
Chapter 7: Hero's Mentor

3rd person POV

"By the way, why did you give me this surname?" Carrera asked curiously, wondering why Veldanava made such decision.

"Because you are my sworn friend and I treat you as my equal, is that enough reason?" Answer Veldanava truthfully.

"Really? But we just met earlier?" Carrera Just let out a sigh after hearing the Dragon's answer.

"You really are the brother of Veldora." Said Carrera as she smiles to the Dragon.

The dragon just laughed at his new friend's remakes. It was then that a brilliant idea strikes his mind.

"Carrera follow me I want you to meet someone." Veldanava said changing the topic once more As he made his Primordial friend curious once again.

"I can smell it, this dude is up to something." Carrera though to herself. "Who is this someone?" She asked.

"There's no time to explain, just follow me I'm sure you two can become a good friend." answered Veldanava, expanding his draconic wings and take off.

Carrera just let out a hopeless sigh because of her new friend's demeanor, leaving her no choice but to fly and follow him.





Not far from the place where they first met. Veldanava landed his feet on a ground filled with grass, accompanied by Carrera behind him. He was then greeted by a young man and a girl.

"It is a pleasure to meet you again, Veldanava-sensei," said the young man, kneeling in the presence of Veldanava. He has blonde hair and deep blue eyes and dresses in royal clothing, indicating his high social status.

"I'm also delighted to meet your Veldanava, sir," said the girl in a shaky tone. She has silver-rosy hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in princess-like attire that resembled that of a noble.

"Oh, please, you don't have to be too formal, Rudra," said Veldanava to the boy named Rudra as he averted his gaze to the girl besides Rudra. Seeing the girl for the first time, he blushed as his heart beat rose.

Having no idea about this new-found emotion, he couldn't help but be fixated on the beautiful maiden beside his student.

"By the way, sensei, I want you to meet my sister, Lucia," said Rudra as he introduced his sister to his petrified teacher. "Sensei, ahm, are you okay?" asked Rudra after realizing that there's something off to his teacher.

Carrera, on the other hand, was left speechless because of how Veldanava reacted after seeing Lucia for the first time. She couldn't help but facepalm herself as she felt the second-hand embarrassment. She walks forward and faces Veldanava, and without a second thought, she blasts a small amount of nuclear magic directly towards Veldanava's face, making the two high humans shocked, especially Lucia.

"Was that nuclear magic? There's no doubt about it. It may be a small explosion, but I'm sure about it; it's the same magic that I read in the grimoire." The young maiden thought to herself after seeing the explosion that Carrera made.

"Hey, what was that for!" Veldanava complained.

"Your being a creep. Stop staring at the poor girl; you're making her uncomfortable. And please, really? You're doing that in your dragon form? Look at that girl; she's really scared because of you." Explained Carrera, which made Veldanava realize what he had done. He then transformed into his human form after realizing that he's indeed in his dragon form.

His body glowed as it gradually became smaller, resembling a human. As the light died out, it revealed the human in a black robe resembling that of a priest, who has the appearance of an androgynous man of modest stature with deep azure eyes. His long black hair is littered with white specks that make it resemble the night sky, and his two elongated horns shine as if they were a precious stone.

After looking in his new appearance, Lucia's cheeks blushes because of how beautiful Veldanava's human form, was the same can be said to Rudra.

"Wow, teach, I didn't know that you're such a hottie," humored Rudra, but Veldanava didn't buy his joke as he looked him in the eyes with a death stare.

Carrera on the other hand churked a chuckle after hearing what Rudra said as she remembered a goblin.

"It seems that you already forgot the word respect. Might as well I remind you what it means?" said Veldanava while emitting an aura that opposed his smile.

After seeing the reaction of his teacher, Rudra felt a shiver run down his spine. And he was about to apologize, but his sister stepped up and apologized on his behalf. She then grabs her brother's head as she falls it to bow down.

"On behalf of my idiotic brother, please accept my apology and forgive him. He may be the most idiotic human alive, but I assure you, sir. Deep down, my brother is a good guy, and he didn't mean what he said earlier." Lucia apologizes sincerely, as her brother's face turns red as a tomato because of how he was described by his sister.

"Well, if a beautiful woman apologizes to me like that, who am I to say no? And I also have to apologize because of what I have done to you earlier," said Veldanava as he lowered his head before continuing, "could you please accept my apology?" which caused the maiden to be shocked and blush out of embarrassment.

"P-Please, you don't need to lower your head, Sir..."

"It's Veldanava."

"Right! Sir Veldanava. You don't have to do that; what you did is not even a big deal!" said Lucia nervously, which caused Veldanava to raise his head.

Veldanava formed a smile as he chuckled because of how Lucia reacted to his words.

"Hehe, I didn't know that you're this cute when you're red," he teases, adding weight to the already embarrassed maiden. "and please drop the formality." He added

"Y-yes, Sir- I mean Mr.Veldanava."

