
Rise Of An SSSSSS-level Tech Creator In A Cosmopolitan Multiverse

Sent to Earth as a baby from a faraway planet called Al-Vrygon, Geltorak, who was named Hunter Stone by his earthly father, grew into an exceptionally dazzling young man with superior superhuman dexterity. Additionally, he possessed an incomparably great ability to build sterling, grand, imposing, and enormously powerful devices, equipment, and machines. These included Obliterators, Earthbreakers, World-Quakers, Calamity Renderers, Fortress Sunderers—ranging from four to thirty-six-limbed, annihilator blade and devastator cannon-armed melee-combat drones, and numerous others. However, before Hunter Stone could reach this almost all-creating, super-diverse tech-creator stage, Earth suddenly faced an imminent crisis of total destruction, threatening not only his extermination but also the demise of every living thing on the planet. Unwilling to let this catastrophe befall Earth, Hunter was compelled to rapidly develop his ultra-versatile tech creation abilities—abilities that many ordinary civilians, meta-powered humans, surgically-enhanced or chemically augmented individuals, mystics, and technology-oriented sorceresses and wizards, along with alien beings from numerous faraway planets permanently residing on Earth, might unknowingly depend on fully for their survival. After trying his best with the powerful Iron Arm faction—which had stood against countless factional conflicts and devastating sectarian battles in different regions of Earth that he created to prevent the planet-wide disaster, Hunter Stone was suddenly confronted with a grand, multiverse-wide extermination event caused by a powerful interstellar empire dreadfully known as the Titanic-Slayer of Gods, Immortals, and Devils. This was because they seemed to possess the power to spread endless ruinations and vast degrees of devastation throughout every heavenly layer or dark infernal realm to rule there with totalitarian, iron-fisted authority. "Be ruled, or become inglorious specks of dust?!" That was the only question asked by this nefarious, despotic empire before unflinchingly destroying worlds and their inhabitants. With no one bold or strong enough to stand against this mighty tyrannical empire and their fierce, ruthless allies, one of which were intelligent, behemoth-sized embodiments of near-infinite-function, seemingly all-encompassing technology, it was up to someone to try to stop them in their sinister and ruthless, malevolent universal conquest. This person would be Hunter, who fearlessly embarked on a long multiversal journey with friends and allies from one known, explored, or uncharted world, dimension, and plane to another in an urgent search for numerous specific items and powerful resources. He would use these to build numerous superiorly sophisticated and supremely sterling War, Armor, Dominator, and Holographic Interface technologies, aiming to fully halt the advancement of the seemingly unstoppable, vile hellish empire before they succeed in their dark and sinister intentions of becoming the hegemonic, monarchical emperors of the whole multiverse. But while doing so, he would face lots of seemingly insurmountable challenges and undefeatable oddities that he might likely not survive, as many large diabolical factions, massive clandestine bases, evil infernal empires, dangerously envious power-lusting races, and vast adversarial kingdoms would rise against him, simply because of his near-unbounded, planet-ruining strength, fearsome ruthless decisiveness, myriad super-powers, metahuman abilities, insane combat prowess, and near-limitless flawless and stupendous technology creation! To discover where and how his extremely perilous journey ended, add it to your library and see for yourself. This tale promises a lot of exciting actions, adventures, twists, romance, and more. It encompasses numerous themes that will captivate your imagination and leave you yearning for more. Thanks in advance for reading!

koladeizdavid · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 1 - Planetary Invaders

Chapter 1 - Planetary Invaders

"Master Holderon, our world is at the brink of total destruction. It's time to go." A tall, blue-haired woman in a skintight black leather suit and was armed with a large curved sword that burned ferociously in a dazzling green fire, said with unfathomably great sorrow in her eyes.

Her planet, Al-Vrygon, one of the biggest renowned planet in the Archerion Planet Cluster and was known for their remarkably high achievements and unsurpassed excellence in building powerful technological units and incomparably powerful mechanical assemblies, was on the verge of complete destruction. It was invaded by powerful enemies from the invincible, vast Shi'iar Empire who were capable of destroying worlds because of the god-like powers that they possessed.

They were simply undying, super-fast, super-strong, could shoot off city-destroying rays, beams and waves from their hands, chests and eyes, and could tank continent-destroying explosions at point-blank range. They were absolutely fierce, fearless and savagely barbaric.

"You can leave with my son and help me look after him from afar in the new world that I am sending him to. As for me, I am going nowhere. I have to make sure that these people get a taste of my fearsome power."

"Although I will go down, I will however take dozens of them down with me!" A really tall man that had visible ripples of a frightening power emanates constantly from his giantly tall figure, said with a cold and fierce expression in his face.

"B-But Master..." The black-suited warrior woman couldn't finish her speech when she was immediately interrupted by her Master with only a wave of his hand.

"There are no buts, Lumeria. Just do as you are told. And as the youngest and most talented of my space warriors, only you is fully capable of looking after my child in his new world." Master Holderon said with unyielding determination in his voice.

He then said further as he caressed the soft and plump cheeks of a cutely smiling baby placed in a large jet-propelled pod that had the function of long-term life support, "Go now, Lumeria. We don't have much time. Those planet-invading butchers might break into this place anytime soon."

