
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

S1 Ep.6

It wasn't wrong to say Koji was nervous as today was officially the first day of his life as a soul guardian.

'I wont forget to avenge you both.'

Upon opening the front door he was surprised to see Madam Bo standing there with a paper bag in her hands.

"Koji may I come in?"

It took a moment to settle down before he let Madam Bo inside and saw her place the paper bag on koji's bed and a black token on the bed as well.

"You have undoubtedly proven yourself worthy of becoming a team leader. Congratulations on this achievement but time is short so I'll tell you of some benefits."

Koji picked up the token and looked at it before opening the bag to find a black with gold lining mask and a sleeveless kimono.

"It is basic knowledge to have teammates in a team and should you wish to be teamed with then you may ask them but you can't force them to join and each team can have up to two people join you.

Koji nodded it off as he wanted to work alone which Madam Bo had guessed before showing Koji something that looked like a credit card.

"During the year you can earn points and exchange them for rewards such as new gear or an upgrade in living quarters."

Koji had a look of shock on his face.

"You guys keep actual living quarters in the school!? That messed up."

Madam Bo took a second to realize what Koji meant before laughing.

"No no no no I meant your Living spaces not actual living quarters. But there are a many number of things that you can use your points for."

Koji felt relieved as he could just imagine waking up to a bunch of quarters walking and talking.

Madam Bo was still laughing a little before she noticed Koji already dressed in his new uniform and was amazed.

"It suits you but now I would recommend you get to your classroom in 24-A before your late."

Koji immediately bow before using cloud walker to get to his classroom.

'Using an advanced technique to get to class before the bell… he really is a handful.'

Koji was able to scout out the entire school in minutes but eventually found his classroom and took a deep breath before entering just to see Cinthia Solomon standing there.

'Is she leaving the room? I should move out of the way.'

Cinthia however immediately bowed at a 90 degree angle to Koji for everyone to see.

"Master Koji May I join your team! I will do whatever you ask of me!"

Koji and the rest of the students were surprised but Koji most of all.

'Why does she want to join me? I'll only slow her down.'

Koji had more talent then most but he didn't know and naturally thought everyone was above his level.

"I'm sorry but I refuse."

Cinthia was dealt another blow to her name and reputation while everyone else was shocked.

'He must be testing me to see how I react! If I don't accept his judgment then I'll be made into a laughing stock in front of the others but if I ask again he will be angry.'

Cinthia thought Koji was testing for to see if she can suffer the humiliation but Koji just didn't want any teammates.

"I understand Master Koji. I will return to my seat."

The other students however were still shocked as only a madman could refuse someone like Cinthia.

'Cinthia Solomon was… rejected?! Even the most powerful woman in the school can't satisfy him?'

But all the chatter seized when Koji sat down at the back row in the middle seat before the teacher walked in and wrote his name on the board.

"Hello class, I am Silco Ramani and I will be your teacher. Let us begin our first lesson on Soul Techniques."

Mr.Ramani then began to have his hotoji that was in the shape of a shield fly around the room before returning to his side.

"The technique used just now was called Sword Ki. It broad terms I was controlling the soul power around my weapon to guide it."

Everyone was amazed except for Cinthia and Koji.

Next Ramani drew a simple diagram on the board.

"All Soul Guardians use a spiritual energy we call Soul Essence. It's like your driving a car that runs on Soul Essence. No Soul Essence means so Soul techniques to be used."

Simple and to the point which made Koji smile before he and the others felt something change from Ramani as he visibly began glowing a feint blue aura.

Ramani looked almost godlike to everyone before it vanished.

"Once you are able to control your Soul essence then you can use more advanced techniques but this is extremely difficult to master. But anything can be-!"

Koji had just begun to sense his own Soul Essence and felt it screaming like it wanted to get out.

But for the others? Koji's Aura was too strong and violent to handle as even Ramani had trouble being in the presence of Koji while his aura covered every inch of the room.

"Master Koji! Stop!"

In just under a second nearly half of the students had passed out while the others including Cinthia we're having trouble breathing.

But Koji had stopped before anyone was severely affected before he realized the condition of everyone around him.

"Did everyone go to sleep in the middle of class?"

Those who were awake were stunned. Saying everyone went to sleep after releasing such a profound and powerful Aura in seconds? It was a joke but for some it installed fear into their minds but not Cinthia.

It only wanted her to be on koji's team even more.

