
Chapter 36 (Aid and Era)

Small kid Aid, walking on a zebra cross road with holding a lot of vegetables and a huge smile. His mother was left behind and when she saw at Aid, she saw that a car, with a high speed and the driver can't stop it.

Aid's mother pushed Aid and "boom!" She at that point only, passed away without saying anything to Aid.

This was the time of biggest trauma of Aid which he can never forget.

Ahi then remembered that she was not just classmate of Aid in this school. She was even his classmate at kindergarten and at that time, Aid was a charming and smiling guy.

Aid said, "So... Everyone started saying that I deserved to die but... My mother has to face it. If... I wouldn't have been stubbornness to hold the bag of vegetables and without any permission of my mother to walk, maybe... She would be alive."

Aid's mother was a huge celebrity in the industry of music and her death, was a cruel time for her fans and her family and most of them prayed that her child, due to which she died, should die despite of her which hurted more to Aid.

Ishan said, "But it's not your fault. You were just a kid and just wanted to give some helping hands to your mother. It doesn't mean that you are the killer."


This was not the voice of Ahi. Suddenly 4 guys, wearing a mask appeared and sat aside of Aid and Ishan.

"Um... Don't be afraid of them, they are in our team only." Said Ishan.

And masks started getting off and it was Jiyu, Era, Eiro and Cyet!

"Huff, how hot it was wearing this mask." Said Era.

"And all because of Ishan, he told to wear to actually be like kidnappers but he himself didn't wore it." Said Cyet.

Aid stopped crying and was making a weird face by the action of others and asked, "Then why 4 didn't came?"

Eiro said, "All because... Jiyu!!! When you were going to come, Jiyu was totally being embarrassed and hiding his face by hands after mask saying that he will look much good in it! But when Ishan already stepped ahead, then we planned to not disturb your conversation, so yeah."

Ishan and Aid started laughing on them on their behaviour and actions.

After laughing for a minute, Aid was freshed and Ishan was done with laughing.

"See, Aid. Forget about past. If you remain stopped at your past, you can neither created your future and nor live in the present." Said Ishan and Aid understood very well about it.

"By the way, do you know someone else is also here and hearing our conversation?" Asked Ishan and Ahi was shocked and scared.

"You are already caught... A~h~i. Stop being a stalker of Aid." Said Ishan and stood.

Ahi came in front of everyone and shouted saying, "I am not a stalker!!!"

"So why were seeing at Aid when we were having breakfast at the cafeteria at morning? And you even said "Cute" to Aid, didn't you?" Said Ishan and Aid was totally blushed and Jiyu, Era, Eiro and Cyet started teasing Aid with saying, "Oh ho, cutie pie."

And Ahi also blushed but she was more shocked that how did Ishan catch her words, she said, "How... Do you know?"

Ishan said, "Don't think I know to read lip-syncing but your expressions told me everything."

"You..."said Ahi with red face and a little bit of anger.

"Anyways, 7 PM is almost near, so let's go for practice." Said Ishan and started walking away.

Aid, Jiyu, Era, Eiro and Cyet started following Ishan but Aid, for once turned his face back towards Ahi and smiled! And Ahi totally blushed and ran away.

"What was that?" Asked Ahi from herself.

"What? Era is in School Lotus and has joined basketball?" Asked the same girl which we saw yesterday looking at the night sky in her room at late night when Ishan, Aid, Jiyu, Era, Eiro and Cyet were eating at 10 PM.

Qu said, "Yes. I was shocked that he would try to join again."

"Whatever, he is none of my business. That loser doesn't even know to dribble the ball, I have no hopes from him like I never had even before." Said the girl.

Qu said, "Yes, but... I want to see his style of playing, he might be training now in the court so let's goand see how does that loser and the loser team plays."

"You go, I don't want to come in his eyes again. It will spoil me."

"Not for giving greetings, just to see how he plays. I know he can't play but I am curious to see it. So, let's go."

The girl looked at smiling Qu.

Qu and the girl, with hiding their faces with wearing a mask and cap, came at the court and started watching the game. They were not in uniforms, they were in normal clothes so it was hard for others to detect them.

Ishan, for a small break came aside of Qu and the girl and sat down with being wet by sweat.

"Who you both are?" Asked Ishan with looking towards the court and his companions playing.

Qu and the girl remain silent and didn't replied anything.

"I can't understand... Why the players of Kagi Schoolare here?"

And Qu and the girl were shocked that how did Ishan detected them in just seconds.

Wh... What is Ishan? How does he know this much about the things? How is he super intelligent?

But Qu and the girl still remain silent to make expectations of Ishan wrong in his thoughts and so, Ishan also remain silent.

Now the ball was in Era's hands and he started dribbling and Aid and Cyet was in front of them, blocking Era's path to go.

"What will he do now?" Said the girl in her mind.

"Oh, so Era has a plan, huh?" Said Ishan and Qu and the girl thought that Ishan is definitely a mad. They think that Era can't play properly, how he can plan?

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