
Rise of the Hollow Family -HP Fanfic

From the world of united star systems and advanced technology to the realms of magic. Cotton Hollow starts in the world of Harry Potter gathering his bearings in a foreign UNKNOWN world. After a life as a Planetry-class Warship Commander, he finds the wizarding world intriguing and a breath of fresh air. That is until a Dark Wizard arises and pisses him off. Then a Time Magician appears, along with beauties, wealth, war, jealous old men, Greedy Goblins, and more. The cover does not belong to me but is how I picture Royal Hollow, the Main Character's Father.

Player_Tenason · Livres et littérature
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21 Chs

Mystery Beneath The Lake

Later that day after Cotton received the Secret to Locate Selwyn Cottage, Professor Flitwick handed me an envelope of three Hall Passes.

"Mr. Hollow, the headmaster has signed these passes giving you free rein. Just show them when asked and you'll be on your way. But need I remind you, these passes come with a certain degree of responsibility. Be mindful of that when you are off on your adventures." said Professor Flitwick. "Take care, Mr. Hollow."

I accepted the envelope and went on my way. Into the great hall, I handed Hermione her pass and told her to meet me at the docks in four days. I then handed Cho Chang her pass and told her the same before I left to find the Selwyn Cottage.

With the map in hand, I followed the directions to Bowtruckle Island. There I found a one-level cottage made of logs, now windows, with a single door. Calling for my wand, I wand through the 52 keys to unlocking the wards placed on the Selwyn cottage, each with its own wand motion and incantation.

Finally walking into the cottage forty-five minutes later, I was pleased to find that entered was as big as the great hall with two floors. The cottage was divided into many sections representing the subject of Hogwarts and a few more not taught but could be found if you knew where to look.

Stepping into the area designated for potions and alchemy. I started to brew Drought of the Water Hag without any more interruptions. I could have explored the cottage but I was tired of libraries and reading. It was a necessary evil to improve my skills but I was ready for action. Not to mention that whatever it was under the lake, Dumbledore didn't want anyone to know about it.

So when I get my hands on this mysterious ship, he'll know that he gave me the pass to steal it. Dumbledore aside, I was itching for a good struggle to test my mettle.

-September 16th- 3rd POV

Cotton had taken longer to brew the potion than he originally intended. The Potion was the most complex formula he had ever brewed. The first half was simple but the latter part was hell on earth for him. Now, he meets Cho and Hermione in the wee hours of the morning, long before sunrise.

"Cotton, how'd you get these? I passed three Professors on my way here " Said Hermione.

" Doesn't matter." Cotton chided the girl and she fell silent as Cho snickered. Cho used her wand to show the light blush Hermione was sporting. Cho nearly fell out laughing as she poked Hermione's cheeks. Cotton then told them hush.

When the group was finally at the edge of the dock where the first years entered the castle on their first day, Cho and Hermione handed jars of thick baby blue liquid.

"Bottoms up," Cotton spoke before emptying the jar into his stomach. He then jumped into the cold water with the wand crafted by Rufus Amos in his hand. When Cho and Hermione joined him, they each slung small orbs of light to illuminate the depths of the black lake.

When they could finally see each other, they laughed at how ridiculous they looked underwater.

"Where to first?" Hermione asked.

"How about you choose," said Cotton.

"Let's start small, it's a big lake. We should luck for sunken ships." Hermione explained. Cotton readily agreed and Hermione had no idea that Cotton had influenced her mind to create a smokescreen for after he found the ship.

"We should have tossed in the lake weeks ago." Cho chimed in, "I never thought you would be the eager one."

Cotton chuckled as he held out his wand and said, "Point me!"

It was an easy win and the group had fun along the way. They had found a number of ships. A few thousand sickles and galleons. They even found some rusted weapons and a single Goblin-wrought silver rapier with a leaf guard.

"Cho." Cotton called out, "Take it."

"But.." she said.

"No buts." he said, "I have a sword of Mithril. Take this. It's free and I'm not losing by giving it to you. Just don't show it to any goblins. Those fuckers may kill you for it."

