

Old Woman: 「竜樹?本当にあなたなの?」

(Ryuki? Is this for real?)

Arata's face softens into a gentle smile, though his eyes reveal a complex mix of emotions—nostalgia, regret, and hope.Arata: 「こんにちは,お母さん… 久しぶりだね.」

(Hi, mom… It's been a while.)

The old woman's eyes well up with tears, her emotions a storm of joy and sadness. She reaches out, her fingers brushing against the air as if trying to confirm that Arata is truly standing before her. Her breath comes in quick, uneven gasps as she struggles to process the unexpected reunion.Old Woman: 「竜樹…」


Her voice breaks as she steps forward, almost as if in a trance. Her hands move to gently touch Arata's face, as if to make sure he's real and not a figment of her imagination. The touch is tentative but filled with an immense relief and longing.Arata takes a step closer, his smile wavering slightly as he senses the depth of her emotional turmoil. His eyes glisten as he reaches out and gently places his hand over hers, offering her a comforting squeeze. The warmth of the gesture contrasts sharply with the chill of the early morning air.Arata: 「大丈夫だよ,お母さん.僕は本物だよ.」

(It's okay, Mom. I'm really here.)

The old woman, now visibly shaking with a mix of joy and disbelief, steps back to allow Arata inside. Her movements are slow but filled with a tender urgency, as if she's afraid that this precious moment might slip away.Old Woman: 「中に入って,どうぞ.」

(Come inside, please.)

Arata's mother, Sayako Arata, moves with a gentle urgency as she calls out for her husband. Her voice, though steady, carries a sense of excitement and warmth.Sayako: 「ねえ,お父さん,竜樹が帰ってきたわ.」

(Listen honey, Ryuki has come.)

Her husband, Hiro Arata, a bald man with glasses, emerges from another room, his face lighting up with a mixture of surprise and joy. His eyes widen as he sees Arata standing at the entrance, and his expression softens with a deep, paternal affection. He strides forward, his movements brisk but filled with warmth.Hiro: 「竜樹?本当に?」

(Ryuki? What?)

Arata smiles warmly at his father, his own emotions mirroring the joy of the reunion. Hiro reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on Arata's shoulder. His grip is firm but affectionate, a physical expression of his overwhelming pride and happiness.Hiro: 「さあ,さあ,部屋に行こう.」

(Come, come, let's sit in the room.)

Arata: 「はい,父さん… 分かってるよ.落ち着いて.」

(Yes, dad… I know, I know. Calm down.)

Hiro's constant touch is a source of comfort for Arata, grounding him in the warmth of family. His eyes are filled with unshed tears as he continues.Hiro: 「息子がほぼ1年ぶりに帰ってきたんだ.どれだけ会いたかったか分かるだろう.」

(Our son has come back after almost a year. You know how much we missed you.)

Arata: 「父さん,ニューヨークで勉強してたし,リングマスターとして仕事を得たってテキストで言ったでしょ.」

(Dad, I was studying in New York and I told you over text that I got a job as a Ringmaster.)

Hiro's smile widens, and he shakes his head slightly, his voice carrying a tone of affectionate reproach.Hiro: 「それでも,君がいない間は寂しかったよ.君は美代子と同じくらい大切なんだ.」

(Still, we missed you. You are just as precious as Miyoko.)

Arata: 「分かってるよ.」

(I know.)

Arata smiles, his expression tender as he slips off his shoes at the entrance, a sign of respect and comfort in his family's home. The act is filled with a sense of returning to a place of safety and belonging.As he steps into the living room, a young, beautiful Asian woman bursts into the room, her face flushed and sweaty from exercise. She is dressed in a tracksuit, clearly having just returned from a jog. Her eyes light up with surprise and joy upon seeing Arata.Miyoko: 「竜樹!」


She rushes forward and envelops Arata in a tight, heartfelt hug. Her embrace is warm and genuine, a blend of relief and excitement. Arata returns the hug with equal fervor, his smile growing as he feels the comfort of family.Arata: 「お姉ちゃん,美代子.久しぶりだね.」

(Big sis Miyoko, it's been a while.)

Miyoko: 「本当に,久しぶりね.会えてうれしいわ.」

(It really has been a while. I'm so glad to see you.)

Sayako: 「みんな,朝ごはんにしましょう.私が料理したばかりよ.」

(Come everyone, let's have breakfast. I just cooked.)

They all gather around a large table set on the ground in the living room. The table is filled with an array of delicious dishes, each one a testament to Sayako's culinary skills. The family sits down, and a moment of silence follows as they bow their heads in gratitude, hands clasped in a brief prayer.Sayako: 「いただきます,竜樹.」

(Dig in, Ryuki.)

