
Rise of Darkness 1

synopsis: Aiden, a poor orphan, found a powerful ring beside a river. Without knowing its true nature, he took it home and put it on, unwittingly triggering a demonic force. Logan, the leader of the demons, sensed the ring's power and immediately led his monstrous army to invade the human kingdoms. They ravaged and destroyed everything in their path, searching for the ring to resurrect their almighty demonic master. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Eldoria had sensed the arrival of this great darkness. The elders devised a treacherous test to determine the seven most worthy candidates to bear the powerful rings of the realm. They gathered individuals from across the kingdom to compete in this challenging trial.Among the candidates was Lily, the princess of Eldoria and the granddaughter of the king. Despite the objections of the king and her loved ones, Lily was determined to prove her worth. She passed the test alongside six other capable individuals, who were then tasked with wielding the seven rings to defend the kingdom against the looming demonic threat. Aiden lost his best friend to the demon invasion and managed to escape, he met a druid name Atlas who taught him magic and Aiden discovered that his father was the heroic light bearer a hero who once defeated a the forces of darkness and save the kingdom of Eldoria from the demons.

Daniel_Oruma · Histoire
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Chapter 5 The Almighty Ring

The tension in the air was palpable as the rival candidates closed in, their weapons drawn and their eyes glinting with determination. Lily and Alan stood their ground, the baby dragon by their side, ready to defend the precious orbs at all costs.

Bryce, the cunning and ruthless contestant, led the charge, his sword gleaming in the eerie light of the Forbidden Zone. "You fools," he spat, "did you really think you could escape us? Those orbs belong to us, and we'll stop at nothing to take them."

Lily felt her heart racing, but she refused to back down. "We won't let you have them," she declared, her voice steady and resolute. "These orbs are ours, and we won't let you take them."

The baby dragon let out a fierce roar, its wings beating the air furiously as it prepared to join the fray. Lily and Alan readied their weapons, their magical energy crackling around them, ready to defend their newfound treasure.

The rivals surged forward, their blades clashing in a symphony of steel and sparks. Lily parried and struck, her sword a blur as she fended off multiple attackers at once. Alan, with the azure orb in hand, unleashed a barrage of magical bolts, his aim true and his focus unwavering.

The baby dragon danced through the air, its claws and teeth leaving deep gashes in the flesh of the rival candidates. Its fiery breath scorched their armor, forcing them to abandon their assault and focus on their own survival.

The battle raged on, with neither side willing to yield. Lily and Alan fought with a desperate ferocity, knowing that the fate of the world hung in the balance. The orbs pulsed with power, fueling their attacks and bolstering their defenses.

Bryce lunged towards Alan, their blades clashing and sparks flying. "Hand over that orb," he said, his eyes locked on the azure orb with an insatiable greed.

Alan pushed him back and slashed his sword at him, not giving Bryce any time to attack again. "Never!" he shouted, his resolve unwavering.

Bryce shot an ice spike towards him pushing Alan back. Alan tried to dodge but a spike pierced him in his hand and he lets go of the orb.

Bryce rushed towards the orbs and scooped up the orbs and cradling it against his chest "Hahaha!, the orbs is mine". Alan froze in his place as his eyes widened in horror.

He charge himself with the magical orbs drawing magical essence from it

The loss of the azure orb felt like a punch to Alan's gut, but he refused to give up. He knew that Bryce's possession of the orbs would spell disaster for the world. With renewed determination, he turned his attention to the baby dragon, signaling it to attack Bryce.

The baby dragon let out a deafening roar and swooped down, its razor-sharp claws aiming for Bryce's exposed back. Bryce, caught off guard, barely managed to dodge the dragon's assault, the orbs slipping from his grasp.

Lily seized the opportunity and darted forward, scooping up the azure orb before it could fall into Bryce's hands again. "Alan, catch!" she yelled, tossing the orb towards him.

Alan caught the orb, feeling its power surge through him. He felt a newfound surge of energy coursing through his veins, and he knew what he had to do.

Channeling the orb's magic, Alan unleashed a barrage of devastating magical attacks, his spells weaving intricate patterns in the air. Bryce was hard-pressed to defend against the onslaught, his own magic struggling to keep up.

