
Rise of the Hollow [Hiatus]

A soul from Earth wakes up as a hollow in the Bleach universe. Then a robotic voice tells him that he died but saved his soul. This story is about our protagonist becoming stronger without discriminating between true or false, good or evil. Warning:  1- My English level is not good and I'm still improving. Sometimes I get translation help, so if that bothers you, don't read this fanfic at all. 2- In this fanfic, the MC's alignment is generally chaotic evil, so keep that in mind before reading. 3- I'm still improving my writing style, if you're not looking for an amateur job, this fanfic is not for you. 4- Although Harem, smut and r-18 are not at the beginning of the story, they will be later. So don't come back later and badmouth the story here. If any of the above conditions are not suitable for you, I strongly recommend you not read this. Tags : #evilmc #dark #r-18 #harem  

Kont_Archimedes · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Strong Enemy

[> Main Pov <]

Yes, I finally reached the city. I should definitely learn to fly sometime, I'm sure it will be faster. It took me a long time to walk. I'm sure if I can fly it will be take 2 minutes at most.

I put my thoughts aside and looked around. The houses look like the ones in the anime. One-story or two-story, mostly. There are shops in some places, but some are closed. Maybe because it's late. Because the street lights are on. Honestly, I couldn't figure out what year it was. It's definitely not a very developed city, but I mean, I should know what year it is by looking around, right?

[Host is in 1980]

'Hm, what? If you knew, why didn't you tell me before!?' I'm angry that he didn't tell me.

[Host didn't ask, so I chose to keep quiet about it.]


'Yeah, fuck you, anyway' I tell him I don't care. This system can be annoying sometimes. Still, my curiosity got the better of me and I asked.

'Does Ichigo exist or was he born?'

[No host, according to the normal timeline he should be born 5-6 years from now]

Hm makes sense, Bleach canon starts in the 2000s. So that saves me the Ichigo trouble for a while. Why I say this, its simple. When Ichigo becomes a shinigami, he slaughters every hollow he sees.

Plus, he's growing so fast and bringing trouble everywhere he goes, that everyone who's there suffers. Not just the human world, but Soul Society, even Hueco Mundo.

And then there's his friend Uryū Ishida. He attracts the attention of the hollows and has a killing competition with Ichigo just for the sake of it. If I'd been born in that time, I might have been killed by a Quincy arrow. I mean, they don't work like shinigamis.

Fortunately, I don't have to deal with Ichigo and his crew now. As long as nothing strange happens, I won't attract Urahara Kisuke's attention. It's an opportunity being at this time of the anime for me But Soul Society will still notice me if I get too strong or simply kill people. But I have a solution in mind.

'Hey system, how do I leave the human world?' I asked.

[Normally, when hollows are not searching for souls, they can hide in the space between the human world and soul society, a somewhat instinctive behavior. But since the host is a different soul from the outside, it is not competent in using simple hollow skills. Therefore, the most reasonable option for you, to buy related skills from the shop or wait to acquire them according to your natural evolution.]

I reject the last one right away. The reason I'm leaving to human world is that it's dangerous for me to evolve into Gillian in here, because Soul Society will definitely notice that. Moreover, I'm not happy to follow the natural process of evolution. The system already has the items to do that. So instead of eating souls, I convert them into system currency.

As the system says, I immediately search the shop and immediately find what I am looking for.


[>Shop - Level 1<]

|Soul-Coin: 204-Sc|

[> Skills: {

-> [Kūmon] = 2500-Sc

• } <]


It was the cheapest I could find. The ability to create a dimensional distortion to reach Hueco Mundo. There are many more options and abilities, but this will do. By the time I'm gone, it'll be too late for them already.

The reason I went to Hueco Mundo is not only because I think about my evolution to Gillian. It's also because the human world is dangerous. Even if canon hasn't started, as far as I remember from the anime, there is a shinagimi assigned to each city.

As a result, in Hueco Mundo, especially like here, I don't have to keep hidden. I can get stronger faster there. Even, not to mention the fact that I'm still being noticed after all.

So I came to the city hoping to find more people to get the skills I wanted as soon as possible.

Walking down the empty street, I saw a man walking ahead, swaying slightly. His clothes looked very old. This is a chance.

I immediately start to follow him. Looking at him, I can tell he is drunk. As I follow him, he stumbles into the alley.

I continue to follow him. It seemed the best option to finish him off in the alley, so I move forward and crush his head in one move before he can make a sound.