"T-thank you, Cotton." Cho was shocked and touched by the priceless gift. But how could she compare to Cotton's mind? While they were exploring, Cotton was hunting.

"Don't mention it. Like ever. Make something up, but that sword didn't come from me or this sunken ship." Cotton told her then continued to swim on.

When he finally made it to the field of Buckthorn and Lake weeds, Hermione called out, "1 hour!"

The Drought of the Water Hag was wearing off.

Cotton doubled his speed and the ladies tried to keep up.

"Grindylows!" Cotton shouted as the little tentacled demons appeared from the field of lake weed.

"What do we do?" Cho asked.

"Kill them." Hermione barked, surprising Cho.

"Diffindo!" her charm fired and blood cloud burst forth as a Grindylow was split in half.

"Confringo!" Cho pointed her wand and blew a Grindylow to chunks. Lights of curses, hexes, and jinxes, lit the waters and Cotton chuckled happily seeing that his dueling session actually helped them.

But time was running out.

"Impedimenta!" He shouted and dozens of Grindylow stopped moving. "Cho! Hermione! Let's Go!"

The girls swam close as Cotton pointed in the direction of the ridge at the end of the field. "Never use this unless you want to become a mass murder! Reducto Omni!"

A blue flash blinded the girls and everything in the path of the canon-like curse was reduced to ash.

Cotton then led his group to the ridge before the Immobilising hex wore off. He then dived deeper into the lake, swim down the ridge, avoid the mix of shit and piss the was pumped out of the Hogwarts pipe that Myrtle told him about.

Teen feet down, Cotton encroached upon a wrecked ship held firmly between the two walls that created the rift. It was a two-mast frigate that was covered in algae, evidence of its long stay beneath the black lake.

Hermione was the first to enter followed by Cotton and Cho. The group of three spread out and searched the ship from top to bottom. They were surprised to to see the ship filled with muggle treasure, and some magical treasure as well.

"What the hell is this place?" Cho asked as looked at an amethyst ring that radiated dark magic.

"Cotton I think we should go," Hermione added.

"We can't..." Said Cotton as he began to see why Dumbledore had kept the Ship a secret. He had seen the layout before. The sails, the flag. All of it.

"Why not?" the ladies asked.

"Because this the Queen Anne's Revenge." Cotton spoke as he floated to the double doors that lead to the Captain's quarters. He flourished his wand and the doors flung open.

Cotton pushed into the captain's quarters and found Edward 'Blackbeared' Teach in his entirety. The man was dead, but his corpse looked as live as day and emitting toxic dark magic in thick snakes of mist. His hands were outstretched and holding on to a sheath sword chained shut, pressed against the desk in front of him.

Cotton had seen the ship a few times in the history books. But history sid Edward Teach perished in the muggle world.

"That's impossible." Said Hermione, "Blackbeard was a--"

"Slytherin. Blackbeard was a Slytherin. His wand was snapped he was expelled." Cho interrupted, "If this is Queen Anne's Revenge, then Blackbeard died here and not in the muggle world. "

"Why would he come back?" Hermione asked.

"That's what we should find out... Mending charm, together." Said Cotton as he swam out to the deck.

All three of the young explorers waved their wands and said, "Reparo!"

The ship was in a worse state than Myrtle's Lavatory. It slowly mended all of its holes, broken masts, tattered sails, and so on. Due to the disruption angered Grindylows and Merpeople came in the dozens to tear the ship apart.

"If they attack now, we will never get this ship above water," Cho called out.

Cotton remembered Blackbeard's warning when he was inside of the captain's quarters. He tried to grab the sword and the corpse of Blackbeard spoke: " Who should ever hold this sword shall become Captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge. They shall become the Dark Lord of Tides, Murder and Mayhem will be their calling. Forged in the depths of the sea under the cyclops' hammer, not even the Goblins can shame this sword, Blue Crest! Unsheath her and rise from the depths as Lord of House Teach, conqurer of the seas."

