
chapter 23

After the events that unfolded during Aegon's name day, William found himself alone in King's Landing. The king, offered for William to stay in King's Landing. And after consideration. He decided to stay In King's Landing, while his father returned to Stormland.

Rhaenyra, accompanied by Cedric, her new Kings guard whom she had chosen to replace Criston, was walking through the corridors of the Red Keep. Rhaenyra had deemed Criston incapable of protecting her, hence the replacement.

The princess's thoughts wandered to William, who had been both a blessing and a pain in her side, causing many headaches. She couldn't deny that he was intelligent and helpful, but at times he could be plain rude.

One day, Rhaenyra had expressed her displeasure with the small council meetings, finding them long and tedious. William glanced at her and spoke with a stern tone, reprimanding her, "If ruling is too boring for your taste and the fate of your people not worth your time, then you'd better renounce the Iron Throne right now." His words struck a chord with Rhaenyra, and although she never complained about the small council meetings again, she even went as far as to stop talking to William for a couple of days.

On another occasion, Rhaenyra had entered his private chamber, adorned in her new dress. William frowned and shook his head as soon as Ser Cedric closed the door, leaving the two of them alone. "This dress is awful; you should not wear it again," he remarked. Rhaenyra was taken aback, feeling as if he had slapped her. "What are you talking about?! This dress is beautiful; it's from Pentos!" she retorted.

"You look fat in it," William bluntly stated, causing a heavy silence to descend upon them. Rhaenyra, filled with fury and shame, wanted to unleash her dragon fire upon him. Stampeding with anger, she stomped her foot and scolded him, "You're such an oaf! You give compliments to all the other ladies in the Keep!"

William burst into laughter. "Did you really think I would be attracted to those hags? I lie to all the other ladies in the Keep," he confessed. "Lady Darkly has a nose like a potato, and I called her 'a lovely sight.' You're the only one who gets to hear the truth from me because the handmaidens, kitchen maids, ladies, and ladies-in-waiting gossip about you every single day. I'm not doing this to slight you, quite the opposite."

Rhaenyra bit her tongue upon hearing his words. She was once again angry but could comprehend his point. However, she couldn't help but notice something that bothered her, prompting her to cross her arms and wear a pouty expression. "You never complimented me," she stated accusingly, her annoyance evident.

William sighed and looked at her with dismay. "Why do you care?" he questioned. Rhaenyra's mischievous smile appeared as she responded, "Well, I'd like to hear an honest compliment for once, that is, of course, if your sour tongue is capable of pronouncing sweet words without poisoning you."

Rolling his eyes, William found himself growing accustomed to her attempts to provoke him. "Princess, you're by far one of the most beautiful women I've ever met... and this dress doesn't do your beauty justice because you look fat in it," he admitted.

Rhaenyra frowned once again but didn't surrender. She was determined to have the last laugh, which she achieved by asking, "Well then, do tell me; what is my best dress?"

"The Red and Black one," William truthfully answered. "It emphasizes your feminine features, offers a glimpse of your legs, and accentuates your chest."

Another mischievous smile played on Rhaenyra's lips as she remarked, "So, you do gaze at your princess's body with those cold green eyes of yours," leaning closer to him.

William simply shrugged. "I'm a man, you're a beautiful woman, and my eyes might be cold, but they're not blind."

Rhaenyra felt more satisfied with his response than she had expected. "Well... I came here to discuss the last council meeting, but since you've already pointed out the flaws in my wardrobe, then let us head to the market."

Unpleasant memories resurfaced from his previous visit to the market with her.

Rhaenyra had just relived Criston Cole from his duty. And she had no one to protect her. So, she had the idea to bring the guy who saved her with her to the market.

But, oh boy. Was it a bad idea to accept that offer.