

Little thesra turned and tossed in her bed. She was sweating profusely. Her grandmother was making breakfast in the kitchen. She was drawn by thesra's loud breaths.

She sat beside her sleeping grandchild, caressing her head and her lips formed a silent cry. Suddenly, thesra awoke - her eyes fluttering open as she gasped for air. She blinked severally to shake off the last vestiges of her terrible nightmare. "Oh! Grandma." She hugged her grandmother tightly and sobbed. "It was so scary! Ahhh why do I keep having the same nightmare."

"Shh... it's okay it's okay."

Thesra began having the same nightmare since the day she clocked six. And now, three years later the nightmares don't stop. Her nightmares always started with her in a dark realm where she couldn't see anything. A blue amulet hung around her neck, it's cold touch a constant reminder of her peril. Then a bright light flashes and a beast emerges from the darkness. It bore a bright red amulet and brandished a sword, charging at her with a fearsome roar...and that's when she wakes up - every single time.

"Grandma..." She looked up. "That amulet feels so real and familiar."

Her grandmother smiled. "Child, amulets are for nobles...you shouldn't talk like that my love. We are mere peasants."

"But grandma..."

She stood up and smiled down at thesra. Her eyes sparkling with love. With a gentle tap on thesra's nose, she said "I told you dear, you shouldn't talk about such things. Now come have breakfast."

Thesra's face fell with disappointment. But her grandmother's soft tone and kind touch soothed her disappointment. "I made your favorite."

"Chicken pottage and sippet?!" Thesra's face lightened up like a christmas tree.

After breakfast and chores, they both sat in the living room for some peace and quiet. Thesra's cat Jiji was busy chasing a cockroach around the room. It's claws scrabbling across the floor as it pursued it's prey. Thesra watched the chaos unfold with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Come on Jiji stop it!" She called out but Jiji paid no heed. The chase continued, Jiji yowling and thesra sighing in exasperation.

Her grandmother shook her head. "Let the cat breathe thesra!"

Thesra sighed.

Thesra's grandmother wanted to lighten up the atmosphere. "Do you know who else has a blue amulet?"

Thesra looked up at their wooden ceiling and groaned. "Oh grandma not another tale about the blue jaoji please..." She stood and finally grabbed Jiji, squishing him with love as she sat. "Ma you know that THING doesn't exist. I'm nine it's not working anymore." She laughed.

Her grandmother gave a fake gasp. Oh!! You're nine?? I didn't realize." She rolled her eyes.

Thesra shook her head with a loud snort of disbelief.

"Ma." She tucked her hair behind her ears.

It was obvious to her grandmother that she was tired of all the tales about the blue jaoji.

"I'm taking Jiji for a walk."

Her grandmother nodded with a smile as she watched thesra burst through the door. A bright smile on her cute little face, and a gleam of of light in her eyes.

Jiji purred contentedly in his owners arm.

"Be careful! Don't pass the red line."

"I know...I know. No one ever comes here anyway!"

Though they lives in the outskirts of YHÀKADÉI, thesra's grandmother still worried about their safety. She set boundaries for thesra.

Their home was nestled in a small valley surrounded by tall verdant trees. They were far from the hustle and bustle of the kingdom. They lived in their own little world, away from the reach of evil humans.

Thesra's grandmother was saddened by the fact that her grandchild no longer believed in the blue jaoji. "Oh yuvonne!" She said to herself.

"What is happening? Thesra is becoming just like her father. He also stopped believing when he was around this age. But I will never lose hope, the blue jaoji exists! He will return one day and fight for the truth, and only then will peace reign in YHÀKADÉI."

The blue jaoji was a myth that only the elderly and little children believed. It was said that the mystical supernatural being is reborn after every Three thousand years. The blue jaoji existed even before the beginning of time.

In the beginning, it was known as a dragon - a powerful creature that ruled the skies. But as time went on, the dragon took on new forms. Becoming spirits, animals and humans.

This being was infused with so much power able to bend the very fabric of reality to it's will. It was a force to be reckoned with, one that could not be overcome by any mortal means.

And now people started loosing faith in the blue jaoji.

"I should start making lunch before she returns."

Thesra made her way through the valley. Kicking every stone on her path. The wind whispered through the branches, and the rustling of the dry leaves sounded like a lullaby. Thesra was a curious and adventurous soul, always eager to explore the world around her.

In the distance, the sound of a river gurgling over rocks could be heard and the sun shone down on the valley - creating dappled patterns of light and shadows on the ground.

"Jiji...ever thought about how it feels to explore the world out there?"

Jiji meowed.

"Well... I want to... I feel trapped over here. I hope I will... someday..."