
Rise of the Second Prince

Marvis Allen Astranus was born into the royal family of the Gravinus Empire. As a son of a maid, he was left with no ally and thus, powerless. He was never one to seek power and glory, always wishing for a simple life. He had never aimed for the throne, constantly watching every political commotion from the sideline. But his peaceful life might come to and end, as the countless danger await his older half-brother, the oldest prince, and the one who Marvis could call as family. To help his brother, he will face many challenges which he never face before. Solving problem, collecting beauties, and gaining glory. Can keep his peaceful life?

TheEgghead · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"Forgive me my lord, but i am not sure i under-"

"I mean, why are you still here? You know it very well serving someone like me wouldn't bring you any benefit"


"I am grateful for your help, Evie. You have been a great help for me, but i am sure your loyalty would be better placed somewhere beffited of it."

Eviette had always been my only servant. I don't have the luxury to have multiple servant at once, and i believe the Empress who managed the Imperial Household doesn't care either. A personal servant of the royal families must have credibility and trust, that's why the process of having personal servants must be directly reported to the Empress. This is to reduce the chance of the palace getting infiltrated.

That's why most personal servants came from a noble family. Not only they have already known manner and are familiar with the world of nobles, but also to make sure the person in charge of serving the royal family can be trusted. It can also be a tool to gain more political ally.

For me, however, since i have no noble house who supports me politically, i had a hard time finding a servant. I am sure if the the Empress or the Emperor were to send an order to one of the noble houses to send their child to become my servant, i wouldn't have this problem, but that's too much. Why would they send a decree just for a random prince anyway?

"My lord, was my servitude not to your liking? Have i made a mistake that i don't realize?"


Eviette looked at me with a saddened eyes. Her usual calm and dignifed aura has now trembling and agitated.

"Ah,n-no! That's not what i mean! You see, as i said before, i am very grateful of you. You who have been my maid since i was a child, and you who always had my back since the first day you came"


"It's just....i can't repay your kindness. You are my capable maid, yet as your master i am unable to give you something in return."

I clenched my hands. One shameful thing that i just realized is that i never give Eviette something for her loyalty. I had lived my life without giving much thought to my surrounding, and that include Eviette. How can i be so blind?

"My lord, there is no need to worry about that. You saved my life, and i can't imagined myself to repay that. It should have been me who worry about unable to repay your kindness."


"You brought me in when my house went bankrupt. My family wouldn't survive the plague if it wasn't for you selling your stuff for their medication. You trusted us when no one did. Even if i dedicated my life for you, i am afraid it still wouldn't be enough."

I think it was when i was eleven, when Evie's family business got destroyed because of their partner. Her family who were struggling financially, was also accused of a fraudulent case. I didn't remember the reason very well, but that's when i took Evie as my maid. Did i took her in because of mere pity?

"I think that's just what a master should do. There no way i would just let it happen right?"

Evie smiled. "Perhaps. But you still showed me your kindness despite your circumtance. You are a great person, my lord."

I am not familiar with words of praises directed at me, so i was a little confused on how to act. Blood rushed to my cheeks as i feel my face getting warmer.

"I am not worthy of such praise."

"Ara? Your face is red my lord!"

Evie's chuckles made me even more embarassed. God, please end grant me strenght to face this petulant maid's teasing.

"L-let's see what my brother sent this time"

Itried to end the topic and change it to vaoid another embarassment. I went to the pile of stuff Arlan had sent to me.

"Hmm, some new clothes.That's great."

"Indeed my lord. You can use them for the coming of age ceremony and then for the banquet. I am sure His Highness The First Prince already thought of that."

IArlan, he is considerate as always.To think he even know i don't have new clothes to wear...

Anyway, the rest of the items are mostly accessory and jewelery. I don't use accessories that much, but it is still appreciated.

"Excuse me my lord, but do you still investing in that medicine research?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, i am."

"Forgive me for intruding in your personal matter, but isn't the research progresses a little...to slow? It's been three years since then but the amount of progress we see is-"

"Don't worry about it. Even if it slow, progress is still can be seen."

