
The Admiral made of Ice

After Aokiji finishes off the ship, he casually shrugs it off like no big deal and continues towards port. All kinda of praises can be heard from the marines at the docks. Luffy ponders the possibilities if he were to be like Aokiji, "what would it be like?" He asks himself.

Alittle further in the distance away from the base is Admiral Garp's ship. They were just about ready to engage the enemy pirate ship when they saw it turn into ice. The shocked crew could not believe what they had just seen. Standing at the help of the ship is garp staring at the man on the bike. "That brat just ruined my fun" He says. "I was just about to warm up my arms for some throwing practice" as he picks up two giant cannon balls. He drops the cannon balls on the ships deck and sits back down in his chair and dozes off.

Admiral Aokiji is beloved by all and respected through the entire marine organization. He stands at the third highest ranking position within the marines. He is one of five admirals. In order to get to his position one must be extremely skilled and have a strong control over a supreme power. Akainu is usually a drifter who happens to live a carefree life. He only demonstrates his justice if he feels that it is necessary or if called upon by headquarters. He just happened to be in the area so he decided to pay a visit to the island knowing garp was to arrive.

The marines notify the commander of the base and he immediately organizes a reception to meet Admiral Aokiji. The marines start lining up to welcome the admiral and show their utmost respect. Even the stict commander, who normally is serious and unaccomadating, has to give way to this man. Admiral Aokiji docks his bike and steps on to the platform. He starts walking towards the commander and an invisible aura permeates around him making the other marines feel the pressure to be in this mans presence.

"ATTENTION!!" The commander shouts. All the marines stand up straight and do their best to show their form in front of Aokiji. The commander humbly greets the admiral "Welcome to my base we are honored by your presence" Admiral Aokiji just shrugs "Eh whatever at ease" and walks away.The marines return to their duties.

"Uncle Ao!!!" cries Luffy Luffy peeks through one of the marines in line.

"Hey shrimp what are you doing here shouldn't you be with your gramps" replies the admiral.

Luffy suddenly recalls what happened earlier and shivers run down his spine. "That stupid geezer threw me off the ship and into the sky." "Lucky i landed in Grandma Tsu's Laundry."

Admiral Aokiji bursts out laughing "HAHA that would have been such a sight to see." "You little punk probably was screwing around again weren't you?"

Luffy quiets down and lowers his head in guilt. "AHAHAHA I knew it you know if you keep messing around your gramps is gonna throw you into the forest for training." replies Aokiji. Terror strikes luffy recalling all the other things his grandpa has done to him over the years. He remembered being thrown into a ravine and left to fend for him self for a week, He remembered when he was tied to a balloon and was sent into the sky, and the worst thing was when he turned seven he was sent into a known pirate town to work at a pirate bar. That even was the scariest experience he ever had. He witnessed first hand what pirates can be like. Of course Garp was watching over him in secret every time. Whenever Garp would do something so crazy he would always proudly say "This will make you a great marine one day" with a big grin.

After the quick recollection of his trauma, luffy recovered and became cheerful again. He wanted to quickly change the subject and talk about what just happened and many other adventures that his Idol was witnessed or experienced. Admiral Aokiji always had a soft spot for luffy and so they walked along the out perimeter of the island and talked in great length about training as a marine at Marineford, where headquartes was located, and also about the great age of pirates when Gold Roger was the Pirate King. They talked about his experiences fighting the evil pirates and the brutality of what they were capable of. Admiral Aokiji then began to talk about his version of justice and what that meant to him as human being. He told luffy that the world is not always just black and white and that he needed to judge what he sees and make the right choice that is in his heart. "Do what you feel is natural but make sure you always wear your marine outfit with pride. Do not blindly follow but come up with your own brand of justice" he said. "Listen keep in mind one thing not all marines are good and not all pirates are bad. Look into your heart and see the truth."

Luffy pondered over his thoughts for awhile and then blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. "Thats what ill do then. Ill carry out my own justice. Ill command the best crew and fight off evil and bring justice to the world. I want to travel all over the world and experience it in all its glory. Ill bring an end to the suffering in this world but i will do it freely. I will will uphold my Justice and rise about all obstacles and i will be come the best marine to ever live!!!!".

Admiral Aokiji was quite moved by what he had just heard. You could almost see a small tear freeze up under his eye. He also reminiscenced about a time he heard similar words and thought to himself "just like his dad was its just too bad what happened". He forced a smile and recovered his emotions. "That sounds like a great ideal you got there however very hard to accomplish. you must become the strongest marine for that to happen." he replied. Luffy was overjoyed hearing his idol praise him so much. After the serious discussion they began their journey to the small village opposite of the base. Luffy knew that alot of pirates and bandits frequented the village but he felt safe in Aokiji's hands.

The village was quite small and wasn't very affluent. You could see simple farmers and merchants bustling about and small children playing. There would several pirate ships docked at the port and pirates were strolling along the small shops and enjoying the small time restaurant and bars. Most pirates were scared out of their minds when they spotted Luffy next to Admiral Aokiji. Luffy thought it was quite strange this is supposed to be a lawless place, however it seems the village is co-existing with the pirates. Aokiji brought along luffy to the main bar of the village. This bar was named "Red's Tavern". They continued up to the entrance and Luffy could spot a grin appearing on Aokiji. They opened the tavern's wooden doors and the atmosphere completely changed. Luffy could a huge invisible pressure colliding inside almost making it impossible to breath.

"Ohh What do we got hear boys it's Iceman himself" Says a man at the bar.

Aokiji replies with little emotion in his voice "Red Hair"