
Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

From the world of united star systems and advanced technology to the realms of magic. Cotton Hollow starts in the world of Harry Potter gathering his bearings in a foreign UNKNOWN world. After a life as a Planetry-class Warship Commander, he finds the wizarding world intriguing and a breath of fresh air. That is until a Dark Wizard arises and pisses him off. Then a Time Magician appears, along with beauties, wealth, war, jealous old men, Greedy Goblins, and more. The cover does not belong to me but is how I picture Royal Hollow, the Main Character's Father.

Player_Tenason · Livres et littérature
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21 Chs

Summer Vacation

"That was a nice school year!" said Cho

"Besides the trouble with the pirate ship. It was fun, no drama. I can't wait to go back." she sang.

"I enjoyed myself too." Cotton chimed in as they walked into the house to see Cerberus sleep on the living room floor.

"Cotton Hollow! How dare you bring this magical creature home without discussing it with us first. Where you got him from, you return it this instant.."

"Mum! I'll take care of him. He's extremely rare, extant in fact! Besides. I was going to have a new manor built this summer and we'll have more than enough room." Cotton explained.

"Vanessa, let the man have his dog." Cotton's father walked in.

"Hello, father. How's the business?"

"Fantastic. The UK will be ruling the sky in a few more months and our bank account is outrageous. Close to a billion pounds now."

"Fantastic. Next, I want to go higher. After pulling our assets and connections. We'll build a company for space travel. The moon is the next big thing. We will lead the world in space technology. But well speak on that another time. By the way, I know why you two adopted me, and to show my thanks, Professor Snape helped me with this."

Cotton pulled out a jar full of a thick white substance. "Both of you drink half and then get to work. It's guaranteed pregnancy. And very expensive. Lucky for you two, I have a skilled mentor."

Cho giggled as she was sent upstairs. Cotton waved his twin-core wand as it was untraceable, his close the transfigured into his original suit, and the Hogwarts uniform was no more. He then stared the Blue crest to his waste and Leo apparated him to Gringotts.

"That damn boy." Vanessa sighed, " Does that girl's parents know she's here?"

"Beats me. We have more pressing matters." Royal held up the jar of potion with a naughty smile.

Vanessa blushed and walked away silently.

Meanwhile, Cotton entered Gringotts Bank, Gripphook, Sharptooth, and Agnuk met him with a rather old Goblin named, Wildfang.

"This way, Lord Hollow."

Many Wizards looked at Cotton with wonder. Wizards never receive such attention from Goblins unless they were bringing in big money. And unknown to Cotton, as Cho did read the paper when at school, Hermione didn't like the writings of Rita Skeeter, the wizarding world knew all about him.

Rita Skeeter, journalist of the daily prophet, Wrought about the ancient New Zealand House of Hakopa and the new Lord and Hogwarts student Cotton Hollow who snagged the lost Queen Anne's Revenge. She also wrote about his defeat of the mountain troll, and his exploit in quidditch and academics. She did some more digging and wrote about the growing muggle business that belonged to his house. She finally named him British Lord of the future to keep his reputation up during the summer as she hoped his second year would be just as great as his first year.

"Cotton!" a girl the same age as Cotton shouted. She was standing by two beautiful busty older women and a cute little girl maybe a year younger than him.

"Emma Vane." Cotton replied. He asked for a moment from the goblins in Gobbldegook, much to their surprise.

Walking over to his fellow Ravenclaw, he introduces himself to her mother and Aunt, along with her cousin and newest Hogwarts first Year, Romilda Vane.

They were all pleased to meet him and Romilda Vane had stars in her eyes as if she was meeting a superstar. They were taking Romilda shopping for school supplies as she had just turned eleven years old in May, receiving her acceptance letter at the same time.

"Fantastic. Emma here is a good friend of Hermione. So naturally, I did some digging. You are a half-blood family? You even have a profitable fashion business." said Cotton.

"Yes. Lord." Emma's mother Marie replied. "Our mother, also named Emma, has run the business for years."

"Wonderful, well expect my owl within the fortnight to talk business," he said.

The Vanes were shocked, "Business. You're family deals as aerospace contracts."

"Correct. But that is just the beginning. Anyway, I have affairs to tend you. Emma, don't forget to keep in touch with Hermione, she wears a cold expression, but she is emotional. You ladies have a nice day." Cotton flashed a pearly white smile then took his leave.

"Rita did a horrible job describing him. Honestly, he's a very handsome little man. Lord of the future, he has the making of a minister. Lover or not, you girls do well to stick close to him." Audrey, Romilda's mother spoke to her daughter and niece.

"Yes, Ma'am," "Yes, mother."

Across the room, Cotton had already walked into a warded room to discuss business.

"Lord Hollow. This is Wildfang, the account manager of Gaunt and newly appointed manager of Slytherin," said Griphook.

"Pleasure. Now time is money. Let's get to it." Cotton spook in Gobbledegook.

The Goblins respected this and all gave a nod to the young lord that continued to impress them.

"The Dark Lord will come within the week to make the claim. At the time, Gringotts will receive 4.5 percent of his inheritance. Is the paperwork for Lady Lestrange's release being handled?"

"Yes, Lord. Under the pretenses that she can heal the Longbottoms, and claim to be under the orders of her husband, she will be set free." Sharptooth spoke, as he was acting a middle between Cotton and the authorities. It wasn't normal, but Cotton connected the idea under the pretense of the Goblins managing account assets for their clients.

"Great. Send those in after word of Rodolphos' death is made public. 1 percent of their assets will be given to Gringotts after the Dark Lord's acquisition."

