
Rise of Lycan King

I always heard be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Dragonreed · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


/House-elves talking/

'Mind thinking'


^ Parcel tone^

[Wolf talking in the mind]

"Harry talking"

Harry had decided to send one of his Scout ships. To go pick up his Godfather. While he had another team follow the news to see how the world reacted to their presence. "How is work going on the city? I would like to be on solid earth again. Instead of waiting in this spaceship. For permission to land on Earth. I want my own City where I can make my own rules." The six other Lycans all listened and agreed with Harry. Having a place to call their own would make things much better. Plus it'll give them more time to defend Harry's home planet from evasion.

"My Lord we have a report that you want it. The city should be ready within 2 days. We already have a crew working overtime to get your Capital City ready. Environment of the planet has already been terraformed. The air is now breathable and we have found sources of water." Hairy smiled at the news and watch the worker leave to finish supervising the development of the city. They were making progress. He would soon see his Godfather and his honorary uncle. The Scout ship had already made contact with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. They were watching the negotiations going on between the non-magical world and the Magical World. Looks like things will be going their way. Harry knew he was no longer the pawn that Dumbledore wanted. He would do things his way, and kill Voldemort once and for all.

Meanwhile at the World Conference things were heating up. There was a lot of explaining done by the magicals. To show why Harry needed to come back to earth. While also giving examples of why the magic world have been hidden so long. Now with the face of other races and Technology more advanced. The non-magicals were more inclined to accept their magical counterparts.

Edward (Ted) Tonks watch the proceedings go with a smile on his face. He had already been contacted by Harry's house elf. Harry had one of him to be his spokesman and lawyer for for this proceeding. Since he could not come to Earth on his own. He would have Ted do the heavy lifting. Ted was waiting on them to get to the point. He has some information to share with the world, but he could not do that until everyone was on the same page. Harry had given him Specific Instructions on what to do. A few minutes later after getting everyone on the same page. It was time for him to speak about what Harry wanted to do. Standing up to be recognized by everyone.

" Ladies and gentlemen of all Races. My name is Edward Tonks. I stand and behalf of Lord Harry James Potter Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin Pendragon. Lord Pendragon has ask for a full medical evaluation. Both non-magical and magical to show that he carries no unwanted diseases. He only wants to come and participate in this tournament. So he can move on with his life. Lord Pendragon will also be evaluating all of his property both magical and nonmagical. He will also be providing services so that everyone can see the tournament and all its Glory. That way no one can say that is all a hoax just to get him back on the planet. This is all I have to say."

The whole room was quiet. As everyone took in what was said. After a few more minutes of debating. Everyone agreed to let him come back to the planet. As long as he brought no weapons with him besides his wand. They made the official announcement later on that afternoon. There was a whole lot of movement both magical and non-magical. As they agreed the location for his the landing of the ship would be at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Several Ministries for Magic had to come together to make sure there would be no issues. Teaming up with their nonmagical counterparts that came up with a safe landing site.

Harry spaceship

At the same time that all that was going on. The scholarship carrying Sirius Black and Remus Lupin had dock with the main ship. Both men were excited to see Harry. It had been a long time for both of them. There was a lot they had to catch up on. Being escorted through the ship by one of Harry subordinates. They were lead to the main briefing room. When they enter the room they seen Harry and his inner circle." Welcome to my ship it's good to finally meet you. I know there's a lot of things that you want to tell me. Let us take our time and get to know each other. There are a lot of things that you need to know. So in order to move things along faster. As we are short on time. We're going to use these virtual reality headsets. That'll give us the time we need."

2 days virtual reality time 3 hours later real time. All the talking and discussion have been finished. With Harry's Godfather and honorary uncle on board. Harry could do a lot more things in the Magical World. While he was tied up with his tournament. He also had the feeling that he could change his honorary uncles status. After Remus Lupin surrendered to him. He felt the urge to bite him and change him to a Lycan. He let him have a few days to decide. " Sir we have received transmission. They have decided the landing point before our ship. They have quarantine the area and are waiting for you to descend to Earth. They ask that you will take bring no weapons with you." Harry smiled at his subordinate. Things are moving along just fine. He already knew who was going with him and who was staying back. His uncle Remus decided to stay back and learn more about being a Lycan.

