see.

"And now use the same technique but with master Koji's notes."

Zuang thought he would wait for his essence to recharge but it had already been recharged by Koji in seconds.

'He used Soul linkage to refill my essence! But that was so fast and I feel I have more then I ever thought possible.'

Zuang then took a close look at Koji's notebook and was dumbfounded at how simple it was.

'This is too simple, will it even work?'

Zuang closed his eyes and soon made over a hundred clones for all of the teachers to see in amazement and yet Zuang was still full of energy.

With a smile on her face madam before she faced all of the teachers in their looks of confusion as they had known Zuang for years and knew well that he could only create up to ten clones.

"Ms.Pearson use your healing Aura on as many teachers as you can."

One of the teachers in the crowd then stood on the stage and held her hands together as a five or so teachers at random began glowing white.

"Heal those who bleed! Healing Aura!"

In just a minute the glowing had their minor cuts and bruises from their duels with their students had healed completely.

Just as she did for Zuang Madam Bo showed Koji's version of healing aura while Koji himself replenished her essence.

"Now try using Koji's method."

The normal healing Aura requires you to both speak of the wounds you want to heal and focus on the targets you want to heal.

Koji's version however just required the type of wounds that needed to be healed and not the specified number of people.

But once again all of the teacher's expectations were blown away to a different planet as Ms.Pearson healed every single teacher of any wounds in the same amount of time as before.

The once noisy teachers were dead silent as Madam Bo Smiled.

"Forget what you know about our techniques and learn them from our new Master Archivist Koji!"

Koji then saw all of the teachers get up and bow towards Koji which naturally made him very nervous and uncomfortable.

Madam Bo then handed Koji back his notebook before she too bowed which was a rare sight for the teachers.

"Master Koji, Please make copies of your notebook for the teachers to use. I will grant any wish you desire."

Koji had one wish he wanted as he handed the notebook back to Madam Bo.

"I wish to visit my family."

Only Zuang and Madam Bo knew what Koji truly meant and were proud of Koji's wish.

But what they didn't know was that there were students spying through the gymnasium door with a camera.

But these students ran for their lives as they saw the teachers about to leave the gymnasium.