
Issue 1

 A Trunkman was staring at me from across the room. His body was rippled, with strong limbs, and smaller branches visibly growing before my eyes. When I met his gaze, his leaves waved as if a gust of wind hit. His eyes were deep mahogany. He was the most masculine creature I had ever witnessed.

Cy grabbed my tentacle with a soft strand of leaves, "Oh my, are you vibing with the hunk of wood? He is making me turn pink."

Cy chose a Crinth, an unusual species from a misty planet that was not often on the menu, according to our hostess. Crinths look like seaweed. Their long, soft branches move slowly as if they are suspended in liquid even when they are in the air. And they change colors when aroused. We had dropped into our bodies about ten minutes ago.

"Rina, you are starting to glisten. And I smell you. Wow, Dilis do smell good."

I shifted on my stool nervously. "Cy, I shouldn't have picked a Dili. I love the idea of smelling good when I'm aroused, but I didn't think through how that is hard to hide."

Cy laughed. "Relax, you're fine. I am on my third color already. We're on vacation; there's no shame in it."

The Sex Bar had a rectangular glass aquarium bar in the middle of the room filled with bioluminescent creatures. Below my drink, I saw glowing jellies glide by, and tiny fish darted about like shooting stars. A diverse staff of bartenders worked from the inside, serving customers on the outside. There was no way to easily distinguish naturals from those renting bodies like Cy and me. The walls around the bar had small sex rooms with glass doors.

I looked back toward the Trunkman, and he was gone. My heart sunk. Then I heard a deep voice from behind: "Is this your first time?"

I felt myself growing wet all over. I looked over my shoulder, and the Trunkman was towering over me. He had grown a few inches taller on his walk over.

"My first time, what, at the Sex Bar?" I tried to be nonchalant.

"Yes, at the Sex Bar." He smelled like the earth after rain.

"Um, I'm just having a drink with my friend. Not interested, ok?"

He laughed. He reached out a small branch and stroked my neck gently with his leaves. "My name is Wade. You know, as a Dili, you can't really hide when you are interested." Oh, that voice! I could feel it like a bass speaker.

When he pulled his branch back, his leaves had a glistening residue from my blue skin, and I was on the verge of breaking into orgasm.

I spun around on my stool to face him. "My name is Rina."

"Hello, Rina," he said, taking my tentacle in his branch and pulling me toward him.

"And this is my friend, Cy. And yes, it's my first time, and—" He cut me off with a deep kiss, and I actually did break into orgasm. I started to moan mid-kiss. I could smell myself, a strong floral scent. Dilis glisten and secrete a slippery goo all over when they are aroused, and the goo gets thicker when they orgasm. I had only seen holograms of Dilis before this, and now I was one.

"Cy, I think I'm going to go with Wade here for a while," I trailed off as I followed him like a magnet.

"Have fun, Rina! I'll see you on the other side."

There were three lights to choose from when ilfs (intelligent life forms) entered a sex room: green, white, and red. Green meant more ilfs were welcome to join, white expressed no preference, and red meant no more ilfs were invited. The default was white.

We entered a vacant room and left the light white. Wade started to stroke a thick stub on his trunk with his branch hands, and it looked polished and waxed. I hadn't noticed it before, but maybe it was covered with leaves. I sat on a bench and spread my tentatcles to reveal three slits, stacked vertically. The slits opened up, with two soft pleasure nubs in between, wet and glistening.

"Come here, Wade. Give all three a turn," I said. After all, the clock was ticking.

He suddenly looked a little shy. "If I had known I was going to get lucky with a Dili, I would have polished three branches."

"No, I think this will be more fun. Tease me," I said as he entered my top slit.

I wrapped my tentacles around Wade's body, and rubbed my goo over his rough bark. He lifted me off of the bench, and I bounced on his solid stub.

I unwrapped a few tentacles and moved them lower to his front. When I thought he was about to climax, I lifted my body up and off his stub. His deep voice rumbled in my ear, so sexy. His voice was even deeper than when he first spoke to me.

"Is it true your leaves will fall when you climax?" I whispered.

"You'll just have to see." I lowered myself down so he entered my middle slit. He pushed a small branch in between our bodies, entered my first slit and rubbed my top nub with a leaf at the same time. I broke into another orgasm, with all three holes pulsating in synchronicity. I was not sure if I felt the orgasm in all three slits with his kiss, but I definitely did this time.

Wade started to shudder, and it sounded like some of his branches were cracking. His leaves fluttered down to the ground. I knew it!

All of a sudden I was lying on the floor of a locker room. "Time's up," said the bored Bulago who helped me into the Dili body 30 minutes ago.

Cy fell down next to me, dazed. "Cy, are you ok." She came to, looked at me, and smiled.

"Oh, Rina, I got into a room with some Jelly Joys. Next time, we have to try out those bodies!"

"I don't know, I didn't get to use all three slits as a Dili," I sighed. "Next time, we are buying an hour."

This is my first creation. Lock the room and enjoy.

fantasy_dealercreators' thoughts