Jaa Feles, Rharo Syko, and Sirius Black were coming with him. That's where the other Lycans they had other jobs to do. They all know sooner or later the more people will be coming. Having his City ready was top priority. Harry also did not feel like scaring anyone by bringing too many people. He wondered how his friends would see him. Would they accept him for what he is or what they reject him. Harry knew that he needed a few wives to continue his legacy. So, Not only was his mind on finishing the tournament. It was also on finding potential wives. Harry also knew that's a werewolf community would be reaching out to him. Harry decided to take a Millennium Falcon version of the Scout ship down to earth. He thought there would be a few people to get a kick out of that. He was hoping to meet George Lucas while he was down on Earth. That man had to have some see her blood in him.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Landing Zone.

Hermione Granger was standing outside with the rest of her classmates. The whole school had turned out to welcome back one of their own. Although she knew that he is now representing a whole different School. She was looking forward to finally seeing him again. In the time apart she realized that she was deeply in love with Harry. She also knew that there were a few others that were in love with Harry also. Hermione decided that she will confront this head on. Leaving no room for discussion and being honest with Harry about her feelings. She had grown from their time apart and heaven seen how the world treated her after Harry disappeared was a eye opener.

Luna Lovegood was standing next to Hermione. She had been saved by Hermione from bullying. They became close friends and it was through her encouragement that Hermione finally admitted being in love with Harry Potter. Luna also had explained to her the concept of what it meant to have a life debt to Harry. They both have moved away from being friends with the Weasleys. As the two youngest Weasleys have shown that they were not who they appear to be. Luna also knew that she had a contract with Harry. She did not know if he knew but she would also along with Hermione. Let him know so there will be no confusion in the long run.

Susan Bones the last of the three known as the three goddess. She also had a contract with Harry. Intern she got to know both Hermione and Luna better. Her formal friend Hannah was completely against this idea. She had wanted her to marry Neville Longbottom with her. That all changed when Harry's bloodline came out. Susan can no longer follow her friend's wishes. Which in turn made them separated and no longer friends.

Ron Weasley was upset Harry Potter had got all the fame once again. His sister was acting like Harry was already married to her. She was planning to use the life debt. To make Harry marry only her. Ron knew better even though he acted lazy. He did pay attention to what's going on around him. After a few fights with Hermione ending their friendship. Seen her get close to Luna and Susan Bones. He could not help but hate Harry more. All because he wanted Hermione for himself. He also did not like the fact that Harry would not be representing Hogwarts. He felt like Harry was too good for them.

I was Dumbledore was standing they're waiting for Harry's spaceship to land. Standing next to him where the two Headmasters from the other two schools. Looking up in the sky they noticed something coming towards them. Dumbledore knew that it was Harry. He was looking forward to seeing him again. Dumbledore hope he would still be able to keep Harry under control. For the greater good Harry must die. So that Voldemort could be defeated. What Dumbledore did not know was things were not going to go as he planned. As the ship got closer to the land. A few fighter planes came in to escort the ship down to The Landing Zone. A large group of reporters both magical and not magical were waiting. The Queen of England and her Parliament were also in attendance. This will be the first time the Queen of England will be present for a magical event. A few of the purebloods were upset with these changes. As long standing traditions were being overturned left and right. Most of them blamed Harry Potter for this change. They did not have full knowledge of what happened. Nor were they trying to find out. They were just looking for an excuse to complain. The International Conference of wizards also had representations present. A few of the non-magical reporters gassed in shock. As a version of the Millennium Falcon Landing. It was like seeing something straight out of the Star Wars movie. As the landing gear opened up. Four people walk down from the ship.

Seeing this Albus Dumbledore step forward. " Harry my boy it's good to see you again. If you and your guest would follow me over to the medical station. Will get you all checked out and will be on our way to the feast." Jaa Feles step forward with a frown on his face. He did not like the way Albus Dumbledore was talking with his Lord. " I don't know what your name is, but you're not showing the proper respect my Lord deserves. He is a king whether you want the knowledge it or not. You will address him as such. My name is Jaa Feles head on diplomatic relations. We will follow how are you to the medical facilities. This will be your only chance. From this point on address him as his majesty or Lord Pendragon."

Dumbledore little put out, but quickly hides his disappointment. After showing them to the facilities. He leaves a house elf to guide them into the Great Hall.