
Rias Little Brother in DxD

I just want a nice life, but god keeps killing me. Guess I'll just go live in DxD

Zeus742 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Starting school

[Start of the canon]

'Use the 3 lottery tickets'

[Host has gained: {2 wishes} {1 Sacred gear custom made}]

'Okay system, use the sacred gear custom made, to make a prison type gear that seals and captures any and all sacred gears trying to attack it.'

'As for the wishes, I wish that Grayfia has a obsession with me, and magic immunity.'

[Host has gained the sacred gear: Solomon's Seal. And the skill: Magic immunity.]

'System, show Solomon's seal.'

[[Sacred Gear]: Solomon's seal

Level: High-Tier Longinus


A large ring, with a Satan symbol on it.

This ring seals demons, gods, dragon and all. Just by tapping the ring on the Victim, and thinking of sealing them, they get sucked into the ring. It also seals sacred gears inside it. And when sealed, the User of Solomon's seal can use the abilities of the sealed.]

'Thanks system.'

Third Person POV:

Everyone from Rias peerage and Izashi all decided to go to school at kuoh academy. Rias and her peerage have already been there for a year. So Izashi decided to join.

Izashi's POV:

I decided to buy a mansion not fair from the school, and I ask all my peerage if they want to stay there, they agree, and I start to head to school.

I get to school, and on the way to the school council office, I meet a young boy with brown hair, he was peeking at a young girls breasts, so I decided to karate chop the back off his neck and I knocked him out, I then drag him by the foot to the school council.

As I drag him, I see girls looking weirdly at me, and I hear some whispers;

"Who's the new guy, he's so cute."

"That white hair is so adorable."

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

I decide to leave them alone, so I just cutely smile at them. And all of the girls suddenly blush.

I arrive at the student council office, and knock on the door.

A young girl opens the door.

Sona: Well, I guess your Rias little brother.

Izashi: Yep, I found this pervert peeking at girls, so I knocked him out and brought him here.

I say as I hold his leg up.

Sona: Issei Hyoudou, I thank you for that, unfortunately, you are also in his class, and so could you drag him with you.

Izashi: Ok then, where is my classroom?

Me and Sona, talked for a bit, and then the bell went and I dragged the pervert to class.

Izashi: Hello, My name is Izashi Gremory; my older sister is Rias Gremory.

"Wait, so is he like the cute little brother of the queen."

"He is so cute. I want to just hug him forever."

Then class came and past.

Kiba's POV:

I was just told to go get Izashi, Rias little brother, so I walked into his classroom and I saw him.

White hair, cute golden eyes, Girlish looking, and small. Yep, that's, Izashi Gremory.

Kiba: Hey Izashi, Your sister told me to come get you.

Izashi: Ok, let me just get my things.

I left the room, and I gained something;

[Host has gained dragon Dominance: Ddraig]

I followed Kiba; to the place I'm pretty sure was the ORC room.

Kiba opened the door, and 2 girls ran at me.

I was captured by 2 beautiful lady; Akeno and my big sister, Rias.

(Author note. Millicas Gremory doesn't exist here, i decided this so that Izashi can have Grayfia.)