Lily joined the fray, her sword clashing against Bryce's with renewed vigor. The baby dragon continued its relentless assault, its claws and teeth tearing through Bryce's armor.

The battle raged on, with neither side willing to back down. Bryce's desperation grew as he realized that he was outmatched, the orbs' power slipping through his grasp.

In a last-ditch effort, Bryce conjured a massive ice spike, aiming it directly at Lily. But before the spike could reach her, the baby dragon intercepted it, taking the hit and plummeting to the ground.

Lily's eyes widened in horror as she watched the baby dragon fall. "No!" she cried, rushing to its side.

Bryce seized the opportunity, turning his attention to Alan and the azure orb. But just as he was about to strike, a blinding light erupted from the orb, engulfing them both.

When the light faded, Bryce was seen lying half dead on the ground. The azure orb floated in front of Alan, pulsing with a powerful, otherworldly energy.

Lily, cradling the injured baby dragon, looked up at Alan, her eyes shining with a mix of relief and uncertainty. "What just happened?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Get them we can't let them have the orbs" Rex, Bryce friend said. The remaining candidates attacked. Alan conjured multiple massive fire balls killing some candidates and heavily injuring the others.

Alan and Lily sprint deep into the forrest disappearing from their sight.

In a cottage, a boy could be seen lying on a bed. On his finger was a golden ring. This boy was none other than Aiden, the poor orphan.

Beside the bed, a man was sharpening his sword. "You are finally awake," the man in his mid-thirties said.

"Who are you?" Aiden asked, "and why am I here?"

"I found you in a small, desolate village, and surprisingly, you are the only survivor," he said with a strange smile on his face. "Is it because of that ring?" he asked.

Aiden felt a sense of danger. His instinct was telling him that this strange man had saved him just to have the ring.

He looked around and let out a sigh of relief when he saw a dagger lying carelessly on the floor.

"Don't worry, I mean no harm," the man said, as if he had read Aiden's mind. "My name is Atlas."

Aiden eyed the man, Atlas, with a mixture of caution and curiosity. Something about the way he spoke and the strange smile on his face made Aiden uneasy. "If you mean me no harm, then why are you so interested in this ring?" Aiden asked, his fingers tightening around the golden band.

Atlas's expression softened as he raised his hands in a placating gesture. "The ring is a matter of great importance. It is no ordinary trinket, but a relic of immense power."

Aiden was confused. "How is that possible?"

Atlas's expression grew grave as he met Aiden's gaze. "There is more you must know, young Aiden. This Almighty Ring you possess is no ordinary relic – it is a demonic artifact, forged long ago by the Demon Lord, Author himself."

Aiden's eyes widened in shock as Atlas revealed the true nature of the golden ring on his finger. "The Demon Lord, Author?" Aiden stammered, his voice trembling. "Then that means this ring is cursed, tainted by dark forces beyond my comprehension."

Atlas nodded solemnly. "Indeed, my young friend. This Almighty Ring was forged by Author's own hand, imbued with the power of the demonic realm. Its corruption runs deep, and those who seek to possess it are driven by the most malevolent of intentions."

Aiden stared at the ring, his hand shaking. That explains the strange visions he had been experiencing.

As Aiden stared at the golden ring on his finger, fragments of strange visions and premonitions began to flash through his mind.

"The ring... it's been showing me things," Aiden said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Nightmarish images of a dark, twisted realm. I thought I was going mad, but now I understand - it's the demonic power of the Almighty Ring, isn't it?"

Atlas nodded solemnly. "Indeed, my young friend. The ring is a conduit to the demonic realm, granting you glimpses of the corruption and malevolence that it harbors. This is but a small taste of the power it wields."

Aiden's brow furrowed as he struggled to make sense of it all. "But why me? Why has this cursed relic chosen me, of all people, to bear its burden?"

"That, Aiden, is the question we must uncover," Atlas said, his gaze unwavering. "The Almighty Ring does not choose its wielder lightly. There is a purpose, a destiny, that has been thrust upon you - one that may very well determine the fate of our entire realm."

Aiden felt a mixture of fear and resolve as the weight of Atlas's words sank in. "Then I must learn to control this power, to harness it for good. I cannot allow the darkness to consume me, not when so much is at stake."

"Control? We must destroy it, if the Demon Lord finds it, we will all be in trouble," Atlas said with a grave expression.