'Not even father could release such a aura! I must join master Koji no matter the cost!'

But for Ramani? He was scared by Madam Bo's warning.

'Be on your guard for Master Koji, he is unpredictable.'

Once all the students woke up they all began to tremble at the fresh memory of Koji's aura.

Ramani had collected his composure and started walking up to each of the students and placed his hand on them before they glowed blue.

"Soul Essence can also be transferred to another and heal their wounds. I will demonstrate."

One by one Ramani approached each of the students and cured them of their restlessness and made sure they didn't have any injuries.

But even then they didn't forget as it has been imprinted into their minds.

Everyone including Ramani was worried about what Koji would do next but the lesson went forward without any incident.

Once the lunch bell rang most students left while some already had their lunches with them.

Cinthia took out a bento lunchbox as sat down next to Koji who had nothing to eat.

"You can have some of my lunch if your hungry."

Koji felt annoyed by this girl's persistent as he had thought it was clear to everyone to leave him alone before he grabbed Hatasho.

"Leave me alone. Final warning."

Some students thought it was a silly joke and started laughing before Koji used Sword Ki to break their chairs and desks to splinters.

Koji then turned to Cinthia and focused his Soul essence like before to target only Cinthia as he spoke in her ear.

"I have my own goals and I will not be distracted so get out of my sight."

For the first time in her life Cinthia Solomon knew the true meaning of Power and fear as she quickly packed up her lunch and left before Koji looked at the rest and saw no one willing to so much as look in his direction.

Ramani walked back into the class and looked around to see Koji most likely sleeping but couldn't tell due to koji's mask.

Meanwhile Cinthia was still shaking as Koji's words kept echoing in her mind.

'He… he… he's so handsome even behind the mask. I wonder what he looks like underneath. But how can he be so strong yet look so weak?'

Cinthia was indeed afraid of Koji but was also charmed by his light blue eyes and his dominance over herself in the class room as she has never encountered a man who spoke to her like that.

But Koji had only one goal and wouldn't let a student nor a teacher stand in his way and would eliminate anyone who stood in his path.

However koji's time of meditation was interrupted by hearing the classroom door slam open with nearly a dozen or so students who we're unfamiliar entering the room.

"Who's the bastard who took Cinthia Solomon's heart! I will make them pay!"

None of the students pointed at koji before one of the goons looked up and pointed at Koji.

"I think it was him boss! He look suspicious!"

The goons boss then approached Koji and yelled at him before slapping him with his glove.

"You think you can steal Cinthia from me!? I challenge you to a duel!"

Koji was like a volcano, quick to erupt and very dangerous.

"Ha! The kid must be quaking in his boots! He must already know he is no match for the boss."

But just a few seconds later the boss of the goons had his head in the ground while Koji Expanded his aura to where anyone in the school could feel it.

Just moments later as Koji was ready to tare the goons apart Madam Bo Crashed through the window and landed in between Koji and the goons.

"Master Koji that's enough! Stand down now!"

Koji didn't like being ordered around but did so anyway just this once before Madam Bo looked at the trouble makers and their boss and sighed.

"You trouble makers again. Bow and apologize to Master Koji."

However when Madam Bo turned around Koji was no where to be seen.

Meanwhile Koji had began searching for Cinthia but could not find her before he yelled so loud that everyone in the school could hear him.


Not even a minute later Cinthia appeared before Koji on one knee with high hopes that Koji would finally invite her to his team but was wrong.

"Have you spread rumours that we are in a relationship?! I just had some jerk say something like we're dating."

Cinthia was both confused and blushing.

"I did not master Koji but if your in search of someone to share the years with you then I am available…!"

Koji quickly rested the tip of Hatasho's blade against Cinthias neck and spoke before Madam Bo Appeared with the goons and their boss from before on her shoulders.

"Mention my name again and I will make your life a living nightmare. Now scram!"

Cinthia was about to leave as Koji had asked but was stopped by Madam Bo who set the trouble makers and their boss on their knees before Koji.

"All of you! Apologize to Master Koji now!"

""We're sorry!""

Koji was about to leave but then turned back to the boss of the goons and yelled.

"Let this be as clear as day! I am not nor will I ever be in a relationship with Cinthia Solomon!"

Madam Bo was confused but the goon's boss was in tears of joy.

"You aren't? Thank the heavens! Thank you Master Koji!"

Koji wasted no more time and left to go back to class as lunch was almost over and thankfully koji finished the day without any problems.