
Rise of Darkness 1

synopsis: Aiden, a poor orphan, found a powerful ring beside a river. Without knowing its true nature, he took it home and put it on, unwittingly triggering a demonic force. Logan, the leader of the demons, sensed the ring's power and immediately led his monstrous army to invade the human kingdoms. They ravaged and destroyed everything in their path, searching for the ring to resurrect their almighty demonic master. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Eldoria had sensed the arrival of this great darkness. The elders devised a treacherous test to determine the seven most worthy candidates to bear the powerful rings of the realm. They gathered individuals from across the kingdom to compete in this challenging trial.Among the candidates was Lily, the princess of Eldoria and the granddaughter of the king. Despite the objections of the king and her loved ones, Lily was determined to prove her worth. She passed the test alongside six other capable individuals, who were then tasked with wielding the seven rings to defend the kingdom against the looming demonic threat. Aiden lost his best friend to the demon invasion and managed to escape, he met a druid name Atlas who taught him magic and Aiden discovered that his father was the heroic light bearer a hero who once defeated a the forces of darkness and save the kingdom of Eldoria from the demons.

Daniel_Oruma · Histoire
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Chapter 4 Battle for the orbs

The serpent's massive jaws surged towards Lily, its cavernous maw threatening to swallow her whole. In that moment, Lily knew she had to act quickly. Gripping her sword tightly, she channeled her magical energy, causing the blade to erupt in a brilliant, shimmering light.

She slashed her sword again, a brilliant arc light erupt from the blade aim at the serpent head but unfortunately it dodged it with ease.

As the serpent's massive head dodged Lily's brilliant magical attack, she knew she needed to change her strategy. The creature's speed and agility were formidable, and a direct assault was not enough to overcome its defenses.

Glancing around quickly, Lily spotted Alan still perched in the nearby tree, the baby dragon clinging to his shoulder. Alan leap down from the tree and land on the serpent head, without hesitating he drives his sword deep in it head.

The serpent left a painful chilling roar in pain, the baby dragon took flight, its wings beating the air furiously. Circling around, it opened its jaws and unleashed a powerful gust of fire, the frigid blast slamming into the serpent's flank.

The serpent's pained roar echoed through the Forbidden Zone as Alan's sword sank deep into its head. The massive creature thrashed and twisted, its movements slowed by the scorching flames the baby dragon had unleashed.

Seizing the opportunity, Lily rushed forward, her sword still blazing with magical energy. She struck with precision, her blade carving a series of deep gashes into the serpent's vulnerable scales.

The serpent's agonized cries filled the air as Lily's relentless assault continued. Alan, still clinging to the creature's head, drove his sword in deeper, twisting the blade to inflict maximum damage.

The baby dragon, its wings a blur, continued its aerial assault, spewing bursts of flame that seared the serpent's flanks. The combined onslaught was relentless, and the massive creature's thrashing grew more frantic with each passing moment.

Lily could feel the tide of the battle turning in their favor. The serpent's defenses were crumbling, and she knew they had to capitalize on their momentum.

"Alan, get off of it!" she yelled, her voice cutting through the din of the creature's dying roars. "I'm going to end this!" Without hesitation, Alan disengaged, leaping clear of the serpent's thrashing body. Lily seized the moment, pouring the last of her magical energy into a final, devastating strike.

Her sword glowed with an intensity that seemed to illuminate the very air around her. With a mighty swing, she unleashed a concentrated beam of magical energy that slammed into the serpent's exposed underbelly.

The creature's agonized scream echoed through the Forbidden Zone as the magical blast tore through its core. Its massive form convulsed, the very fabric of its being unraveling before their eyes.

Lily, Alan, and the baby dragon watched in awe as the serpent's essence dissipated, its physical form dissolving into mist that was swiftly carried away by the eerie winds of the Forbidden Zone.

A heavy silence settled over the clearing, broken only by the sound of their own heavy breathing. Lily leaned heavily on her sword, a triumphant smile spreading across her face.

