
Should the flow of the Dao go against my own

Hao Rong Er has seen many handsome men in her life, even her father was reputed to be one of the most handsome men in the capital when he was young.

So, she was basically immune to handsome men, but when she the man hugging the wolf with an arrow pierced on its stomach. With a bit an of blood on his robe, a sickly pale face, with drops of waters running down his chin, beautiful long black hair. She didn't why but she felt that he was simply too handsome, his eyes were so sad, he was looking at the sky with his closed eyes, his whole face was filled with grief, she wanted to go and give a big hug.

She simply felt attracted to this man, she wanted him, wanted him for the rest of her life, she wanted to have him by her side for the rest of her life. She didn't why she had these thoughts.

As she was approaching slowly the man, she saw him open his eyes, his eyes were more beautiful than anything she ever saw, they were simply breath-taking, they were black blacker than the bottomless abyss.

"Huh Hello" her voice was soft, she didn't even know her voice could get this soft.

She heard him murmuring something.

"Life and Death, Flow of Dao, he was destined to die, but I defied heaven many times, but I never defied the Dao itself. Should I defy it?"

She didn't know why but his voice made her heart skip a beat, being this handsome should be a sin.

"Flow, flow, should the flow of the Dao go against my own"

As he said these words, she felt suffocated, it was as if someone tied her with a roped and he was tightening that rope, but she didn't feel unhappy, even though that made her feel fear but she felt more pleasure. She knows that he was threatening something but she wanted him to threaten her. 'Stop what is happening to you Rong Er!'

She immediately regained control of herself and straightened up a bit more, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her future husband! Yes, she already decided that from now on, this man was hers! After all, in this country she is the only daughter of the number one general of this country, she didn't believe that there was a man daring to refuse her! Even a prince would have to obediently become her husband if she wanted, and even the emperor would have to become her husband if she wanted to but she didn't want that smelly old man.

As she was staring at the man. He slowly lowered his head and his eyes fell on her. She simply felt her soul tremble inside of her.

As she was dreaming about the eyes that would only fall on her, his eyes slowly drifted toward her side, unknowingly her guard beside her already unsheathed his sword.

Has Luo looked at the sword in front of him, he once again heard the sound of the comprehension of multiple Dao developing. Luo felt a bit of fate in the young girl beside the man, Luo knew that in each of his hundred lifetimes he would experience a lot of things because hundred mortal lifetimes were simply too short, to comprehend ten percent of the Dao in only hundred was simply impossible without help, so these fate link must be a way to comprehend more things.

After all, if we were counting in mortal lifetimes, the number of mortal lifetimes Luo lived is simply too numerous to count. After all, Luo is an old monster living for so much time that he reached the Half-Universe Dao realm, few have lived more than him in the Universe.

Even in the whole Dao, few have lived more than him. And maybe in terms of knowledge, only the Dao itself can boast of having more knowledge than him.

As the guard was in defensive stance in front of the young lady, he didn't know what to do, maybe they would interrogate him? Even though he never studied their language, he can simply understand them with the whispers of fate but with his wide range of knowledge, he was pretty sure that they are gonna talk a language that he knew.

The numbers of realm with living being inside were a lot, so much that it was impossible to count, but the Dao made it so that there is a limited number of languages, don't misunderstand, the Dao never restrained languages but the law made it so that the number of languages that can be made are just too few compared to the number of realms.

The guard finally asked a question:

"Who are you?" as he asked this question I faintly remembered that I never explored the original knowledge contained in this soul.

Maybe I should really follow fate? Maybe I would have a better understanding, as I convinced myself, I used a self-hypnosis art to explore the original owner's soul.

I couldn't use more advanced art because I didn't have either energy to use, or Dao aura to use. So, the only arts available are those usable by mortal, not the most powerful.

I was a bit dumbstruck by the information that was given because I used the 'Fake Heart, Real Heart' art since I didn't have much time, I didn't do any exploring in the soul of the original owner but to think that I would have a pretty good status.

Apparently, the original owner is the heir of an ancient clan, rivaling the imperial clan, both time I was reborn in this fifth life I was born in some sort of clan but both time my luck was bad. Since I was a single heir, I didn't any competitor so I immediately decided to use this identity, after all, it can save both time and efforts and the most important reason is that I can follow fate to understand more Dao.

"I am Leo", I eventually said only my first name, I didn't know why but instinct told me that if I the full name of the original owner, I would likely get killed.

3/3 guaranteed chaps of the week

0/??? extra chap of the week,, the reader have the power over the heart of the author, well at least me, if you want extra chap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ZeXSeroscreators' thoughts