
Rich Kids Runaway

Anastasia_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs

My Place

I got home later that evening after school

"How was the first day back?"

"It was fine, thanks for asking mom."

"Are any of your friends coming?"

"I don't know...I got one I'll think about it."

"I'm sorry baby. I did order everything that you asked for."

"Thanks looks like I'll be stuffing my face alone if I don't get a reply or a show up later tonight."

"Just have patience things will turn around trust me."

Trust her? I had no idea if I should...my mom and dad have been acting a little skeptical lately but I decided to believe that they would show up.

*a few hours later*

I'm such a dumbass. Why did I think they would come? It's now 20:30 and no one has showed up! All the parent are here I was surprised they didn't convince their kids to come but what do I know. I got the pizzas put them on a table near the lounge, sat on a beanbag and started to eat the pizza. 15 minutes later the doorbell rung.

"Mom! I think one of your friends are here..."

I got no answer...so I tried again.

"Mom!? Dad!?"

I roll my eyes and sigh with anger now having to get up and answer the door.

"Took you long enough!"

"Wait...Chase? Chloe? Gabriella? You came!"

They were all standing outside my door and I was so happy that they had shown up! I was a little surprised that Chloe came but I also know that she doesn't like to be left alone most of the time. I invited them in and we all sat down. I sat down on my bean bag and started conversation.

"Ok we are all here Wilder, what do you want?"

"Oh come on Chase. Don't you miss this?"

"Well non of us haven't been the same since..."

"Yeah I know, but if you think about it, was that a reason for us to stop hanging out?"

"You have no place to talk Alex, you didn't even come to the fu-"

I then cut out Chase. "I know! But every time I try to explain myself non of you listen...


"Did you guys hear that?"

"No Alex it was a ghost"

"Alright Chase, I think it came from my parents outside house."

We maneuvered our way to the house and started a search. Anything that could have caused a bang. It was very Strange though because as we looked I thought and it possibly couldn't have been from this room, I wasn't really allowed in this room anyways so after about 10 minutes of searching, I decided to go back to the house.

"Ok guys let's head back."

"Are you kidding Alex? There's beers,vodka. I know where your dad keeps them, let's have a glass."

"Chase he's moved his stuff. Ever since we hung out. Check if you don't believe me."

"Ok I will."

"Hey guys...."

Right then and there Gabriella twisted a set of coasters my dad had "put" next to his alcohol bar, and as soon as she did a secret passage way opened from the bookshelf and led down somewhere. Exactly like a tunnel but with stairs.

"What the heck is going on?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth Gabriella."