
Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader

The topic of what happens after death is a commonly discussed topic by many. Religious men would speak of the afterlife ruled by God, Atheists would say that there was nothing. But no one could deny that death was real. In the end of my life, I found out what happens after death. With the help of a God, I had to decide. Whether to carry out their will in another will with newfound powers, or to sink into oblivion and return as another life. I chose the latter. My name is Slade Dara Bridge, and this is my story as I rise from the dead as a game character in my old time favorite game. Diablo 3. +++ This was a commentors idea so I'm not exactly well versed on the topic so feel free to point out a few flaws that I might've missed.

TreeBriarWood · Jeux vidéo
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First impressions as first impressions go.

The Slaughtered Calf inn was not the picture perfect example of what one might have expected to see in the medieval ages.

Opening the doors, many eyes glanced straight at him with barely disguised wariness as they attempted to return to what they were doing whatever that may be.

Being called an inn, many would expect several tables to be set in the hall with patrons lining the tables while chugging down kegs upon kegs of cold beer.

But due to the trying times, the majority of the patrons here were fearful ladies in long cloth dresses fearfully whispering to each other, several men clutching their heads as if on the brink of insanity.

And several more ailing people and wounded lying on makeshift stretchers as they lay half dead on the ground.

But besides the unusual state of the patrons here, everything else was as picture perfect as things could be.

Turning to the right, a half kitchen sat in the corner as the innkeeper idly wiped the tables as the stove sent waves of heat washing throughout the area.

Glancing at the lamp which casted a flickering firelight onto the area, Slade himself moved across the room and went to the inn keep.

Staring at him with a disguised wariness that was kept down by well trained experience, the inn keeper glanced straight at his slightly bloody appearance and asked.

"...A room with service here cost a 3 gold per night, we also have bathing services for an additional fee, food here costs 1 gold per meal, so what'll it be stranger?"

Slightly admiring the professionality that the man was outputting as they wiped the table, Slade opened his mouth.

"I am a Crusader of the Zakarum Faith, Slade..."

The wariness in their eyes slightly dissipated.

"...And I am here for the one that they call Leah."

'And the wariness is back.'

Inwardly sighing, the woman who sat at the table besides him shifted and got up from their seat and looked straight at Slade.

"I am the Leah you are looking for Crusader, what business do you have with me?"

Glancing at her in slight surprise, Slade gave a cursory glance over her and she was exactly as the cinematics depicted her.

Red shirt, Khaki pants and all.

"I have come to this town due to the falling star and they tell me that you were the only survivor, is that the truth?"

"I did, but it blasted my uncle Deckard Cain into the depths of the old cathedral."

A forlorn look crossed her face. "But the dead were already rising and so I came back here to rally the militia to he-"

The slightly insane people in the back groaned loudly as they shouted in pain.

"Watch out! The wounded are turning!" Grabbing the bow set aside on the bench, she nocked a few arrows as right before their eyes, the wounded people screamed as their bodies turned.

Gaining a significantly more pale skin tone, their muscles bulged with renewed strength as a tinge of madness covered their eyes.

Laying eyes upon Slade first, he quickly readied himself with his shield and charged into the fray.

Breaking the knees of the half turned wounded, they fell to the ground while writhing in half pain half huger before their lives were mercilessly ended by the boot of his heel.

Twisting around, the flail in his hands flew in an arc before slamming right into the sides of two other undead sending them flying with a mixed variety of broken bones.

Holding up his shield, Slade immediately noticed Leah picking off the other two undead with well placed arrows to the head.

Slamming a shield into the final one and hearing its bones audibly crunch, Slade turned around and faced Leah as the bloody carnage was left behind him.

Staring forlornly at the dead bodies she let out a sigh before looking at Slade. "The dead will overwhelm us all unless something is done."

Hearing those words a small smile rose onto his face. "Something like putting them back to sleep? I can definitely do that."

"Thank you, you should go speak with Captain Rumford, I'm sure he has some things you can do to help this town."

Glancing his way the woman returned to her seat on the bench and laid her bow to rest before picking up her spoon and eating the stew in front of her.

Seeing the slight disregard, Slade shook his head silently and turned away before getting ready to meet with the Captain.

And just at the doorway of the Inn, a voice called out to him.


Hearing that slightly familiar voice which belonged to the inn keep, Slade turned around and looked at the man inquisitively.

Seeing Slade look at him, the inn keep shouted.

"Crusader! Since you killed those risen before they could be a problem you have my gratitude! If you happen to find the need to stay somewhere the Slaughtered Calf Inn is the place for you!"

Chuckling at those words, Slade gave a thumbs up before pushing the doors open. "I'll keep that in mind if I want to stay here Inn Keeper."

Walking out of the inn, he kept the shield on his back before locking his flail to his waist.

Glancing at the building across the street depicting several pieces of armor, he turned away since the only valuables he had on him were his weapons and armor alongside a few rations.

Letting out a small sigh at his apparent poorness, his footsteps quickly carried him through the small town to the front of it.

Seeing captain Rumford who was calmly watching his soldiers burn the undead by the cartload, he waved to him and caught his attention.

"Crusader? What brings you back here so soon? If you want to share that keg of beer then as you can see."

He gestured to the pile of undead which were being trained inwards to the large bonfire.

"I have my hands full with the risen situation."

"I appreciate the sentiment Captain Rumford but no, I am here to help, how do I stop the risen undead?"

Captain Rumford raised an eyebrow at that statement before letting out a small sigh. "I admire your courage Cruasder, but Captain Daltyn and his militia were slaughtered by those things."

His eyes took a misty look as he stared at some far off place beyond the forest. "I was the only one who survived."

