
Devaluation and Making a new Friend

The carriage ride to the mansion was short. During the carriage ride, Will learned Rijilir was designed as a circular fortress. Three concentric circles separate the classes, into three rigs, the wealthy live inside the smallest circle which houses the administration building, Tribal Council's legislative building. The middle class lives in the middle circle, and the poor in the outer circle. Every class had access to the different circles, but after the 18th bell, the guards checked the people wanting entry into the inner circle.

It was a short kilometer ride to Will's new mansion. The mansion was a huge two-story building, with a worn muted edifice and wild lawn. The house was dark inside. Typically, Will wanted to live under the radar, like he instructed Mei for his house in the capital. Will was regretful he bought this house out of spite. He sighed, he forgot what it meant to be a teenager. This quest was certainly turning out to be a test of maturity and willpower.

Holo went through the house opening the curtains. The light showed a dusty, stuffy house, but a house that was in good repair. Will, Lawrence, Holo, and the realtor walked through the house checking over the property. Will bought the house sight unseen, and he was happy he didn't purchase a money pit. Affirming he was happy, the realtor clerk left, and Will handed the keys to Lawrence.

Lawrence and Holo agreed to partner with Will. Lawrence and Holo would manage Will's property for 3% of the shares. Moreover, Lawrence and Holo could purchase up to 10% if they wanted. They were also responsible to make sure Will's profit arrived at Guidon on time and intact.

"I'm loaning you this house, feel free to take the master bedroom," said Will seeing their expressions rise.

"Thanks, Will! In the past we've only rented rooms in the middle circle inns," this house is too much for us, but we promise to manage it in your stead," said Lawrence solemnly.

"Now we can have a baby!" said Holo smiling, holding her belly.

"As long as I don't hear you, I'll be fine," said Will chuckling nervously.

"Now we need to hire household staff," Holo said thinking out loud.

"How do you purchase household contracts?" said Will stumped.

"I can help with that," said the old Wolfman dressed in a purple robe, with gold lace from the trial.

"Grandfather!" Lawrence and Holo said together bowing respectfully.

The old man moved to the side and a flood of wolfmen and wolf women wearing servant uniforms walked into the house bowing at the trio before starting work.

"This is my housewarming gift to my newest and prominent clans member," said the old man smiling.

"Thank you honorable grandfather for letting me join your clan and speaking on my behalf at the trial," Will bowed as well.

"Ho, ho, it's no problem. My granddaughter and grandson were also imprisoned. I should thank you for paying their fines. Now, my knees are hurting, I'm not as young as I used to be. Will may we speak privately in the library or study," he inquired.

Before Will could answer, he did not know the way to either location. A tall well dress wolfman in a butler uniform led them to the library. Both Will and the old man sat in two dusty chairs, next to a grimy small table.

"I get you something to drink?" the butler asked.

Will chose tea, the old man coffee. Before leaving the butler subtly asked for credits to purchase food and other household expenses. Will casually handed the man 50,000 silver credits, and the butler left closing the library door behind him.

"Now young man, I wish to explain some things to you. First, my name is Tate Yoitsu, the Stalking Wolf. The young clansmen refer to me as a grandfather as a term of respect and endearment. You may choose to call grandfather or Tate, the choice is yours, I care not," he said.

"I will call you grandfather then," said Will. If given a choice, Will chose to show respect to those who respected him.

"Very good, do you know why I brought you a household staff," he asked.

"Of course, staff overhear the conversation and could be bribed to pass that information along. That is why a lord but diligently chose who he hires in his house," Will said knowingly.

"Good, good, you are as clever as your master," he laughed "Ho, ho." The old man seems to amuse himself.

He continued, "While the capital may be in Bear Country, people of all clans live here year-round. As a new member of the Wolf Clan, you must adhere to our laws; also as a merchant and capital resident, you must adhere to the Bear Clan laws. However, only the Wolf Clan may punish one of its tribesmen. This standard is for every tribe. As you figured, beastmen do not care particularly for humans. Your race is far too weak, narrow-minded, and self-obsessed. A Wolfman puts the clan above himself or herself. Your desires are secondary to the clan.

Holo and Eleanor have told me you are well versed in beastmen history and customs. Holo also told me she has begun explaining to you the Wolfman laws, remember there are no lone wolves in the clan. This is unique to only the Wolf and Orca Clans, and that makes up both clever tacticians, and fierce warriors. All beastmen pride themselves on being a warrior. I was happy to learn you are also a fierce knight. I was surprised to hear you helped kill that damn panther terrorist was also surprising. The valley you humans called Death Valley borders the wolf clan territory.