The dragon flap it's wings as it flew towards a cave nearby, "Where is it going?" Aiden asked "I don't know but I think it's leading us to some where"

As the baby dragon's small form disappeared into the cave, Lily and Alan exchanged a look of uncertainty before quickly following after it.

The cave's entrance was narrow, but as they stepped inside, the space opened up into a vast, dimly lit cavern. Towering stalagmites and stalactites adorned the walls and ceiling, casting long shadows that danced in the flickering light.

Suddenly, a brilliant glow caught their eye. There, nestled atop a natural pedestal, were two shimmering orbs - one pulsing with a warm, golden light, the other radiating a cool, azure hue.

"The orbs!" Lily breathed, her eyes widening with a mixture of awe and relief. "We've found them!"The baby dragon had landed beside the glowing artifacts, its head tilted as if guiding them towards the precious objects.

Alan approached the orbs cautiously, his gaze darting around the cavern. "Do you think this is a trap?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "It seems almost too easy."

Lily considered his words, but the pull of the orbs was strong. "I don't know," she admitted, "but we can't afford to pass this up. If we don't take them, someone else will."

Steeling her resolve, Lily stepped forward and reached out, her fingers brushing against the surface of the golden orb. To her surprise, it did not burn or repel her, but rather seemed to hum with a soothing, welcoming energy.

Emboldened, she wrapped her hand around the orb, lifting it from its pedestal. A surge of power coursed through her, and she felt a sense of clarity and focus wash over her.

Alan, seeing that Lily had safely retrieved the first orb, tentatively reached for the azure one. As his fingers made contact, a similar sensation of power and purpose filled him, and he couldn't help but marvel at the artifact's mystical allure.

The baby dragon let out a series of excited chirps, its small wings fluttering as it circled around the two humans, its gaze filled with a curious intelligence."It's as if the dragon was leading us here," Lily said, her voice filled with wonder. "I think it wanted us to find these orbs."

Alan nodded, his expression pensive. "Then we'd best not linger. Who knows what other dangers lurk in this place, or what the other candidates might be up to."

Gripping the azure orb tightly, Alan turned towards the cave's exit, Lily and the baby dragon close behind.

As Lily, Alan, and the baby dragon pressed onward, their path illuminated by the pulsing light of the two magical orbs, they suddenly became aware of a growing sense of unease.

The air seemed to thicken with tension, and the shadows that danced across the Forbidden Zone's twisted landscape appeared to shift and writhe with a sinister energy.

Suddenly, a rustling in the undergrowth caught their attention, and Lily tensed, her grip tightening on the hilt of her sword. "We're not alone," she whispered, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement.

Sure enough, a group of figures emerged from the darkness, their features partially obscured, but their hostile intent unmistakable. Lily recognized them immediately – the other male candidates, drawn to the commotion and the power of the orbs.

"Well, well, look what we have here," a familiar voice sneered. Lily's eyes narrowed as she recognized the speaker – it was Bryce, one of the more ruthless and cunning contestants. "It seems you two have managed to acquire the orbs. Impressive."

Beside Lily, Alan tensed, his own sword at the ready. "We won't hand them over," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "We've worked hard to get this far, and we're not about to let you take what's ours."

Bryce let out a mocking laugh, his cold gaze sweeping over the trio. "Oh, I don't think you have a choice in the matter. You see, we've been tracking your progress, and we know how valuable those orbs are. And we're not about to let you waltz away with them."

His companions, a mix of hardened adventurers and cunning mages, began to advance, their weapons drawn and their eyes gleaming with a hunger for power.

Lily felt a surge of panic, but she refused to back down. Beside her, the baby dragon let out a warning growl, its small wings flaring as it prepared to defend its newfound allies."You'll have to go through us first," Lily said, her voice laced with determination.

She could feel the power of the orbs pulsing through her, and she knew that they couldn't afford to lose these precious artifacts to their rivals.

The standoff was tense, the air thick with the promise of violence. Lily and Alan braced themselves, ready to fight to the bitter end to protect the orbs and their unexpected draconic companion.

"So be it," Bryce said, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "This ends now."With those words, the battle for the orbs began.