Veldanava just Chuckled again as Lucia unconsciously said His name with honorifics, Lucia realizing what she said. She got more red than before and placed her palm on her face to hide her embarrassed look.

Rudra, seeing this opportunity, raises his head and looks towards his sister, being unable to read the atmosphere of the room. He shout.

"So you forgive me, right, Sensei?" Said Rudra with a glittering eyes.

But Veldanava seems unhappy with what he has done again. Seeing this opportunity, Carrera slowly walks to the group and talks.

"Hey Velda, It seem that you forget someone." She reminded her friend, as Veldanava look at her and smile before saying.

"Hehe, I totally forgot that you exist." Humored Veldanava.

"Really?" Replied Carrera in disbelief.

"N-no, I'm just joking of course." Answered Veldanava in awkward smile while scratching the back of his head.

"So, Sensei, who is this short girl besides you,?" asked Rudra in a playful way that made Carrera's smile vanish.

"Short?! We're literally have the same height!!"

"Oh, right," he said, clearing his throat before introducing his friend. "This girl right here is my friend. Her name is 'Carrera Nava". Declared Veldanava in a proud tone.

After hearing what her friend just said, Carrera stared at him with a wide eye, as if they were saying that Veldanava is cook.

"Nava?" He murmured. "That's weird, why you have the same surname as Sensei?" He asked.

"Well, Ahm- let's just say that she's my adopted sister." Answered Veldanava that made Carrera looked at him with wide eye.

"What the fuck?! Recently we're just a complete stranger and now I'm your Sister!" Shouted Carrera to Veldanava via telepathy.

"Just play with it, okay." Replied Veldanava.

Carrera couldn't help but sigh and just accepted the fact that she's the new adopted sister of Veldanava.

"Carrera, this is my student Rudra, and Rudra, this is my new sister Carrera." introduced Veldanava, follow by Rudra introducing himself cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you short-I mean, Ms.Carrera, My name is Rudra Nasca the heir Prince of Nasca kingdom!" Stated Rudra in a proud tone as he lifted his hand for a shake hand.

"Carrera," she said coldly and accepted the hand of Rudra as she clenched her hand, making a cracking sound as the young hero's face turned red because of pain but couldn't scream as he wanted to act tuff in front of his sister.

"And Rudra, starting this day, she will be your new mentor," Veldanava announced out of the blue, making the two both scream in unison.






Small Time skip.

"Hey, Teach? Just asking, what exactly are we doing?" Asked Rudra to his new mentor besides him.

"Watching the sunset obviously." Answered Carrera in a plane tone.

"No, not that. I mean, how exactly can this help me to become stronger?" The young hero sincerely ask, but Carrera just answer him in one word that made him pissed.


"Wait what?"

"You have an ear right? And I'm sure you heard my word clearly." Answered Carrera in a rude tone that made the young hero even more pissed.

"Hey, you are my new teacher, and your responsibility is to teach to become stronger, not to relax!" Rudra shouted angrily to Carrera, which made the primordial's veins pop out in her head.

"Listen kid, I'm not your teacher and will never be! Veldanava didn't even talk to me first when he said that, and I didn't agree to become your teacher!" Carrera Stated in a calm yet terrifying tone.

But Rudra didn't buy it, as he kept on insisting on what Veldanava said to them earlier, but Carrera just ignored him and started to walk away.

"Just leave, kid; you're just wasting your time by following me," said Carrera to Rudra, who was following her from behind.

"Nuh-uh, not happening. I'm following you wherever you go, until you teach me how to become stronger." Stated Rudra with resolve.

After hearing what Rudra said, Carrera sigh out of frustration before replying to the young hero.

"Do what you want, kid, but don't blame for learning nothing."

"No problem teach!" Rudra cheerfully replied that made the Primordial's headache even worse.

"And stop calling me "teach", I have a name."

"As you wish Carrera-sensei!"

"Man, you're so helpless."





Rudra's POV

It's already late at night, and I'm starting to get tired, not to mention I haven't eaten yet, but Carrera-sensei seems to have no plan to stop walking... And so do I! I will not stop walking until she decides to teach me how to become strong! That's my conviction: I'm a human with dreams, and my ego is still thriving!

I stated with my burning resolve as I continue to followed my new teacher.



It's been a week since I started to follow Carrera-sensei, and now we're in the middle of the forest. I haven't eaten, drunk, or slept, and to say that I'm not tired and hungry is a lie. But it seems that Carrera-sensei is not even tired for all of this walking, not to mention that we're walking non-stop! Is she some kind of monster? But she is too beautiful to become one.


Sounded my stomach as it growled, making Carrera-sensei to stop walking and look towards me.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Whats what?" I asked her back with an awkward smile trying to hide my hunger, but she just look at me with a side eye.

"You okay kid?"

"Y-yes, Teach, I'm totally fine!"

"Are you sure?" She ask.