Once he said that, a dark-purple technological body armor suddenly appeared on his body, while a thin, semi-transparent sphere of energy materialized and protectively enveloped his head, taking the place of a helmet.


He suddenly dashed out at the speed of Mach 200 to a distance of 100km using the powerful futuristic armor that instantly appeared on his body.

Now, his aim was to battle the super-powered enemy invaders that had ruined more than ninety-five percent of his once-beautiful, massive home planet, and were even beginning to approach the last standing building that they were in.

"I will keep your child safe, master. You can count on me." Lumeria said and immediately activated the Hyper-Space Jump ability of the technological life-supporting pod.

Hyper-Space Jump has been activated! A female digital voice suddenly sounded out from the pod.

Pod will initiate Hyper-Space Jump in 12 seconds. The digital voice said further.

12... 11... 10... 9... The voice began to slowly count down.

Quickly, Lumeria summoned her own suit which was a bright-yellow, deep-space exploration armor which also possessed the ability to do battles, as it was equipped with lots of weapons; from powerful nano-sized weapons to horrifying, giant-sized siege weapons.

Immediately she summoned her suit, with a nerve signal transmitted from her head to the suit which instantly activated a certain function, dozens of glowing energy-hooks instantly ejected from certain miniature hatches in the suit which then fired towards the pod before attaching themselves to it.

Then the next thing that surfaced was a powerful, prism-shaped field of repulsion energy emitting from the suit and fully enveloping it. This was done to resist the damaging effects that she would experience while moving at a terrifying colossal speed through space.

4... 3... 2... 1... The digital voice slowly counted down.

Once the countdown got to 1, the pod instantly shot off a resplendent beam that turned into a spatial translocation tunnel which it immediately shot into and vanished. Seeming like it was never there in the first place. While Lumeria who was fixedly attached to it by dozens of luminous energy-hooks, was also pulled into the tunnel and vanished alongside the pod.

Understanding that they had left without being attacked, Holderon heaved a sigh and produced a delighted smile before having his eyes glow with unequalled savageness. Then he became more fierce in the way that he fought a large group of invaders that fearlessly surrounded him on all sides.

However, no matter how hard and fierce he fought, he couldn't overwhelm the powerful enemies that surrounded him and slowly reduced his range of attacks and mobility. Besides, his really powerful technological suit that could tank destructive explosions capable of entirely disintegrating small planets, had taken lots of damages and was on the verge of breaking apart into pieces, easily indicating that the damage-inflicting power of the invaders was on a whole other level.

"It's time." Holderon said when he was alerted by an assistive digital voice that the suit had reached 30% durability and would become utterly useless soon, since many important parts had broken off to become thick scrap metals.

Then with a light of determination emitting from his eyes that glistened as tears slowly welled up in them, Holderon said without the slightest hesitation, "Explode!"


The Kasar Particle Reactor in the suit that he wore which could actually power dozens of large planets at once, suddenly detonated and released a tremendous amount of planet-scorching energy in the form of an all-directional wave that fully encompassed the whole planet in a matter of seconds and immediately reduced it to virtually nothing. Not even the littlest fragments of it was spared. Everything disintegrated down to the last particle. But the devastating energy wave was so strong, powerful and astronomically sized that it reached out to numerous other vanquished planets in the extremely far reaches of space and instantly turned them to countless minute pieces of rock.


After traveling through space using the Hyper-Space Jump ability of the pod, they arrived at a really faraway planet that was green and indicated richness of life.

'I wonder what random planet we have arrived at.' Lumeria said with bright curious eyes that however hid a great amount of sorrow. She had lost her master, her world, her warrior sisters and brothers whom she trained together with at the White-Black School of Mechanical Knights.

Pushing the emotions that she felt to the back of her mind, she removed the energy-hooks that attached themselves to the pod and moved the combat-capable, deep-space exploration suit that she wore to the top of the pod using only her mind.

After grabbing it by both sides using her powerful suit-covered arms that produced high levels of magnetism, she activated the large-distance rocket propellers on her shoes which immediately produced continuous propulsive streams of bright blue flame which caused her to move at a great speed of Mach 20 towards the planet. And since she held the pod with her super-strong arms and with a type of magnetic attraction that could attract large tons of steel from a hundred kilometers away, the pod moved with her at the same speed.

Some moments later, like they were a large blazing meteor, they dashed through the planet's atmospheric layers to appear in the desert, which was chosen and navigated to by Lumeria to avoid contact with the people of this planet till she had gained a really high understanding of them.

"Master, we have landed in a beautiful and presumably rich planet. I-I wish you were here to s-see it." Lumeria stuttered with a heavy heart and began to sob, unknowingly allowing her previous, bottled-up raging and melancholic emotions to get the best of her.

"I will definitely get revenge for what they did to our planet. I definitely will!" Lumeria said and opened the pod to look at the baby who only smiled at her, totally oblivious of everything that was happening around him.

"We would have to depart here, Geltorak. But I will watch you from afar. I will watch you grow into a fine, super-strong young man and an incomparably great veteran warrior that will lead armies to the Shi'iar empire and totally ruin it!" Lumeria said further and tightened her clenched fist, seemingly in anticipation to the future event that will occur.

Sweetly kissing the baby's forehead and looking around in the distance, she instantly disappeared like a shadow that was illuminated by beams of light.