'Huf, that was easy.' I thought, noting that the way things were going, I'd get this done quicker.

Then I immediately called the system.

'System, remove it.'

[Ding! 1 soul extracted, 105 >Soul-coin< earned!]

Yes, that was easy, I thought happily and turned around.

I turned around and saw two men dressed in black kimono, holding katanas. And I think again, Yes, that was definitely so easy.


"Wow, senpai, you really found it!" said the short, black-clad, holding a long sword man, looking admiringly at the slightly bearded man standing to his right, who was clearly older than him.

"Yes, newbie, it's called reiraku. The ability that allows you to visualize the aura of the soul. It's normal that you don't know it, it's a skill that a high class shinigami can only learn with a lot of effort. It only took me three years to learn it. That's how we detected the Hollows before the devices of the development department." The bearded man said all this with arrogance and a sense of superiority, boasting to the man on his left.

This made the man next to him look at him with even more admiration, until finally the bearded man turned his head to what was in front of him. The man looked at him and spoke aloud.

"Hm, you must be the hollow I sensed before. I sensed 2 more faint spiritual auras next to you, but they suddenly disappeared. And now another one. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" the man said aloud as he tightly gripped the sword and was frowning.

The short man next to him mimicked him, gripping the sword with both hands and asked.

"Senpai, is he the target our superiors were talking about?"

The man frowned with more skepticism and spoke. "No, our target is called a Chameleon. It is invisible and attacks its prey sneakily. He has killed many shinigami this way. He was last reported to be here, but this is not him, maybe it is just a coincidence. I don't feel a strong threat from him, you can handle this."

The short man immediately became more excited and shouted.

"Hai, senpai, leave this to me."

The man chuckled slightly at his excited reaction. He obviously liked the fact that he was always excited and not nervous when he met hollows like his peers.

But he still didn't take his attention off him. If he was in danger, he would have intervened immediately.


[> Main Pov <]

"Hai, senpai, leave this to me."

I look at the excited guy yelling in front of me. I'm cursing inside.

I didn't expect them to find me so soon, and damn, there were two of them. I was a soul that had just turned into a hollow. And now I had to fight two shinigami. Don't they give one shinigami to every city?

On top of that, these two bastards were talking in front of me without paying any attention to me and it made me extremely angry. I gathered all my attention and gave it to the shinigamis in front of me.

Yes, it was going to be difficult, but I still had a chance. Firstly, the left one had some experience and was obviously strong. But the right one was inexperienced and a shouting idiot. I focused on him as he started running towards me.

Yes, he wanted to end it with a blow to my head. That was obvious. How do I know? Simple, he grabbed the sword with both hands and leapt into the air towards my head. But I could see his movements. He was fast, but not fast enough.

I shielded my left hand in front of my face with all my speed. Then came the sound of the sword digging into flesh and my terrified scream

"Ahh... It h~urts..."

It was the first time I had spoken, and out came a high-pitched, loud and thick sound that would frighten a normal person. It sounded like a monster's voice should sound. I was actually surprised that, because I hadn't spoken before, but I didn't have time to think too much about it because of the pain.

The short man tried to pull his sword with all his strength, but I didn't let go. His sword was stuck between my fingers. It hurt a lot, but I had to endure it. While he was struggling to draw his sword, I immediately put my other hand out to catch him. He realized this, dropped the sword and jumped into the air. This was within my expectations.

As he was falling through the air, I tried something I had never tried before.

In Bleach, the hollows were portrayed as dark, evil. People, souls, who came into contact with them would be harmed. And there were common skills that every hollow could use. Even though I couldn't do them, it didn't mean I never could.

I focused my reiatsu down my throat with all my might. Yes, reiatsu manipulation was something I had never tried before. But I was made entirely of reishi, so it wasn't hard to do it on my first try.

Then I spat with all my strength towards the young shinigami. A blackish acid shot out of my mouth into his face. He was in the air, falling to the ground, and there was nowhere to run. By the time he realized the acid was coming towards his head, it was too late. Then he started screaming in pain.

"Ahhh...ahhh...it~burns, ...my facee... Ahhggg.."

As he was screaming, I immediately took the opportunity and grabbed him with my right hand. That's when the other guy finally decided to intervene and shouted.

"Let him go hollow!"

I didn't listen to him and immediately squeezed the leg of the short bastard in my hand. There was a *crack* and he started yelling louder.