Cotton saw the horde of Grindylow and Merpeople closing in on them and he threw all caution to the wind. He holstered his wand, kicked off the deck, back into the Captin's Quarters. He snatched the sword from the dead captain's hands and drew Blue Crest from its sheath, snapping the chain, releasing an eruption of magic.

Cotton suddenly knew what to do. Stabbing the sword into the deck of the ship, space folded in on its self. Cotton and the group felt like they were put through a grinder as the ship reappeared on the quidditch pitch.

Hermione and Cho threw their guts up as they experienced a journey through a portkey for the first time. Cotton However had traveled by apparition across continents before.

Cotton collapsed and panted. His stomach then bubbled and he threw up the rest of the Drought of the Water Hag. Another side effect of the potions. It was meant to be used for three hours and dissolve in the body. But Cotton and the girls still had twenty-five minutes to spare. So, the potion was regurgitated once they began to breathe air.

After a moment the sun began to rear its head and its beams hit Blue Crest. The group slowly sat up and looked at the sword in awe. Its blue electrifying luster and smiting power were obvious. But, what was more awe in spring was the way that Cotton's eyes were turning the deepest shade of ocean blue any of them had ever seen. Looking into his eyes too long threatened to pull them into the abyss, an ancient language then tattooed itself on Cotton's right forearm after a symbol appeared on the back of his right hand.

"Wow!" Cho gasped.

Cotton had no clue what

Cotton had no idea what the sword was doing to him, but he pushed himself to his feet, snatched the sword from the deck, and sheath it. The good part was the tattoos were the only things that were added to him. The girls told him about his eyes, but it wasn't really a big deal.

"Bloody hell. One grew on your back too," said Hermione.

Cotton was still only in his pair of swim shorts. So his Ta Moko that sealed King Caco was in full view. Pulling out the magical wallet strapped to his inner thigh, he called forth a pair of clothes and dressed.

"Mr. Hollow, Ms. Chang, and Ms. Granger you're hall passes have saved you from detention. Detention aside, you are in possession of a class 1 terrorist artifact. The Queen Anne's Revenge will be taken to the Ministry of Magic immediately." Dumbledore appeared out of nowhere along with Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrel.

Hermione and Cho looked disappointed until Cotton said, "I claim this ship by Right of Conquest and the fact that I accepted Blackbeard's will when I drew his sword and took command of his ship...It was the only way to save our lives and the ship from the swarm Grindylow and Merpeople. "

Dumbledore chuckled. "Right of Conquest does not cover Dark Artficats."

"It doesn't have to. As I said, I'm the Heir to the House of Teach," said Cotton, and all of the Professors seemed shocked. Dumbledore even frowned as his eyes drifted to blue crest and noticed the chain on the sword was snapped.

"The Teach Family was a House of Conquest. Even if I didn't accept his will, I can still claim Right of Conquest and claim the assets of the Teach Family. Edward Teach did under the black lake, no one killed him. Finding him makes me eligible under the laws that Govern a House of Conquest." Cotton declared and for the first time since the Death of Lord Selwyn, the Ministry of Magic and the Gringotts Wizarding bank received notice of another house been claimed by conquests. And this time, Dumbledore wasn't around to manage it. The Goblin's only made a move because Agnok read the House name of the notification.

The worst part was that the world wasn't terrorized by a Dark Lord so the news was a top notice. This sent the British Wizarding into an uproar. Piracy and raiding were illegal.

Dumbledore then felt a series of people trying to apparate into the school. Both Goblins and Ministry officials. Dumbledore sighed and gave Cotton on last glare. While Quirrell uncharacteristically smiled at Cotton.

"Professor McGonagall, see to it that these ladies return to their dorm. Mr. Hollow, we have visitors."

When the ship was vacated, Cotton turned his sheathed sword and the Queen Anne's Revenge shrank. Cotton picked it up and threw it into his magical wallet.

"Irhi." Cotton called out.

