
Ride - I'd live for you (and that's hard to do)

Time-Travel. Naruto goes back to the past accidentally after dying because of defeating Kaguya. And he's fairly okay with the second chance as he can help more people. What he isn't okay is with the new change in his body, not that Kurama will admit is his fault. Even if it totally was. (Or that fic where Kurama tried to not let Naruto die and asked Hagoromo for help which resulted in their trip to an AU. However, in the trip Naruto's semi destroyed body worsened and he had to remade it with what's he's used with. The bad thing is that he's been sealed in two women bodies before and he's more used to their weird biology than with a male one.) . . Overpowered!BAMF!Naruto No Yuri Reverse Harem. Straight pairings. Or as straight as a male-turned-woman can be

JorieDS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

"We aren't here to fight. I just need the kid," the fox said, his gaze never leaving the blond still held back by the hand on his arm.

The ANBU were surprised by the words, like the kids once were, which was only reflected by the tense line that formed on their backs.

The Hokage didn't even blink. His expression was set on a firm 'no'. Though even if he had words to say, the wheezing started once again as the Sage-look-alike used his elbows to lift himself. A brief flash of panic crossed the fox's face as he tilted his head to the side, a tail going around Naruto's waist to help him stand upright.

The blood stopped pouring from the Sage-look-alike as they cleaned their mouth with the back of their hand. "The plan—"

"No," Kurama all but snarled, for the first time showing anger. His body flickered golden as it surrounded Naruto's form with everything it had. His height reduced until he was only slightly taller than the waist of a normal teenager, but his back still capable to hold him there. The Sage-look-alike gasped, coughed without blood, and took a slow, deep breath; the action does not seem to hurt him anymore.

"You won't die. Am I clear or do I need to kick those words into your thick skull?"

"I still feel dizzy," the Sage breathed.

Kurama ignored them to turn and look at the blond kid, his eyes intense and a tad pleading. He wouldn't direct that look to anyone who wasn't him. It didn't matter if it was a younger version of the man he had grown to respect; they were still the same person.

The kid tried to push Iruka again. This time he succeeds because the fox turned the tail curled around his waist into that flaming golden that made Iruka who remembered stories of how corrosive the chakra of the Nine-Tailed Fox was, stepped back. The Hokage was closer to the windows, but he was still a powerful ninja, the gap that separated him from Naruto wasn't that large, so he lunged. Only to be intercepted by large bright tails blocking his path and the path of everyone else.

The Hokage having his staff out was the only one who blocked the tail, but by then it was too late. Naruto was in front of the fox, with his eyes as wide as saucers and mouth set into a hard line. The Nine-Tails moved so the person on his back was visible.

"You're an ass," they murmured, but the Sage-look-alike still used the tail closest to them as support. They glanced at the Hokage as they walked the few steps that were between him and his younger self—not that the other knew that. Their complexion looked slightly healthier than they did when he appeared, but not by much. This time their gender was revealed thanks to the way her chest lifted slightly the glowing shirt. "Hi, old man. Sorry for the trouble."

"… Who are you?"

"Long time no see," the young woman breathed out with a grin, completely ignoring the words, as she held out her arm currently covered by destroyed and dirty flaming clothes, pulling at them until her skin was visible, revealing the seal hidden underneath and how badly her hands shook. She grimaced. "Kurama, it seems I'll have to give you the key."

The fox swallowed, his eyes widening a fraction. He held his hand up, his human-looking fingers clasping tightly to Naruto's. The seal came to life with the contact, the seal moving from the tanned skin and going to the red fur until it etched in a similar manner on the Nine Tail's arm.

"Careful with the claws," said the Sage-look-alike as she let go.

"Don't use that tone with me, brat. I know what I've got to do. Just focus on not dying."

She huffed in amusement before turning to look at her younger counterpart. "Lift up your jumpsuit. Show me your stomach, little kid."

"Oi! I'm not little," the kid grumbled but still complied, trembling hands going to the end of his jumpsuit and showing unmarred skin underneath.

"Naruto, stop moving!" the Hokage yelled, two big arms coming out of his staff, trying to push away the tails. There were a great number of kunais sprawled on the floor. Some parts of the room were destroyed and covered with singed spots, displaying the use of failed elemental techniques attempts.

The kid grinned stiffly. "Don't worry, old man! I'll be okay."

"Well, it won't hurt but will feel pretty uncomfortable," the Sage-look-alike wheezed.

This time the kid's grin turned more sincere even as it sharpened. "You're talking to the next Hokage. Uncomfortable is nothing, ttebayo!"

The older answered with a grin of his own, the tiredness of his eyes all but vanishing at its brightness.

Then the fox's fingers lit up. No warning came as they dug deep into the other's stomach. They moved clockwise before retreating, a trail of red, poisonous energy traveling from one to the other; the presence of the power was identical to how it was almost twelve years ago.

It was then that the Hokage noticed the differences between the tailed beast in front of them and the one whose power was coming from the younger version—the lack of malice in one was notorious and he wondered how he could have missed it.

"Kurama!" the Sage-look-alike barked as she looked at the young blond who looked like he wasn't breathing, face slack in surprise.

"I'm almost done, brat," the fox hissed from his place, form flickering red instead of gold.

The currently golden-haired's brows furrowed and ignoring the fox's warnings, she grabbed one of the orange ears and tugged. The other ear twitched, but the fox obeyed and again pressed his fingers into the child's stomach, turning them on the contrary direction he did before. The kid's eyelids fell close and his body slumped onto the other's tail. The Nine-Tails positioned him gently on his side before his body lit up bright golden once again. This time the flame reached the Sage-look-alike and shrouded her form, the cloak with weird symbols solidifying even more around him.

"Rest," the fox said when the Naruto on his back seemed to be fighting sleep.

As if the words were compelling him, the teenager did so, cheek once again pressed against red fur.

Then the fox cast a look at them and banished, seemingly absorbed by the Sage. The light flickered and disappeared, the woman's form slumping to the floor, the golden flames going out revealing crimson red hair and a simple black shirt with a mesh underneath and ruined orange pants, the body of the younger laying nearby.

"Hokage-sama?" one ANBU asked when only two slumped bodies remained.

The staff turned into the King of Monkeys. Memma looked down at the Hokage, waiting for his answer.

"Take Naruto to the hospital; secure room level A. I want a report of what has been done to his body. Beetle, Hound, you take the girl to T&I. First, take him to the infirmary, and call Dolphin for a checkup. Cat, you will accompany them and go to the sealed room; bring the strongest binding seals to the infirmary to secure them; preferably one in each tenketsu point. You'll report what happened in the Academy in one hour, Iruka. First, check up on the kids and let them know no one is to reveal what they saw today."

There were a couple of salutes before everyone left, leaving the Hokage alone with two ANBU,

"I want Shikaku, Morino, and Inoichi in my office for debriefing in fifteen. Danzo and the elders must be already waiting there."

Everyone then moved.



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Also, if you wanna read chapters ahead, go to:

www - Pat - reon - com - /JorieDS