Finally, as a clansman, you must watch your words around other clans. Unlike you humans who are proficient in saying one thing, but meaning another, we beastmen talk straight and decisively. If you comment, make sure you speak directly publicly. We are in the middle of the cold war, and it only takes a simple flame to set ablaze a forest," he finished before a knock was heard on the library door.

"His honorable City Lord is here master, should I invite him in," said the butler and old man turning to look at Will. Will nodded in affirmation.

"You certainly made an impression today, Mr. vont Ballard. I've received several requests from you. Your pockets are too deep, and it is causing my headache to pound worse," he said waiting for the butler to bring over another dusty chair.

Before Will could greet him, the City Lord looked over in shock, "Stalking Wolf, what are you doing here?"

"It is natural of the Clan Elder to greet his newest member," said the old man.

"Will I had planned to offer you some household staff, but this cunning wolf beat me here," he said coldly.

"The residents belong to the Wolf Clan now, how can bears wait tables here," the old man responded.

"The Bear and Wolf Clans have long been friends, should not the Bear Clan and City Lord be made aware of what happens in our own county," the City Lord said.

"What do you wish Mighty Bear?" said the old man.

"You are too informal, especially around a human wolfman. I came to secure my clan city, I need to make sure this hairless beast does not plan to upset the city with his expenses," he said.

"You go too far calling my clansmen hairless. Do you wish to cause animosity between our tribes?" said the old man sneering showing his sharp fangs.

"You and humans! You are the once fierce fighter you used to be; I will not cower Stalking Wolf! I must protect my city from harm. This man could throw the cold war into turmoil," he said angrily.

"Then my clan will take responsibility, as our customer. Do you wish to police my clansmen? If so, I will personally lead my clan against yours," said the old man.

"Excuse me, may I suggest that instead of household staff the Honorable City Lord, provide clerks for my shops?" said Will, who was unexpectedly cast a mediator.

"That is reasonable, Bearmen and women are excellent clerks as you know, however, they do cost a premium on the market," he said grinning.

"Since the shops belong to the Clan, we will hire predominantly Wolfmen. Although, I'm happy to hire a few bears. I can guarantee your clerks do cost a premium," he said.

"Why you old crazy coot, you slander me in front of this human. If you were not my fathers' friend then…" the last words were inaudible as he escorted himself out of the library and manor.

"Now you see William how the conversations between beastmen are, even our conversations are battles. In the tribal lands, only the strongest may rule. Your businesses are an opportunity for the clan.

Before I leave, I want to explain the situation more deeply. I know that is why your master sent you here, to report back. You've probably realized our credit currency is devalued. This was a policy cleverly implemented at the start of the cold war. You see the rice is the dominant export of the Snake and Orca Clans. The Tiger and Wolf Clans are trying to crash the rice market."

It was obvious for Will the Bear's credit was devalued. When a currency is devalued it reduces the price of exports, making goods cheaper on the market. That is why the cost of rice of importing rice was less expensive for Will. However, devaluation also increases the cost of importing goods. This causes consumers to buy local products, over imported goods. This of course strengthens local business over foreign competitors. Since exports increase and imports decrease, this helps countries shrink the deficit and increase gross domestic product (total value of a country's goods and services with their territory). However, the downside to devaluation is that increases inflation.

"Now I realize that may seem confusing upfront, seeing how much the tribes rely on rice. But this is really a battle of rice varieties. Each tribe cultivates different variants of rice. When Lawrence and Holo smuggled rice, they were smuggling out our clan's rice. The Tiger and Wolf clan grows long-grained aromatic rice. The Orca and Snakes grow shorter, puffy rice. The five great clans realize that inflation is rising, especially in rural tribal lands, and those government subsidies created a bubble market. At first, Tribal Council ended the subsidies but continued purchasing cheap rice to send Guidon improvised beastmen. However, that only drove up inflation faster, as there was less rice on the market. Now, each clan is waiting to see which tribe riots first," he said.

This is one big game of Russian roulette, to see which Clan would destroy itself first, leaving the other tribes to prosper.

"Thanks to you Will, the Wolf Clan should be fine for the foreseeable future. There is no doubt, we outlast the others," he said smiling. As Will escorted the old man to the front door. Outside Will saw a lavish carriage and small detail of soldiers. Will also noticed four Wolfmen guards standing by him inside his gate.

This is why Will detested politics. Politicians always made callous decisions and seeped into business in the worst ways. Not only did Will understand the animosity from the Orca and Snake Clans, but also the caution Bear Clan. For the next seven weeks Will, Lawrence, and Holo had to manage their estate and properties in a political shit storm.