The medicine i am currently investing is a cure for nightwither disease that exist in the northern part of the empire. After i had done gathering some information, the rate of which nightwither spread is a little concerning, at least for me. I don't know whether the emperor have solution for this, but i hope he does.

While the disease seems to be easily recognized by the patient's high fever during the night, the disease is hard to notice when it is still in early stage of infection. First, it looked just like a regular flu which makes it harder to notice early. Then there will be high fever only during the night, and if the patient doesn't get treated properly, it will starts to destroy the brain, resulting in death. I hope this disease doesn't turn into a plague.

"I took this investment simply because i don't want this country to weaken, especially with the new oracle that came out."

"You mean the one about the demon attack?"

I nodded."It's better to be careful."

Just as i completed my sentence, a knocking sound comes from the door. When Evie opened it, the butler is standing right in front of her.

"You Highness Prince Marvis, Lady Caen has come to meet you"

I frowned. Lady Caen, why is she here? Not only that, but to suddenly visiting without notice...

"What's with the sudden visit?"

It was peculiar. I went straight to her after changing my clothes.

"Lady Caen, this is quite the sudden visit. What might be the cause of it?"

Caen Elvi Armanes. She is the daughter of viscount Armanes, and also my fianceé.

To be honest, i don't like her at all. From the surface, all you can see is a proper lady of the high society. But i know there is something beyond that smiling face. It's almost the same feeling i have with Norman. I can sense a faint air of ambition.

It was weird from the very start anyway. The Armanes territory is known for their rich land with their gold veins that spurted gold endlessly. When they sent me a letter, saying they wants to arrange a marriage between their oldest daughter with me, i had no idea what were they after. There was no benefit to marry a ghost prince. My only assumption is that they want to have relation to the royal family so they can expand their influence.

"Prince Marvis, i apologize for my sudden visit. But Count Armanes ordered me to inform this at once."

She handed me a letter.

"The Armanes family wants to break off our engangement, your highness"


"As the written on content of letter, my mother wished for our engangement to be broken off. I hope you can understand that, for the sake of respect for Countess Armanes, my mother who passed away"

Heh, what a silly reason. The last words of countess Armanes who passed away is only known to her family of course, so i have no idea if this is true or not. Well, not that i care honestly.

"it's fine by me. Do the Armanes also informed His Majesty about this?"

"Huh? O-oh yeah, we did."

"Alright then. I will informs His Majesty about my agreement. Also, no need for compensation. I am afraid the emperor would see it as an insult to the royal family."

There was a slight dibelieve in Caen's expression. Maybe she was expecting me to reject this one-sided request, but that's where she is wrong. I don't care whether the engangement went on or not. I only take the engangement proposal as a courtesy anyway. I wouldn't cry and beg for the relationship to continue.

And just like that, the meeting with Lady Caen ended.

"My lord, is it okay to left it like this? The Armanes can be quite good to have in your side"

"If they do care about me, they would at least sent me some gifts right? I never got any support from them, it is apparent they never cared about me"

The only thing i recieve was the stuff from the first time the engangement announced. After that, they never sent me anything. It's not like i am a greedy person who wants to be poured with golds and silvers, but at the very least they can do something to show care. I send them some gifts every now and then as a courtesy, yet they never said anything. Lady Caen also never showed any interest in our relationship. It is clear our relationship was just a sham.

I am more interested in the identity of the person who became their ally.

IIt is clear they want to expand their influence through the royal family, that's why they sent a marriage proposal to me. Now for the reason for choosing me was simple; they want their daughter as the first wive.

Gravius is a country where polygamy is often practiced, especially in the nobility. Not only that, it is common for a noble to have concubine. While Armanes might still be able to gain power if their daughter became a second or third wife, but being the first wife will be the most beneficial since it means she have the most power for herself. Now, who is the prince who promised them the position? I have my guess, but it lacks evidence.

"Anyway, my stomach is starting to get hungry."

"It is almost time for diner."

"What's the menu today?"

"I have prepared some lamb ribs with bone marrow soup. I hope you don't mind simple stir fry."

"Sounds amazing. I will eat a lot tonight"