
Interlude (2)

"What do you think you are doing, Nelea?" 

Banjay's shoulders dropped as he struggled to figure out how exactly he was supposed to react in this situation. 

Thanks to all the acting thus far, the rioting group of traitors and dissidents stood in a perfect spot for Salicious to spring the trap, and the three units of royal guards to close it from all sides, leaving no traitor behind. 

But Nelea didn't know how all of Banjay's words and actions were merely an act, a play designed to keep the rioting traitors in place, giving the royal forces enough time to close the trap. 

And now that she stood at the front with a sword in her hand… Banjay had to do something about her. For if the fight were to erupt this very moment, the young princess would actually be in danger!

"That's why I always said brats shouldn't meddle with adults' business," Banjay sighed, dropping his sword again and moving up to the young girl…