"Yes, Lord." the Yumboe appeared with a pop.

"Bring my parents, now. " He ordered.

"Yes, Lord."

Cotton followed Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

"Boy, you've sure made a mess this time," Snape muttered.

"It wasn't my intention, Professor. It isn't my fault that the Headmaster had such a treasure at the bottom of his lake and had no idea about it." Cotton replied, but he was also fishing to see what Snap knew.

"You are wrong. He knows everything in this school and that ship was meant for someone else. Someone who was supposed to be as bold as you, but has turned out to be a great disappointment. After this, I will be assigned as your mentor. Headmaster's orders. You will not get into any more trouble..."

"But Professor--"

"No buts, boy. A game is being played and right now. I can keep you out of it for your parent's sake. Now, let me do my job, or risk become a piece for the chess master."

Cotton frowned as something more was happening he had intentionally taken someone's things. But he still couldn't pull any knowledge from snape or Dumbledore. Hell, Dumbledore was scarily composed after losing such a devastating weapon.

"I understand professor. But what's happening here?" Cotton asked. No matter what he wanted to do. After discovering that Dumbledore knew his family's history. It was clear that Dumbledore invited him to Hogwarts for a reason. There was also that vague sense of danger lingering from the sorting ceremony that he couldn't quite understand.

"A conversation for another time, or maybe not ever. Just focus on your own survival. Because there's more to being a lord of a House of Conquest. Not only can you claim, but you can be claimed. Starting today your education has just become the difference between your continued survival and death." Snape stopped speak as he and Cotton got closer to Dumbledore and the uninvited Guest.

However, Cotton was slightly pleased. From what he gathered from Snape, Snape was unaware that he was already House of Conquest's heir. He was also pleased that Snape was worried about his well-being since the claim House Teach would pin a bull's eye on him and his family.

Agnuk, Sharptooth, and Griphook were present as representatives of Gringotts. Dirk Cresswell is the head of the Goblin Liason office in the Ministry. Beside him is the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Head of Magical Law enforcement, Amelia Bones. Head of the Auror Office, Rufus Scrimgeour.

"Dumbledore, we have come for Cotton Hollow," said Fudge.

"Not possible. My Client is not subject to the International Restriction of Piracy and Raiding. Nor has the House of Teach forfeited the status of House of Conquest. Both policies were signed in the Union Act of 1800 were issued by the Queen to the Wizengamot. By law, everything he claimed is his." Griphook snarled and Sharptooth glared.

"They are right, Minister. Like many ancient families that have gone extant without anyone claiming their assets, the Teach family is not subject to the law. This may be unbelievable, due to the emergence of houses that easily fall into line. However, Gringotts has informed me that, unlike other small houses, Teach is not a vassal family of any major families anywhere. Our ministry records match their's." Dirk added.

"And I am here to enforce, Rufus is to execute. No one will be abusing authority. This matter is extremely delicate. Albus, as you are acting in a Headmaster capacity, you will not be welcome in this meeting." Amelia spoke with a hint of venom that Cotton noticed. Though Snape pinched him as a warning not to react.

"How about us?" Royal asked as he, Vanessa, Moon Mother, and Quinn appeared.

"Quinn Cromwell...It's been a very long time," said Rufus Scrimgeour.

Quinn smiled, "Rufus. It's good to see you again, I didn't expect you to be here."

"The feeling is mutual. Who are these people." Scrimgeour asked.

"Lord Regent Hollow and his wife," Quin replied.

Everyone present bowed respectfully. Though Amelia Bones was a Countess, the female equivalent of Earl, she was working as a public official at that moment and had to follow proper custom. Cornelius Fudge was the same. Even more so since he was elected and held no noble titles.

"So what did we miss?" Vanessa asked.

"We were just about to go to my office and discuss the current...situation." Dumbledore volunteered.

However, as time passed, Cotton didn't trust old geezer as far as he could throw him. So, Cotton pulled out his ship and invited everyone to the Captain's quarters. Though it was only half repaired.

