

Joie's POV

Whenever I crossed the classroom door I could feel their faces stare. The terrifying feeling of being judged surrounded me suffocating just like the smell of cheap perfume. When I looked up, the shady aura was gone. It wasn't them judging me but me judging them instead.  They didn't seem too interested, in fact, they didn't seem to care about my presence at all.

In the third row next to a window, was agirl with curly, short, black hair and thick glasses studying the proportions of the branches peeking through the window. There was also a handmade notebook of gray paper filled with organic lines made of black charcoal that assimilated the tree in front of her.

There was also a strangely common pattern of sounds that repeatedly ended in laughs, followed by a girl with high heels, a short skirt, green colored eyes, and straighten short hair. At her side were two other copies of her with highly pitched voices and yellowish teeth.

In the back there was a guy with light brown hair, gigantic earphones, and sleepy eyes. The type of look that tells you "fuck off". He seemed lost in thoughts while staring at his cristal reflection.

Next to that guy another one with his eyes glued to a comic book..... "One piece" does it say?.. Nice!

There was also a guy covering his face with the cover of a book, focused more in what was inside his eyelids than in what was in the book. He had black curly hair bleached to white all over except for the roots. The type of guy who asks for the homework... Mmmmhm, bothersome.

After a look around I really didn't want to get involved with anyone but there were three sits left for me to use. One next to the girls, one in the front right before the teachers desk... No thanks, and one in front of the guy with bleached hair. A sleeping buddy can't really cause any damage... Other than asking for the class work... But I don't think he will.. After all he doesn't know me at all. Yeah right, who would talk to me.

After some time the bell ranged the teacher proceeded to take attendance. The group of what seemed to be the popular girls, or at least the loudest, was composed from Samantha, Lillian, and Annette. The girl next to the window was named Alyssa, the guy that seems to always be pissed is called Keibeth, the Otaku boy's name was Jonas, and the bleached hair guy is called Milo. The other student's names are either long or irrelevant, they seemed plain or just graish and blurry.....

TEACHER_Joie Alexander Nirvana... Absent? (The teacher of the class called my name repeatedlly)

ME_yes!, I'm here! (some students turned at me.... Oh no, this is where all goes to hell... My face is beginning to feel warm. Freaking, fabulous, I'm drummed for li...)


ME_(is that coming from the back?.... But that's...)

TEACHER_I hear you.. Is it joie, or Alexander?

ME_Both are fine

TEACHER_ But which one is it...

ME_ Joie is fine

TEACHER_ Then joie it will be... Joie you are trying to make me work more. As IF!!!.... Joie, "the guy with a long ass name".

ME_(Ugh God, please no!)

MILO_pufft!! That's a great name to be remembered by.

ME_*faced him*.. Is it really?

His face turned serious as he looked at me

MILO_*clears throat*... Not at all, sorry about that, so.. Joie right?.... Nice!

ME_pufft.. Yeah, so... Milo right... My dog was called Milo as well... Nice!

MILO_Yeah, my mom got it from a cartoon, that says alot about my family

TEACHER_Can you both stop flirting! It's getting annoying here!


ME_Ugh god(what will he THINK!, I'm done for)

MILO_Not our fault you are still single LOL

TEACHER_Ew who says "LOL", freaking freaks

ME_(WTF) *turned at him*

MILO_*With a bright smile*

ME_(Oh no, he has dimples) *Gets red*


MILO_*with a bright smile* what's wrong?

This is from Joies point of view

Cary_Owocreators' thoughts