
Right from the Ashes

The myth of the vermillion bird is chased by a man, a bird watcher. His adventure is intertwined with his best friend Gabe 's journey to find truth into the history of man and their possible interactions with the Extra terrestrial. Cel, a pathologist journeys, chasing around to find an elixir that will cure everything and exploring local legends around it. Find out how their journeys, although for different purposes will be intertwined in a saga of myth, legend and reality

Kalki_gsk · Urbain
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I will name my dog cuckoo!

"I gave away the tooth to her, because it made more sense that she should have it, as it has more medicinal and anthropological value as compared to its archeological value." This is what Gabe's mail said.

Gabe has an assistant now, who is constantly hitting on him, but yet again he is too naive to realize the same. I took the picture and put it on my wall along with other fossilized eggs of Dodo (Raphus Cucullatus) from the islands of Madagascar. I just see smoke, lava, and brown and white walls painted in charcoal. I wonder what is behind these charcoal layers, so I thought Gabe's assistant who is known for her pixelating magic can help me. I shot an email to him stating the same and asked him to meet me at the "little things Cafe" if he wants to talk about her.

I bounced out to the coffee shop with my book on "Bird's Psychology". The innocent-looking cuckoo (Cuculidae) is known to force other little birds to adopt their offspring. This shows how close we are to nature, how often do we not see babies outside orphanages or puppies left at the kennels because their parents can't take care of them. This is why I think cuckoo leaves its eggs in other Bird's nests.

Journal entry: 307 - Cuckoo bird - Species Cuculidae


A bird with grey plumage weighing about a 110 g

Feeds on worms and caterpillars, and known to lay eggs in Reed Warblers nest


Why does a cuckoo lay its egg in another bird's nest?

Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) is a relatively smaller bird with 12g of weight. And are good nest builders; their tiny feet and pointed beaks make them suitable for picking up small stems and make themselves good homes.

Darwin's theory where non-poisonous butterflies mimic the wings of poisonous butterflies to keep the predators at bay is used by the male cuckoo to look like a sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) while the female cuckoo lays her egg in the nest.

Cuckoo's claws look as if they can pick up a small rat but their small beak cannot do a good job in building a nest like Warblers. And the female hormones driving in the mother Wabler make her care for the young cuckoo even at the cost of its own offspring


I am going to name my dog Cuckoo because while we inhabited other animals like pigs, horses, cattle for meat, and milk, it was a give and take relationship. But, when man tamed wolves some 10,000 -30,000 years ago, he didn't realize that this ferocious wolf would be a cute pup and "pet" would be the word he would use to describe it. Here is my point, we are not smart, like Warblers we have been outsmarted by a pack of these puppies whose generations still breed in our nests.

"Where are you?", "read your mail sir, it said little things cafe…", "ok, stay there I am coming with Deb, and yeah a cold coffee for me…"

He must be happy or stressed, otherwise it would have been a shitty green tea, and Debrosse James is his Intern and Secretary. I thought he would want to talk about Cel but, it looks like Deb is in the picture now. I wonder how Cel would feel about this. I kept my journal and book aside thinking about him and had my americano while his cold coffee arrived, how he made me take an oath that I would help him in proving his theory that people do live on other planets. As per him, all he needs to do is take a plane to another planet, dig up a bone, and publish his paper in the esteemed "nature" journal. While other people are struggling to build a plane that can actually take us there, he did other stuff.

He barges to my table and starts yelling, " what do you mean by 'her'?" and next to him walks a poor little duckling, shadowing him wherever he goes. I looked at her, and he would add," she said she did your job, so I thought she would give it to her and leave". I Thanked her, taking the file from her hand when she said "I removed the charcoal coated layers and found some leaves on the wall.", "I guess when the peak collapsed after the eruption, it might have taken some trees into the volcano." She wished him bye, and all she got was a hand wave, while his eyes were staring at mine, like a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) ready to pick on its target.

A quick fact, do you know Vultures esp. Condors (Vultur gryphus) are the largest flying birds, but eagles are usually the national birds, I think, maybe this is because they are not scavengers. Similarly, though Bears are larger than Lions, they are not the kings of the jungle, maybe because they don't form a pride.

Gabe stares at me asking why I keep bringing her up, even when he was not interested in her. As he sips his cold coffee, he starts his philosophical monologue about why relationships are absurd and why it's ok to not have anyone. This contradicts Maslow's hierarchical theory where love and belongingness needs are important in order to be self actualized. Was Gabe self actualized and realized all these relationships are just hindrances to our self growth. Like many wild species even in Birds, certain species are non monogamous. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), as explained before, is the national bird of the U.S.A, and they mate for life. It is safe to assume that they might be picky in choosing their partner, same as they pick their food, but once they find the one, they stick with them. Are these, Self actualised birds? As in did their forefathers date many birds and decide that this is not going to work. Though Gabe is not bald, not yet, he looks like an eagle.

I was reminded by my stupid mobile that it was my Cousin brother's birthday and I thought I should check on him. He is a classic nest builder and after checking out Gabe's Classic Charisma with which he attracts these awesome women, and can still be oblivious to them, I wanted to meet some normal people. I dropped a message that I would be there tomorrow night for supper and went back to my lonely nest.

I forgot to tell you that my desk has a skeleton figure of a bald eagle, he he :-D. I opened Deb's file to check out her images, and my pupils dilated, I smiled, which quickly turned into a grin. "They are not leaves stupid" but thank you little woman, they are feathers, I see their pattern on the wall. It is a distinct wing pattern on the wall inside an active volcano! B)