
Chapter 2:The Whispering Walls

Sophia couldn't shake off the lingering presence of Long Ago Night. His enigmatic smile and piercing gaze haunted her dreams, and she found herself wandering the castle's corridors, searching for any hint of his return. Days passed, and the kingdom of Azura bustled with activity, but Sophia's heart remained fixed on the mysterious stranger.

One evening, as she strolled through the grand hall, Sophia noticed a subtle change. The walls, once adorned with vibrant tapestries, now seemed to whisper secrets in the flickering candlelight. She approached the nearest wall, and as she pressed her ear against the cold stone, she heard a faint hum, like the quiet buzzing of a harp string.

The whispers grew louder, and Sophia made out words, echoes of ancient incantations and forgotten lore. She followed the whispers, which led her to a hidden chamber deep within the castle's labyrinthine passages. Inside, she discovered a room filled with dusty tomes, scrolls, and mysterious artifacts.

As she delved deeper into the room, Sophia found a leather-bound book adorned with strange symbols. The cover felt warm to the touch, and the pages rustled with an otherworldly energy. The whispers in the walls grew clearer, urging her to open the book.

With trembling hands, Sophia lifted the cover, revealing pages filled with the writings of the Ten Nights. The text spoke of their duties, their powers, and their connection to the fabric of time. As she read, the whispers in the walls grew silent, replaced by an expectant hush.

Suddenly, the candles flickered, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine. Long Ago Night stood before her, his eyes burning with an intense light.

"You have taken the first step, Sophia," he said, his voice low and mysterious. "The walls have spoken, and the book has revealed its secrets. Now, we must embark on a journey to find the remaining Ten Nights."

With that, Long Ago Night vanished, leaving Sophia to ponder the secrets she had uncovered. She knew that her adventure was far from over, and that the whispers in the walls would continue to guide her on her quest to reunite the Ten Nights and restore balance to the fabric of time.