"Ahh...ahhh.. Sen...pai...Help~me!"

Yeah, I could use this bastard as a hostage now. He couldn't hurt me with this in my hand. I immediately turned my head to the man on the other side of the street.

And... he was no longer there. Then I looked back when I felt a pain in my arm where I was holding the young shinigami.

I... my... arm... was gone. It was hurting, it was hurting like crazy. It didn't matter if you were a Hollow or something else. This thing called pain was there for all of them. It drove you crazy and made you so uncomfortable that you cried like a loud baby.

"You! You're a real asshole. You sneak attacked him and then you broke his leg. You're going to pay for that, hollow." the man growled at me from where I was looking before but couldn't see.

S*n of a b*tch, calling me an asshole. when it was 2 to 1 here. But if I let that go, I really underestimated him. He was beyond my expectations. I considered myself superior to them because my reiryokum was equal to the officer class shinagimi, but I missed one thing, and that was their training and experience. In this battle, It was absolutely useless in the 'status' the system showed me.

The Gotei 13 consisted of seats and obviously there was a certain difference in strength between each seat. I don't know which seat or which unit this man was from, but he shouldn't have been low. He was a high class shinigami and his spiritual energy was slightly superior to mine, but his training and combat experience made him much stronger than me.

F*ck, I didn't even see him attack. If it wasn't for his desire to protect his friend, he would have quickly cut through my mask and finished me off. No, I need to focus on what I can still do now!

Moaning in pain, I forced myself to look at the man in front of me. The Shinigami put his friend down, his face was burned and one of his legs was broken... And after, he pointed the sword at me. I sudden realized I could die after that. Fuck, I can't die here, not yet!

I immediately turned to my left and wanted to try something crazy, it was all or nothing! As he ran towards me, I slammed my hand into the concrete wall to my left. This alley was surrounded by walls on both sides. Luckily, I got a big one of the broken pieces in my hand. Ignoring the pain of my injured left hand and my severed right arm. I held it tightly. It all happened in an instant and I'm sure the shinigami was surprised. But he wouldn't care, knowing that he was about to cut me.

I threw the stone with my left hand, ignoring the pain. An that time he was coming towards me so fast that I couldn't see him.. He dodged it easily. This was clearly a mistake! He looked at me with a stern expression and spoke.

"Is that all you can do? Then let me finish you!"

Then I grinned and an amused sound came out of my mouth.

"You shouldn't have dodged that rock, motherf*cker."

His eyes grew wide at the sound of my high-pitched, frightening voice, characteristic of the Hollows. He immediately looked back and shouted towards the stone that was advancing towards his friend's body lying on the ground.


Just as I seized the opportunity and rushed towards him, he did something again that exceeded my expectations. He put his right hand on his left arm and shouted loudly towards the stone I threw.

"Hado #4 Byakurai!" he shouted as a blue lightning bolt shot out of his hand and, upon contact, the stone shattered into pieces.

That's when I got to him. He'd just finished the spell. His back was to me, but he had good instincts. He sensed me and jumped to the left. But I had no intention of stopping. I think he realized my intentions and immediately started to attack me again when he screamed loudly.

"Noooo! Don't do that!"

It was too late for that, in one leap I had reached the young shinigami lying on the ground. This time, having learned my lesson, I didn't bother to keep him alive or use him as a hostage. I immediately put all my strength into my left fist, aiming to finish him. At the same time, in my head I was constantly shouting at the system.

'System, remove it now, remove it!!!'

[Ding! 1 soul extracted, 2013 >Soul-coin< earned!]

"You bastard! I'll fucking kill you!" I quickly called out to the system as the Shinigami started running towards me screaming like crazy.

'System, buy [Physical Power Boost 2x] from the shop right now!'

[Ding! [Physical Power Boost 2x] has been purchased! Applying to Host...]

"Ahh...hu~f...Huff...Huff...Wait!...Ahhhgg" I moaned in pain as my injuries slowly closed and my severed right arm grew back.

But despite the pain, this sudden feeling of power was very satisfying. I felt as if I could destroy everything with one blow. I felt extremely strong. I could finally see the movements of the shinigami who was running at me with obvious anger at that moment. And immediately dodging his sword, I jumped to my right and looked at the bearded man and spoke.

"Is that all you can do? Then let me finish you!"


A/n : Hey guys! How was it? Did you like it?

There hasn't been any update for a long time, sorry about that. Exams took up all my time. More chapters will be coming weekly in the future.

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