
Ride - I'd live for you (and that's hard to do)

Time-Travel. Naruto goes back to the past accidentally after dying because of defeating Kaguya. And he's fairly okay with the second chance as he can help more people. What he isn't okay is with the new change in his body, not that Kurama will admit is his fault. Even if it totally was. (Or that fic where Kurama tried to not let Naruto die and asked Hagoromo for help which resulted in their trip to an AU. However, in the trip Naruto's semi destroyed body worsened and he had to remade it with what's he's used with. The bad thing is that he's been sealed in two women bodies before and he's more used to their weird biology than with a male one.) . . Overpowered!BAMF!Naruto No Yuri Reverse Harem. Straight pairings. Or as straight as a male-turned-woman can be

JorieDS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

The woman resting on top of the bed had brown hair, like her children. Though instead of their healthy rosy skin, she was deathly pale. Her brows twitched, even in sleep, making the wet cloth on top of her forehead be partly on top of the cushion instead of where it was supposed to rest.

Kota was quick to enter, placing the cloth in its place. Yue, who was behind him, said softly, "At least she managed to sleep."

Naruto didn't need to ask; she could see the bags under the woman's eyes. Instead, she followed Yue's actions and sat in front of the futon, closest to the woman's head. Both siblings looked at her when she was in place. Instead of being flustered at the attention, she was determined in healing this woman.

"I'll transform, now," she said in a volume only both could hear. "I'll be a bit gold, but don't worry, okay?"

She sent them a reassuring smile. She didn't immediately transform as to not startle them, though she could. Choosing to do it slowly, instead. After all, she didn't have much practice in healing without completely accessing her chakra mode. It didn't spend much chakra, considering the vast well she had inside her, but better to practice, just in case.

Fire started licking her form until her cloak formed around her. Not wanting to frighten them, she was sure to be extra reassuring in the feeling she gave off. It seemed to work as their tense posture at seeing her new form slowly relaxed.

She then placed a hand on top of their mother's stomach, focusing in making her healthy once again.

She wasn't lying when she told Yue that her healing was different from what medic-nins did. After all, even if she wasn't really sure how to do it, she had heard Sakura explaining it too many times how it worked to know the basic theory.

Basically, basic healing ninjutsu uses the chakra of the user to accelerate the growth of cells to heal them, but they need to be careful and know a lot of anatomy to not make mistakes mid-healing. Instead, what she does, doesn't need to follow theory, which she is frankly glad about. What she did to heal someone was basically using the body's memory of the patient to return it to a healthy state. Sakura would probably be more descriptive, but that's how she understood it. If the person she was healing had been born with a defect, she probably wouldn't be able to heal it. Though she was not sure, as she hadn't tried it.

There was a huff inside her mind after she stopped pouring chakra inside the woman's body. 'What you call the 'body's memory' is a human's DNA. Though you should be able to change it, too. You've got the Creation of All Things technique of my father's, after all. Though yeah, better to practice it than give someone a third eye or something.'

Luckily, Kurama waited for her to be done to say that, as she would be distracted otherwise. She looked at the woman on top of the futon and was glad to see her skin was a now healthy color. The bags under her eyes were lighter, too. She no longer looked as if someone had punched her, but now it just showed a tired person.

She left her cloaked state just in time for her to see the woman slowly waking up. Naruto took off the cloth on top of her forehead and that seemed to be enough for the woman to open her eyes. She first looked up at her, showing a confused expression, before glancing around, her gaze falling on her children. Naruto turned too, seeing Yue with a hand covering her lower face as she cried in happiness. Kota was trying to hold back tears, but his eyes were shiny, too.

"Yue? Kota?" the woman asked, her voice sounding rough. It made Kota quickly stand up and grab a glass of water that was on a table behind him. Yue, seeing her brother's actions, relaxed and used her free hand to grab her mother's own.

When Kota made her mom drink a little, Yue asked, "How are you feeling, mom?"

"A little hungry, but fine overall," their mother answered with a smile. She then glanced at Naruto. "I'm sorry for not standing up to greet you, young lady. You must be the one who healed me, right?"

Naruto grinned. "Yep! Glad to see you fine, ma'am."

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Yuiko, the mother of these two troublemakers."


Naruto chuckled. "Nice to meet you, Yuiko-obaa-san. My name's Ashura. Yue-chan did me a favor and I couldn't in good conscience not help her back, too."

"Oh, I just gave you a shirt, Ashura-chan," Yue became red, trying to make her actions less than what it was.

"Nuh-uh. You're just too nice, Yue-chan! You didn't need to; you could have just let me walk out. Instead, you helped me even when I didn't have money." Naruto then turned to Yuiko. "You've got a kind daughter, Yuiko-obaa-san."

Yuiko smiled at her daughter, before turning towards her once again. "You don't have any money? We can pay you for healing me."

"I couldn't ask for more. Yue-chan already gave me this shirt."

"How it could be the same, isn't really anything we could help you with?"

Naruto started shaking her head before stopping. Kurama said she needed to build a reputation, didn't he? He told him to do it as a Sage and not as a healer, but maybe she could do both.

"Well, Yue-chan told me the doctor of the village was gone and won't return for a while. I like helping others, so if you know anyone who needs some healing, I would be happy to be of aid."

Yuiko seemed surprised, before smiling. She then turned to Yue and said, "Well, my Yue could help you spread the word around. And also fit you with some better clothes."

At her pointed look to her destroyed pants, Naruto wanted to protest, but a motherly, stern gaze was enough for her to fold. "I'm fine with the top, I like it. Though I would appreciate some pants."

Yuiko nodded. "Also, if you need a place to sleep, my home is open for you, young woman."

"Oh, no. I couldn't impose—" The stern look was back. Naruto wilted. "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, then. I'm feeling a bit peckish." She looked at Kota embarrassedly. "I think there was some soup I didn't manage to eat. What if we all ate lunch together?"

Kota stood up. "I'll warm it up!"

At seeing his back go, Yue spoke up. "I already ate something, mom. I should go to the store now."

"Are you sure, dear?"

Yue nodded with a smile. "Yes, of course. I've got to spread the word around about Ashura-chan, too, right?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. It's not urgent—"

"Nonsense. There could be others sick like my mom was. Better to do it now. Also, I can get you some pants that way, too." She stood up, ready to leave, but turned around at the last second. "Oh, right. You said you could regrow body parts, am I right?"

Naruto ignored Yuiko's incredulous look and nodded. "Yep, if they weren't born like that, I could regrow it. Why?"

"Well, there's the old carpenter who lost a couple of fingers some months back and now just teaches his apprentices. Maybe you could help him?"

"Sure, I can! Can you tell me where is his house?"

Yue smiled. "Don't worry about it. His shop is on the way to ours. I will then let him know myself."

Naruto nodded happily.



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www - Pat - reon - com - /JorieDS