
Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader

The topic of what happens after death is a commonly discussed topic by many. Religious men would speak of the afterlife ruled by God, Atheists would say that there was nothing. But no one could deny that death was real. In the end of my life, I found out what happens after death. With the help of a God, I had to decide. Whether to carry out their will in another will with newfound powers, or to sink into oblivion and return as another life. I chose the latter. My name is Slade Dara Bridge, and this is my story as I rise from the dead as a game character in my old time favorite game. Diablo 3. +++ This was a commentors idea so I'm not exactly well versed on the topic so feel free to point out a few flaws that I might've missed.

TreeBriarWood · Jeux vidéo
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I live again?

Slade's mind suddenly became as clear as the blue sky as he instinctively felt... he was dead.

'So this is death?'

A brief glimpse of his corpse appeared right in front of him, several people frozen in time at the point of his death having varying reactions.

As that glimpse of the world disappeared, Slade felt himself being pulled downwards.

Floating past the dirt as if it never existed, he passed fossils of gargantuan creatures of old, untouched caves carrying their own separate ecosystems and many more.

Accelerating as he went, everything started to blur.

From the fossils, he passed a gargantuan creature sleeping in the rock followed by everything becoming orange in his vision.

'Is this the core of the earth?'

Seeing the streams of lava that should've only been found when one entered the core of the planet.

Soon enough he reached the center of the world and that was when everything fell apart.

Seemingly hitting some sort of membrane on the way here, Slade felt an indescribable pain fill his entire being.

"!*# AG#(H:'

Suffering immensely, Slade's mind went completely blank.

And after an indiscernible amount of time had passed, Slade finally came back to consciousness.

'What... was that?'

Waking up, the first thing he felt, and saw was an impenetrable expanse of inky black darkness that seemed to overwhelm all of his senses.

'I feel small.'

'It's all so... peaceful.'

Staring at the inky darkness, Slade closed his eyes.

'...I feel sleepy...'

Embracing the darkness in its entirety again, a colorful light that didn't belong to the darkness appeared and spoke.

"What an interesting soul"


The God of Entertainment and Distractions felt incredibly bored.

Fiddling with a sharp blade that he had won in a bet with the God of Iron and Craftsmanship.

The God of Entertainment flipped the dagger in the air and watched it as it landed blade first on the edge of the wooden throne, sinking deep into the wood to the hilt proving the quality of the Craftsmanship God.

"This won't do, this won't do at all."

It had been several millennia since his arrival as a True God with the domination of a Major concept.

But ironically, over the course of a millennia the God of entertainment felt boredom again for the twenty-nine thousandth and two hundredth and thirty second time, in their long life.

"I guess it's time for me to roam again."

Getting off their wooden throne, the being of multicolored and shifting light stepped forwards and began their travel.

"Time to annoy death again"

Traveling to the God of Death and Souls domain in a split second through a conjured portal with rings of orange and blue.

The God of Distractions multicolored body boredly roamed the inky darkness which both served as a portal to the realm of the dead and a home.

"Get back you stupid being."

Blasting an inky darkness that seemed to want to erase all things with a flick of the finger.

Suddenly the oppressive feeling that was there quickly disappear upon sensing the aura of something much higher.

Looking around with boredom evident in their movements, the God of Entertainment saw something that caught their eye.


In a blink of an eye the God traveled to the spot of bright light in this inky darkness.

Kicking the monster that was encroaching the bright spot, the God spoke to themself.

"What an interesting soul"

The Soul made of bright light was like a lighthouse in the night shining it's spotlight in the stormy seas of the night.

Kicking away another of the monsters that were encroaching the soul, the God of Entertainment observed the soul.

"Quite a strong one to" Floating around the soul with an interested gait, the God continued "But..."

The God of entertainment dragged a finger across the surface of the soul that was already riddled with black ugly cracks that pierced into the core of it.

"It's already incredibly damaged... I guess the cleansing process was a bit too much for it"

The God of entertainment stared at the soul for a few moments as their mind danced on the possibilities.

Now feeling much more interested now the God snapped their fingers.

"I guess Death won't mind if I take one of his souls for myself"

Creating a ball of light that encapsulated the white soul that was hanging in the inky darkness, the God of distractions made a motion to go back to their own domain before pausing.

"Now that I think about it... I don't really go out this often"

Changing their mind midway, the God of Entertainment snapped their fingers, and they went to another domain.

"Let's see... since this time I have a soul with me, I should look for some more souls, preferably like this guy right here"

"I wonder how many favors I'll have to cash in this time?"

Disappearing from the inky darkness known as the Dead realm with a blink of an eye.

The beast that the God of Entertainment kicked away slowly returned to their positions.

Returning to continue their job to devour all the memories of a soul in preparation of going to the Underworld where the God of Death Reigned.


"Ugh... Where am I?"

Slade groaned painfully as he clutched his head.

All around him, a myriad of people were doing the same as they struggled to get off from the ground.

Surrounded by grand walls of stone that circled outwards, giant statues wielding a variety of cold weapons stared down at them like ants.

And when compared to the fact that the stone giants were indeed that big they might've as well been ants.

Slade got up from the ground and habitually dusted himself down as he realized that they were in what could be thought to be a coliseum.

Staring dumbly at the surroundings that were something straight out of a fantasy, soon enough, Slade's addled mind finally recalled a rather notable thing.

"Wait! Didn't I just die!?" Quickly feeling himself up and down, the first thing Slade noticed was that he didn't feel that annoying ache in his leg followed by a noticeable lack of blood stains on his body.

That followed by the fact that his bones were in fact not broken and were indeed in their proper places prior to the car crash confused him immensely.

'What in the Makers name?'

"Hello there mortals"

A being that Slade instinctively knew was a God appeared in front of him.

"You probably all are very confused right now and I'll solve the few questions you have right here and now"

'You are indeed dead and this is not a dream"

The being made out of multicolored light seemed to smile "In fact, you are quite lucky"

"You can live again"


Hello there