Arata takes the first bite, his eyes closing in delight as he savors the taste. A look of pure happiness spreads across his face, his smile wide and genuine.Arata: 「ううう,おいしい!お母さんの料理がどれだけ恋しかったか…」

(SOOOOO TASTY! Oh, how much I have missed mom's cooking.)

The room fills with laughter and warmth as everyone joins in, the shared meal becoming a moment of joyful reconnection. The family's chatter and the clinking of cutlery against plates create a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, contrasting sharply with the tension of recent events.As the family shares their meal, Arata's expression shifts from contentment to determination. He clears his throat, drawing the attention of his family.Arata: 「ちょっと,皆さん,手伝ってほしいことがあるんだ.」

(I need help.)

Sayako looks up from her plate, her face a mix of concern and willingness to support her son.Sayako: 「もちろん,どんなことでも手伝うわよ.」

(Of course, we will help you in any way possible.)

Arata takes a deep breath and starts explaining the situation, detailing the recent events and the troubling state of affairs with Thronjaw.Arata: 「実は,最近,アレックスがリーダーシップを失っていて,それが大きな問題になってるんだ.彼が指揮を取った時,状況が最悪だった.」

(Actually, recently, Alex has lost his leadership skills, and it's become a big problem. When he was in command, the situation was disastrous.)

Miyoko: 「信じられない,アレックスがこんなにセックスドリブンな人間になっているなんて.」

(Unbelievable, that Alex has become a sex-driven maniac or something.)

Arata: 「アレックスを知ってるの?」

(You know Alex?)

Miyoko: 「もちろん.試験の同じ班にいたのよ.彼はリングマスターになって,私は研究者になったの.」

(Of course. We were in the same exam group. He became a Ringmaster, and I became a researcher.)

Arata: 「そうだったんだ…知らなかった.」

(I didn't know that…)

Miyoko: 「でも,リュウキ,私の組織で日本にいる間,手配してあげることができるわ.リーダーもコマンダーもとても良い人たちよ.彼らがリングマスターとして成長する手助けをしてくれる.」

(Well, Ryuki, I can set you up with my organization while you're in Japan. The leader and the Commander are both very nice people. They can help you mature as a Ringmaster.)

Arata: 「大丈夫だよ,お姉ちゃん.自分の方法でやりたいんだ.それに,Thronjawの問題がどうするかはまだ分からないけど.」

(It's alright, big sis. I always wanted to do this in my own way. I will handle it, but I don't know what to do about the Thronjaw situation.)

Miyoko: 「分かったわ.」


Hiro: 「リュウキ,お前はいつも私たちを支えてくれた.美代子が助けが必要だった時のことを覚えてるか?今,お前が同じ立場にいるけど,私たちの助けは必要ない.お前が必要なのは,自分自身の助けだ.」

(Ryuki, you have always held us together. Remember when Miyoko needed your help? You are in the same position today, but you don't need our help. What you need is your own help.)

Sayako: 「リュウキ,あなたは今も昔も同じように恐れているけど,恐れることは重要だけど,勇気を持つことも同じくらい重要よ.」

(Ryuki, you are still the same as always, just afraid, but being afraid is not the answer. Being afraid is important, but being brave is just as important.)

Arata: 「分かったと思う.」

(I think I understand what you are saying.)

Miyoko: 「リュウキ,私が以前,助けが必要だった時に言った言葉を繰り返すわ.「あなたより良い人はいない」」

(Ryuki, I'm going to repeat what you said back when I needed some words, 'There is no one better than you I know.')

Arata: 「ありがとう,皆さん…本当に必要だったんだ.」

(Thanks everyone…I needed it…)

Arata: 「これで準備ができたと思う.お母さん,お父さん,美代子,お前たち全員が大好きだよ.日本に来て話をする必要があったけど,やっぱり戻って人々を救いたいと思う…」

(I think I am ready. Mom, dad, big sis Miyoko, I love you all. I had to travel to Japan to talk to you guys, but I think I want to go back and save those people…)

He looks at his ring with a sense of determination.Arata: 「このリングは役に立たない.ついてきて.」

(That ring is useless. Come with me.)

Miyoko stands up, her expression resolute. Arata follows her, a mixture of hope and anxiety in his eyes.Sayako: 「数年以内に,美代子はリュウキと結婚するかもしれないわね.」

(I think in a few years, Miyoko should get married to Arata.)

Hiro: 「それは二人の選択にかかっているわ.もしそれが二人の選択なら,私は間違いなく応援する.」

(It all depends on both of them. If it's their choice, I will surely support them.)