The goblins smiled deviously and were greedy. The only reason they were helping was for the large sum they stood to gain.

"Now for the house of black, what seems to be the complication? Now, I understand these services are not your usual, but you all understand wizard law, manage their assets and that makes you a wonderful middle man. But if you can't do this, I can find a Law Wizard."

"Nonsense, Lord Hollow. House of Black just requires that Narcissa Black declares her son, Draco Malfoy, illegitimate. If Sirius Black dies, as the last male of the Black family, Draco is the heir."

"I'll handle that. Just get the paperwork ready. Everything will happen fast. When the Wizarding world is rocked, we will reap the benefits. And I'll make sure that Goblins have their seat of power once more. Also, what's the conversion of one billion pounds.

"200,000,000 Galleons." Griphook replied.

"Hmm, in the coming weeks, people will come with notaries. They are to be paid. And that concludes our business." said Cotton.


In the following weeks, Cotton had manor built and warded up the ass with British and Maori wards. The treasure from Queen Anne was inventoried and placed in his vault with a large sum put in an account under Cho Chang and another account under Hermione Granger.

Cotton and Cho then made nice with the wizarding muggle population of Godric's Hollow. Weeks passed as Wizard and Muggle guests visited. Some visit personal and others' were business. Like the Vane Family.

When Lady Vane arrived, though she was a muggle, she was still the family head until her death. Cotton, his father, and Lady Vane spoke about her company designing space suits to match Cotton's technology. When Lady Vane was walked through the prospective space venture, she was more than excited and asked for a contract to be drawn up right away. After all, the Vane only stood to gain as their interests stopped after the suits were made. And if the venture was a success, the Vanes could expect more requests to follow.

And though he could have had used his mother and the Dobreva Family, he had a use for the Vane Family.

Afterward, Hollow Space Industries was announced to the muggle world and it was thrown into a frenzy. Cotton gave his father all the information he remembered about space ships, artificial gravity, cryogenic sleep poods, space radiation, the most efficient rocket engine from his past life, space mining technology, Water recycler, and the list went on.

His future knowledge was transcribed through magic and would be shown to the world in phases. When the time came for space, Cotton would be finished with Hogwarts and his next adventure would be ready for him.

When the muggle affairs were handled, Robert Ozborne appeared like a mindless zombie, wearing Rowena's diadem.

Three days later. Voldemort appeared looking like a normal handsome young wizard in his mid-twenties. However, he was still missing a hand.

"It's about time." said Cotton." Come with me."

Cotton led Voldemort to his personal dungeon. Voldemort explained how his soul in Rowena's Diadem was almost finished possessing the boy.

After five days of waiting, Cotton helped Voldemort use the philosopher's stone to transmute and merge both Voldemorts into one. Though his body was vulnerable his magic had grown considerably.

"Ahh Cotton, I've had many friends and servants. But you are my first partner and I have gained so much because of it. By tonight, Rodolphus Lestrange and Sirus Black will be dead." said Voldemort.

Cotton smiled as a curse within him churned. He waved his twin-core wand and across the wizarding world in the Malfoy Manor, Draco had committed suicide.

"House Black will be ready for you. Draco is dead. All you have to do is order Lucious to destroy the marriage certificate." Said Cotton. "He is a man that is ruled by the strong. However, you should be wary of the rest. Unlike Malfoy, they each hold noble titles, pure blood, and rights of authority. You have been away a long time."

"Good, good. And leave my people to me." Voldemort cackled, "I'm making plans for the next school term. I want your input. How about a meeting at the Malfoy Manor a week from now?"

"As long as you stop at Gringotts, right now. Oh, and here's a poly juice potion. You'll look like some muggle. But it will help you avoid detection. Ask for Wildfang and the Goblins will handle the rest." Cotton explained and Voldemort disappeared with a smile.

"So what's the point of helping him?" Cho asked as she stepped from the shadows.

"It's fun. It will also lead to good things for me. And if you're still around, you as well." Cotton replied and then back to studying. Cotton had Rufus Amos make a wand for Cho so that she could continue to practice undetected.

Unlike the Grangers, the Chang Family was a part of wizarding society and saw Cho's time with Cotton as a good thing. He was a good suitor and they believed that Cho was better off in a home than on a quidditch pitch. As a result, they exchanged letters during the summer but they never once summoned her home.

Cotton finally recalled his magic tutors, though they spent their time with Cho as Cotton was always busy with other matters. Occasionally he would join his tutors for practical training to understand the texts read from books in his free time. But that was all.

When August rolled around, Hermione visited and the group of three had an intense duel. Hermione begged her parents to stay for the rest of the summer after her humiliating loss at the hands of a well developing Cho.

When they finally caved, Hermione dived into everything magic. But Cho couldn't help herself when the three of them were together. She occasionally dragged everyone out on adventures in the wizarding world.

One day, they were sailing Queen Anne's Revenge to see the merpeople of the ocean, another day they hunted magical creatures to play with. Somedays they went to Quidditch matches around the world or watched competitions in the Dueling Circuit.

Cotton with all his hard work had to spend a week away from the fun as he went through a magic maturation that conjured a lightning storm on behalf of his thunderbird familiar. Leo grew to be twelve feet tall that day.

Cotton's mother about lost it when Cho, who had already turned thirteen, started her Magic Maturation a week later. Vanessa kept a close eye on Hermonie but nothing happened. Cotton had to explain to his mother that Cho was closer to her first maturation than Hermione. It wasn't a chain reaction, just the product of Cho's hard work over the summer.