'Survivors guilt huh?' Glancing at the unknown captain that he had briefly become acquaintances with, Slade opened his mouth.

"If you are feeling guilt over their deaths, there is no need to, what you and your comrades most probably would've faced if you survived the horde would've rendered you powerless before it."

Captain Rumford stared at Slade with barely hidden surprise.

Nevertheless he listened.

"If some being is capable of birthing these horrors, then it is only logical that the beast would have an army at their disposal, something your militia could never dream to contend with."

"..." Captain Rumford opened his mouth in rebuttal before closing it, repeating the action a few times as he inwardly seemed to fight with himself.

"...Fine, I have seen you fight... Strike at the wretched mothers and their queen. They're the ones birthing these... horrors."

Gesturing to the gates, a cry from the watch tower above attracted their attention.

"Captain! They're breaking the barricades!"

"How convenient." The captain growled as he unsheathed his blade and put on his helmet. "The path you must take is just beyond those barricades."

Rushing out of the battlements, the so called barricades which were really a collection of wooden buckets, wheelbarrows and other broken things clumped together.

Falling apart, the risen undead which tore it down pushed straight through.

"To arms!"

Roaring loudly he swung his sword before having to be aided by Slade to prevent a green sludge ball from hitting him on the forehead.

"Careful, nearly had to have a dead captain on our hands."

Rolling his eyes, the Captain traced the path the sludge ball came from and arrived onto the source of it.

"The Wretched Mother." Leaving his lips almost like a curse, Slade stared at the being.

Identified by the red shawl on its head, the only notable difference between it and the risen undead was a notable lack of movement and a much more distinct vomiting motion.

Noting the vomit itself was acidic in nature, Slade frowned at the sight and grabbed a zombie by the neck with his shield arm.

Protecting himself from the horrors lining up a shot, the body of the risen undead in his hands quickly fell apart underneath the stream of vomit.

Grimacing slightly, he threw the body away and swung at the crowd of foes.

Smashing a shield into their face and nearing the mother just as it was getting ready to lob another glob of vomit, upon slamming his mace into the head of an undead.

A surge of strength suddenly filled his body and exploded outwards in a pillar of light.

'What the!?'

Flinching in surprise at the act of unknown origins, the wave of light quickly tore apart whatever creatures were nearby it.

"Crusader?" Captain Rumford moved his helm up as he and his soldiers stared in slight awe. "What was that and can you do it again any time soon?"

'Beats me, even I'm curious on what that was.'

Turning to the game system/ bar which was hovering at the very edge of his vision, upon focusing on it, the game bar suddenly expanded and a notable decrease in the orange bar above the hotbar revealed itself.

'Ah, so that's what happened.'

Noting down that whenever he leveled up in the future, a pillar of light would appear out of nowhere to smite them down, he candidly answered the man.

"Well, aren't we all entitled to our secrets?" Slade mischievously smiled.

Hearing those words the Captain smiled and shook his head. "Fine then, keep your secrets."

Pointing his sword down at the revealed road he continued.

"The wretched mothers I talked about, more of them lie in wait on that road, if you continue on it, you will eventually stumble upon them in the ruins ahead."

He sheathed his sword.

"And although I would like to help you in your endeavor to put those foul undead to rest, I must stay behind and guard the village."

"Safe travels Crusader."

Hearing those words Slade nodded to the man. "Next time we meet, don't call me Crusader, my name is Slade."

"Slade hm? A unique name for a unique warrior, I will be sure to remember you if we meet again.

Waving to Captain Rumford, Slade slowly made his way up the road as he mulled over the benefits of his recent level up.

Alongside the benefits of leveling up in battle and thus returning to full health, full wrath etcetra etcetra.

He had learnt a new skill and gained some stats.

Walking above a shallow creek, Slade read the description for the first time in a while.

[Shield Bash]

[Cost: 30 Wrath]

[Charge at your enemy, bashing him and all nearby foes violently with your shield]

[Requires shield]


(Above text will be mostly used in system descriptions from now on.)

'A basic skill but I'll take what I can get.'

[+1 Dexterity]

[+1 intelligence]

[+2 Vitality]

'Nice stats, good, good.'

Staring at the red potions he glanced at the red orb representing his health and shook his head. 'Ten healing potions are good for now, no need to heal.'

Submerged in his sea of thoughts, Slade slowly reached a new area, the words. {Old Tristam Road} were the ones that greeted him.

Staring at the words which seemed to hover alongside the dark gnarled oak trees, up ahead, several undead lingered.

Staring at the monsters, without a second thought Slade ran forwards and began to cut/ crush/ destroy them with his new skills and powers.

Slamming the shield straight into the horde of enemies, the white orb representing wrath instantly declined in brightness as the enemies surrounding the targeted one suddenly stumbled.

Ending their lives with a quick swing of the flail, Slade glanced at the giant lumbering corpse which towered over its much smaller companions.

Slamming the shield straight into the Walking corpse the body fell over and split apart in the middle, creating a crawling torso which tried to attack Slade.

Sadly enough, he had enough skill in these types of situations that he was experienced enough to immediately crush the corpses head into small splattering's of blood, flesh and bone.

Having destroyed the undead in short notice, Slade admired the efficiency of his new skill. 'This shield bash really is effective.'

As he had those thoughts he noticed a pair of objectives which hung on the side of the interface.

[The fallen Star]

[Kill the wretched queen in the old ruins]

[Bonus: Wretched mothers killed 0/3]

Noting them down, Slade stared at the utter darkness that the moon cast onto the ruins of Old Tristam and smiled eerily.

