
Rich Kids Runaway

Anastasia_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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4 Chs



"Guys I think we should go down."

"Chase are you crazy?"

"Oh come on Chloe! When was the last time you searched something."

"Well I'm sorry I'm not a Jerk like you Chase, we don't all have your standards."

"Jeez, just because we don't talk doesn't mean you can be rude."

"It's not rude if it's the truth, and plus we don't hang out with the idiots of the school."

"Guys! We didn't come here to fight, we have just found a tunnel that leads to gosh knows where."

"Yeah guys Gabriella is right, we need to know where it goes."

The tunnel looked very dark, they stairs were made with stone and as we walked down it just got colder and darker. We then reached the end of the stairs and next to us was a door, we slowly opened it and walked in... I then whispered

"Guys...those are our parents"

There was a semi-see through thing in front of us kinda like a force field and you couldn't go through it.

"What the heck is going on down here?"

"I don't know but whatever it is, we need to find out."

"This is insane."

"Shhh! They gonna hear us Chloe!"

"Chase I don't think they can..."

"I'm taking a picture of this."

"No Madison don't!"

It was to late! Madison took the photo and her flash was one which didn't help at all! As soon as she took the photo we bolted! Crouching just until we were out of sight. We then ran upstairs and started coming up with a plan.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, we're dead!"


"My parents are going to kill me!"


Then all eyes were on me,

"I have a plan, relax. I'll say here and try to close the passageway in the mean time you guys run as fast as you can to the house and pretend you saw nothing! Act natural. Got it?"

"Yeah got it..."

"Good, now go! RUN!"

We ran as fast as we could...down the garden while Alex tried to find a way to close the passage way.


"Did you guys see that?"

"Yeah someone saw us."

"Darn it! Me and Jake will go check if it was the kids"

"Ok we'll finish up here."


We got dressed back into our normal clothes as fast as we could so we could go and check if the kids knew anything and were on our way up.

"I finally did it. I managed to close the secret passageway and ran back to the rest as fast as I could."