
Rift through Space

They say you truly know someone when facing hardship. That rings painfully true for us, orphaned and struggling to survive together. We believed in our camaraderie, forged through years of adversity and sacrifice. But when the moment of truth arrived, it all crumbled with shattered trust and broken dreams. 『 Author's note: Hey everyone! How have you been? I'm finally getting back to writing. I've been struggling a bit with creating plots and letting my egotistical imagination run wild here, haha. Anyways, I wanted to mention that the cover of this novel isn't originally mine. The background image of space was simply found via Canva, while the character was generated using AI. If it doesn't meet your liking, I can take it down and create a new one from scratch. Ciao!~ 』

Orionyx · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Western Europe

In the heart of the ancient forest of Western Europe, the Tarot and Viktor had found a brief sanctuary amidst the towering trees and tranquil surroundings.

They had settled into a makeshift camp in a peaceful clearing, where the scent of pine and earth mingled in the cool evening air.

Removed from the hustle and bustle of civilization, they found solace in the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal wildlife.

As dusk settled over their camp, an unsettling shift in the atmosphere drew Ethan's attention first.

He stood at the edge of the clearing, brow furrowed, eyes fixed on the western horizon where the sky seemed to darken with unnatural speed.

Leo approached Ethan cautiously, concern etched deeply into his features. "Ethan, what's happening?" he asked quietly, following Ethan's gaze.

Ethan turned to Leo, his expression a mix of disbelief and unease. "Look," he said, pointing towards the horizon.

Leo's heart sank as he saw it too—the sky, once softly tinted with twilight's hues, now shrouded in a swirling darkness that spread like ink spilled across parchment.

It advanced swiftly, blotting out the stars and the moon, casting an eerie gloom over their sanctuary.

Anna, Sofia, and the others gathered around, their faces reflecting Leo's growing alarm. Sofia gasped softly, her hand rising to cover her mouth in dismay.

"What's happening?" Anna's voice trembled slightly as she turned to Viktor, seeking reassurance.

Viktor emerged from his tent, drawn by the palpable tension in the air. His usual composed demeanor faltered as he beheld the ominous sight above. "I... I don't know," he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with concern. "This... this isn't right."

Marko stepped forward; his voice laced with urgency. "Should we be worried?" His eyes scanned the darkening horizon with wary apprehension.

Viktor nodded slowly, his expression grave. "Yes," he replied somberly. "We need to prepare ourselves for anything."

Ethan's mind raced with possibilities. "Is it a storm?" he ventured, though uncertainty colored his tone.

Viktor shook his head, his unease palpable. "No," he said firmly, eyes fixed on the advancing darkness. "This is something else entirely. I've never seen anything like it."

As they stood together, enveloped in the deepening gloom, the Tarot felt a profound sense of isolation and vulnerability.

Cut off from the outside world and unaware of Viktor's ulterior motives, they faced this inexplicable phenomenon alone.

"We stick together," Leo's voice broke the silence, his words a steadying force amidst the growing uncertainty. "And we stay calm."

Viktor nodded in agreement, his mind racing even as he struggled to maintain composure. "Let's secure our camp," he suggested, his voice steady. "We'll figure out what's happening as we go."

As they fortified their camp against the encroaching darkness, tensions simmered beneath the surface among the Tarot.

Viktor, usually the voice of reason and guidance, insisted they head further into the forest, claiming it was safer away from the advancing blackness.

Ethan, ever suspicious, challenged him.

"Why are we trusting him?" Ethan muttered to Leo, his voice low but full of suspicion. "He acts like he knows everything, but we don't even know who he really is."

Leo nodded, his mind conflicted. Viktor had offered them safety and a semblance of stability in a chaotic world, but Ethan's doubts gnawed at him.

"We need to stay together," Leo replied cautiously, "but we also need to be careful."

Viktor overheard their conversation and approached them, his tone firm but tinged with frustration.

"We don't have time for doubts or arguments. Trust me, this is the safest direction."

Ethan squared off against Viktor, his white hair catching the dim light filtering through the canopy above. "And how do you know that?" he challenged; his voice sharp with suspicion.

Viktor's eyes flashed with irritation, but he maintained his composure. "I've been through situations like this before," he replied vaguely, avoiding Ethan's gaze. "We have to keep moving."

Leo stepped between them, trying to diffuse the tension. "Let's focus on securing the camp first," he suggested diplomatically. "We'll figure out our next move together."

Reluctantly, Viktor acquiesced, and they continued reinforcing their camp in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Leo couldn't shake the growing unease in his gut.

Viktor's insistence and Ethan's skepticism weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew they couldn't afford division among them, especially now.

As they worked, Julia, the Tarot of Justice, and her blood-related sister Anastasia, the Tarot of the Star, were scouring through their belongings for any useful items. Anastasia stumbled upon a crumpled piece of paper wedged beneath Viktor's belongings.

Unfolding it carefully, she read aloud, "Addressed to the Capital of Western Europe's black market, item list: 22 fresh meats."

Julia's eyes widened in horror as she realized the implications. "Fresh meats... that's us," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Anastasia nodded grimly; her gaze fixed on the paper. "Viktor," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's selling us."

Leo's heart sank as the truth hit him like a punch to the gut. His suspicions about Viktor had been justified, but the reality was even more chilling than he had imagined. "We need to confront him," Leo said firmly, his voice laced with anger and betrayal.

Ethan clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with fury. "He played us," he spat bitterly. "Acting like he's here to help, but all along..."

Viktor approached them, sensing the change in the atmosphere. "What's going on?" he asked innocently, though there was a flicker of unease in his eyes.

Leo stepped forward, holding up the incriminating paper. "You were going to sell us," he accused, his voice trembling with anger and hurt.

Viktor's mask of composure cracked, revealing a mixture of guilt and desperation. "I... I had no choice," he stammered, his voice tinged with remorse. "I owe money to dangerous people. They threatened..."

"You used us," Leo interrupted, his voice cold with betrayal. "We trusted you."

Viktor hung his head, unable to meet their accusing gazes. "I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely. "I never wanted..."

Before Viktor could finish his sentence, Leo raised a hand to silence him. "Pack your things," Leo said quietly, his voice devoid of emotion. "You're leaving."

Viktor nodded wordlessly, gathering his belongings with shaking hands. The rest of the Tarot watched in silence, their hearts heavy with disappointment and disbelief.

As Viktor disappeared into the forest, leaving behind the camp that had briefly been their refuge, Leo turned to the others. "We'll stay together," he said firmly, his voice tinged with resolve. "No matter what."

Next Chapter: Obscuration

What are your thoughts so far? I would love to read your comments and suggestions, and I am talking it seriously this time. Join me as we embark unto this new novel of mine.

Orionyxcreators' thoughts