
Rise of Catten, mitten, oh idk cat god.

In the plane of discarded thoughts and ideas one cat awakens to find his way out and then he finds a weird crack in space and runs their only to dissolve and appear in a cave in the space which all ideas were before being dismissed as mere ideas. “Meow!” Oh shut your mouth your more then capable.

K1tten · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Link start… wait, wrong dimension. :(

Floating and broken ground it stays stalk still no matter what like the meteor with the power to destroy a planet bounces off as if it was a pebble thrown with an illusion cast on and it in fact was. Who threw the pebble and who cast the magic is entirely unknown speaking of which, there is a giant child over there so maybe just maybe it was the child thought it's proven wrong the next second as the child is hit by one of the meteor pebbles from behind… he's crying now oh wait don't cry your gunna take my narra-


-tion time…

Any whey uh let's head $#%€#)@&:_ then yes to get away from th-


Damn it i thought I had time


Any way as I was going to say there is an anomaly here a little one who has-

(Narrator's wife)"honey come back already and stop whatever your doing."

.... Fine guess you get to watch the little one without me...…

-(a short hipity hop light millennium away)-

The kitten walks and hops all the way to a tear in space the tear or portal leads to a bright grassland where there is a guy in red fooling with a boar with another guy looking on, the kitten decides to leap to the portal instead falls short and another portal below him and its grey so it tries to land on to land on their little feet-sys only to land on their but and the portal disappears behind them as the portal was turned 90 degrees so down became forward and forward became up.


The kitten looks around wondering where it is now it turns around to see the portal close and light past where the portal was speaking of which it's dark now as the portal was providing light to the cave so kitten decides light is good and runs to the light only to be hit by a pebble did I mention the kitten was small cuz they are…

What. Did you expect something moderately big I mean it says kitten you must be blind if you thought that they were huge I mean really…

anyway on with the story. ☹️

The kitten walks to the light and ends up in a forest the forest's creatures watch as the assumed ball of hair demon walks by, and they watch in fear. Of what might be coming for them and some run others are braver and decide they want to fight. And the kitten keeps walking oblivious to the dangers it doesn't see.

So the kitten keeps walking, for a while, the enemy are wussing out because their target is unfazed by their presence. One steps up and snarls and the kitten turns around and…

Bounces joyfully at the first being it has seen and dashes at him which is reciprocated in "play".

Mean while it's running for its life but it can't outrun it so they sprint together across the forest bringing terror to every location they pass eventually the kitten got bored and stoped chasing the other kept running…

I’m going to update this a few more times

Specifics as to why their afraid can be guessed with this ch. but will be brought up later

Currently 516 words

Finally some motivation!!!

K1ttencreators' thoughts