"Moon Mother, repair the ship. It's not fit to host this many officials." Cotton spoke and the Yumboe bowed before snapping her fingers. Magic swirled and in a few breaths, the ship was in pristine condition.

Dumbledores eyebrow twitched as he was forced to walk away without any Idea about what was going to happen.

While the Hollows spent time debating law with the ministry of magic who felt threatened by the revitalization of the House of Teach, Dumbledore was in his office with Snape.

"I was sure Harry would find the ship this year," Dumbledore mumbled.

"Why didn't you just pull the ship from the water, take the sword, and put it somewhere Potter could have found it?" Snape asked. "I mean, you discovered the ship years ago. After such waiting why leave it up to fate and subtle manipulations."

"That snake enchanted the ship with death magic. He hated the Headmaster of that time so much that only current students sorted into a house could touch the ship and claim his legacy. With the curse of the blade and ship comes power, but also mayhem and murder. He wanted to see Hogwarts suffer" Dumbledore explained.

"And you think that little welp Potter could have handled that sword?" Snape asked seriously.

"The amount of wards I placed on that boy can keep the dark lord's soul at bay. A cursed object harming him? pft... if that ever happens I'll kill myself." Dumbledore spoke with confidence.

"Well...now we know, Mr. Potter isn't so bright and Mr.Weasly's fears are more powerful than the imperious curse. To keep a repeat of today from happening again, we should take a more hands-on approach and finally let Professor Quirrell get the free time he's been so desperately seeking," said Snape.

"Ahh.. for once Severus, I think you are right. But you must keep the Hollow boy away from my plans. He's a sharp one and you think he's fit for Aliana, so I will leave him to you. But! You must maneuver him to make me a vassal of Hollow. The dark houses fall and never rise again. Oh, and move the first quidditch match to Slytherin against Gryffindor. Young Potter needs a boost in confidence, Hollow would destroy him on the pitch."

Snape laughed and Dumbledore tittered.

"You saw his tryouts?" asked Snape.

"I did... That boy can fly. After what he did to the sorting hat, he had my interests. Now that I know I know his character, I'm not as worried. He's vigilant but he's a child after all. By next month he'll be just another student. You must him control the darkness of Blue Crest." Dumbledore spoke but he had no idea how much he had misjudged Cotton Hollow.


-Queen Anne's Revenge-

"Okay!" Cotton shouted. "Enough of this bullshit! After Agnuk and the Goblins assess the value of Teach's land, we will sell to the highest bidder, but artifacts, books, andy items will come me. Nonnegotiable. I also swear on my magic that I will not reveal where I found the Queen Anne's Revenge. However, I will never relinquish the status of House of Conquest. The law is good and all, but dark lords are better, and well know the Ministry crumbles beneath them. This status protects us in peace and war. It's damn sure more secure than the ministry. If you have a problem, not even the queen can help. Anymore request?"

Cotton waited as he glared at the officials. Cornelius was a coward and he wanted the Hollow family to submit. But he'll settle for more land owned by the 'ministry'.

Ultimately, Minister Fudge wasn't happy leaving the Queen Anne in the hands of a boy and indirectly in the hands of Dumbledore. But his hands were bound. Rufus Scrimgeour took another look at Cotton the apparated with Fudge.

Soon, only Amelia Bones and Cotton were left.

"Tell me, boy, did Dumbledore tell you where to find this ship?" Amelia asked her first honest question of the day.

"No, ma'am. I honestly was just exploring...but..."

"But what?" She asked in a motherly tone.

"I think... I think I heard him say that it wasn't meant for me. Maybe I heard him wrong. I just went through a portkey for the first time and I didn't know up from down."

"Hmm. Worry not, dear. You probably just miss heard him." Amelia frowned and looked toward the school. If Cotton could, he would read her mind. Amelia Bones then left like the others.

Cotton sat in the captain's chair with a big smile. He then told himself that adventuring Hogwarts probably wasn't the best idea, if only he knew a new adventure was brewing right now, one that would pull him in against his will.