

Ummm Hi"

I see you're not the way I expected

Unh' what are you saying ,said Rihanna

Umm i have a deal for you "Stuart replied since you're the famous model Rihanna Cooper and you want to get revenge on your ex. what did you investigate me,

ohh common bby girl I can do more than that just with a snap of my fingers 'stuart said.

what do you want 'Ummm okay here's the deal let's be in a relationship for a year and after a year we'll break up.

and why should we do that 'cause I wanna convince my grandpa that I'm not gay that I'm straight,ohhh so he's been pressurizing you too get married! well yeah he said he needs a great grandchild "replied Stuart"

I'm not interested

why ? why would I be the girlfriend of a billionaire,infact not even a normal one the most richest billionaire in this city.you've gotta be kidding me

common darling I'm paying you.

I'm not interested said Rihanna alright 50 Milion ,No how about 500 milion,I said no 800 Milion,no and shut the f....she didn't get to finish her word before she was interupted.1 Billion now where are we starting from"she replied calm down baby girl first we have to go and meet my grandpa

uhh you mean the legendary Lee Onell

Yes my lady.

Ohh no I'm so dead said Rihanna


Ya'll should engage in this story cause this is my first story so you all should help me pls

xoxo: Haycher your author

I love y'all