"Of course, teach- Carrera-sensei!" I assure her.

"Okay, if you say so." She said as she began to walk again.

Making me to move my feet as I continue to followed her.

Damn, My I'm really so tired, my whole body are shaking and my eyesight is beginning to blurred. But either way, I keep on taking a step.

"M-ms. Carrera." I called her name in a weak voice, making her stop walking and look towards me.

"I'm not feeling well," I said as my body slowly fell to the ground and my vision got dark.





Carrera's POV

"M-Ms.Carrera." said Rudra behind me in a weak voice that made me worry and look behind.

"I'm not feeling well." He said as his body fell to the ground and collapse.

I then started to hurry towards him as I grab his body with my two hands, and shake him while shouted his name.

"Hey Rudra! Rudra!"

Damn, he's not responding!

After that, I placed my palm on his forehead to feel his temperature. It's hot, his fever is so high, not to mention that his breathing is not consistent.

Fuck you Veldanava for dumping your work to me!

«Master, I recommend letting him rest and making a soup base food for him to recover faster.» Ciel suggested.

"Nice suggestion Ciel, Thank you!"

«Anything for my Master.»

After thanking Ciel, I activate my [universal perception] to find a grass field for me to lay Rudra in. I teleported and quickly laid him on the grass. I then grabbed my jacket that was on my hip and used it to cover his shaking body.

Yosh, now that his body is secured, it's time for me to hunt some bulldeer. By just thinking about it, I heard a "Moo" sound coming from my back. After hearing it, I quickly looked around, and boy, oh boy. It seems that fate is on my side right now. I just found myself a bulldeer.



I was now staring at the star while eating the food that I made myself, and to be honest, it's not that good compared to Shuna's cooking, but hey, unlike Shion, my cooking is edible, and I'm proud of it!

It didn't take a while for Rudra to wakeup.

"Hey, kid. You're finally awake." I said to him.

"Oh, hi, Carrera-sensei," he replied, but quickly embraced himself because of how cold he was feeling. "Damn, it's so cold."

"If you feel cold, you can use that jacket for extra cover," I said while pointing to the jacket that's on his body. He then nodded and followed my proposal, wearing it. "You feel okay now?" I asked.

"Well, not really but it helps, thanks Sensei." Said Rudra sincerely.

After that, I offered him some food, but he declined it, saying he didn't feel hungry but didn't buy it, as I insisted on giving him the food, and with that, he accepted it and proceeded to eat.

"Wow, Sensei! It's so delicious. What is this made of?" He asked with glittering eyes while he continued to eat. Looking at his reaction, a devious idea struck my mind.

"Human meat." I answered.

He then looked at me with a wide eye as he started to vomit the food that he had eaten.

I couldn't hold myself anymore as I burst out laughing because of how he reacted.

"Hey, what so funny!"

"I'm just fooling you, silly; it's not human meat!" I answered him, trying to hold my laughter.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am, don't worry it's just a wild bulldeer." I said assuring him, and with that he started to eat his food again.

Seriously, he is so carefree and free-spirited; is this really Rudra? If this food has poison, he's already dead at this point.

"So tell me, Rudra." I said in a serious tone, making him to stop eating and look at me. "Why did follow me?" I asked him.

"Well because Veldanava-sensei said that you're my new mentor."

"Other than that, why?" I asked him again, making him also to get serious and place his food to the ground.

"I want to become stronger; I want to unite the world; I want all the people to experience what I experienced-to eat delicious food, to laugh, to dream, and to live a life without fear. I want to be the hero that they can rely on and the hero that will defeat the Demon Lord!" Rudra stated with full of determination.

"I'm going to frank you, Rudra. Your ideals are too naive and unrealistic. The world, this world is not as good as you may think; it is full of cruelty and mystery. It is not the fantasy that you imagine," I said to him with my heart, looking into his eyes, "Tell me, Rudra. What would you do if the day came that you were not allowed to laugh?" I asked him; it is not a straight-up question, as there is a deep meaning behind it.

"If that happens." Without breaking an eye contact, he smiles and stand up. "I will just laughed twice as much the day before!"

Hearing he's answer I chuckled, follow by a laugh that made the young hero uncomfortable.

"D-did I just say something wrong?"

"No, nothing. Just eat a lot and rest because the next few days are not going to be easy, at least for you."

After hearing what I said and deciphering it, a tears fell to his eyes as it drop to the ground.

"S-so your going to... Train me?"

"What else can I do? You already passed the first trial."

After hearing my voice his tears grow more intense as he smiles brightly and start shouting out of joy.

"Don't be so excited, kid; your training will not be easy."





Te be continued.


Hi guys Author here :D I just wanted to ask some question.

Would you like a Rudra training arc or just one chapter?

I want you guys to help me decide because I'm also having a hard time deciding if I will make a training arc or not.

That's just all goodbye see you in the next chapter. 👋🏻