
Rich Brat: Sweet revenge of a Lazy Princess

What would you do when you are attending a high class reception in a sleak suit and suddenly a girl in ripped jean and hoodie approaches you??? What do you do when she ends up dragging you out of there?? What do you say when she confesses to you just few hours after you guys met??? This is a story of a very bold straight forward female and a completely baffled, swept away male. This is actually a story with a male Cinderella and a female knight in shining armour. Just without the missing shoes... 15 minutes later, Charan’s car came to a standstill outside a multistory apartment complex. But Shreya did not get down right away. Rather she turned towards Charan and said, “I… I… I was told I was way too straight forward that it leaves them baffled some times. So don’t complain that I did not warn you.” Then she paused and took a deep breath. She then looked at Charan and said without batting her eyes, “I like you. So if you are single and you are okay with me I would like it if we could hang out and get to know each other.” “…” Charan’s brain froze. You call that a warning!!!! “So yea… uhm… here is my number.” She said and took the pen from his pocket and wrote down her number on his palm and got down from the car. * The cover is not my property. I made sure the signature is there but i have no idea who did it. I just got it from pinterest.

Gayu2594 · Urbain
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422 Chs

Look, who's growing up at last!

Meera quietly walked past her sister and mother without really drawing attention to herself. Not that they would be much bothered even if they did see her… but still… she still did not have the mood to face them after what she had heard and what she had thought of. And there was also a slight guilty conscious of having eavesdropped on their conversation just now. So, she carefully sneaked back to her.

As soon as she went in, she sat on her bed for a while biting on her lips nervously. A full minute passed before she decisively took out her phone and dialed Zack's number.

As the phone rang, her own nervousness grew. She was not worried that Zack would still be angry with her. But she was actually more ashamed of herself. If possible she would not really want to meet up Zack today… especially after she reacted the way she did. All because he got a work call in the middle of the night… So with what face can she expect him to actually attend her call now?