
Black Hole Prison

" I stood in the middle of the field and I was surrounded by darkness,that same darkness that has now filled my body ...I think I'll just stay here a bit ...As I walked around the field I felt something was watching me ... I couldn't see anything or anyone but I could most definitely feel a eerie aura ... I wasn't alone, maybe I should turn back , wait why am I retreating... this is my ground, my kingdom... I went deeper into the darkness and I got a strong connection with this thing...I could read its mind , it is filled with rage and more rage , it just wants to kill ... I smell blood... What if the demons that were here weren't moved, what if they were killed by this loose demons .... Shit I'm in the territory of a loose demon and I'm headed it's way or it's headed my way ... Either way I'm out ,no more detective work for me...I turned back to go the way I came but someone was standing in front of me I couldn't see the persons face.

The presence of this being was intense , I couldn't feel my legs , I only feel like this Infront of father...wait, who is this person...


UNKNOWN PERSON: you shouldn't be here demon.

( his voice was so dark and deep, I think I felt a shiver down my spine).


RIA: I think you are the one who should not be here, your name and your status here ... As your princess I demand you speak immediately ( trying to sound intimidating)


UNKNOWN PERSON: feisty little one aren't you, enough chatter, time to go. ( I could read his thoughts he wanted to grab me , so I moved away)


RIA: show yourself to me, I demand it ( I still maintained a cool and calm voice)


UNKNOWN PERSON: as you wish

( suddenly a bright light illuminated from behind the person; I'm pretty sure every where in hell is dark and we certainly do not have any light down here).


RIA: ahhrrgghh ( the light was so pure and bright, it could render me blind)


UNKNOWN PERSON: you wanted to see me, why don't you take a look at me NOW !!!

( the light became brighter )


RIA: WHAT IS THIS!!! ( I flew far from the light and finally landed some where..)

" I couldn't see anything at all my vision was temporarily lost ... I kept walking around but I could sense where I was going... I knew the feel of this place and I hear someone coming... wait it's Nagas ... I quickly run towards his direction and finally I bump into him


RIA: Nagas!!!


NAGAS: it's okay , you are safe now, let me take you home.

" before I could even say anything I was already on his back and he carried me away"

NAGAS: you are safe now, rest { nagas laid me down on the bed to rest... it doesn't feel like mine, it doesn't feel like my room either ...where am I }


RIA: thank you but where am I exactly... I can't see anything.


NAGAS: you wouldn't be able to see not after witnessing the bright light, get some rest , we shall talk when you are awake...bare in mind you are safe...

( I felt him exit the room)

" I couldn't even stop him from leaving, I suddenly became weak and tired , my eye lids gave up on me "

{ The next day}

" I looked around and my vision was till blurry... but as I closed my eyes and opened it again it became clear, clear enough to see that this wasn't my home . This place looks familiar... I just don't know where I am . I walked towards the thing that looked like a door, it was a black hole like thing in a rectangular shape, I have seen one of these in Hazels room ... what did she call them again, ummmm... Before I could think of an answer I was surrounded by this black hole ... I felt like it was pulling me in ... suddenly everything in the room started going into the black hole the floor became a bigger black hole and was forcing everything thing in it's sight into it... I held on to the bed but that was also pulled by the force ... I decided to fly up so that I wouldn't be sucked into it ,but all my effort to not get sucked into this thing was vein.

I was in the middle of this dark and void hole .

I felt the presence of some thing else in the hole...


LILITH: My daughter { I could feel that she had an evil grin on her face , although I couldn't see her } comfortable much ... welcome to your new home, I hope you enjoy it .


RIA: why am I here Lilith ( I said moving closer to her voice but there was no one around me) wait till my father hears about this.


LILITH: who's going to tell ?


RIA: Nagas, Nagas will come find me , where is he did you also trap him in here


LILITH: who do you think brought you here ... well you see... you have a lot to think about, and most importantly how to get out of here... I'll give you some space darling. Byeeeeee

" I was shocked by this new revelation that I couldn't say anything , I didn't even know what to think... Nagas was working with Lilith all this time to bring me down... why would he ...At this point I don't know what to believe again... I have been betrayed by the person I love ... Does Hazel have a hand in this too... My mind juggled a thousand questions , demons were not to be trusted anyway , I wonder why I am surprised. This has put a big full stop to my plan... how am I supposed to go to the human world now...now that I'm in this black hole prison ... I have no idea what step to take from here, but I do know that once I am out of here I would end Lilith and anyone who worked with her to put me here ...Now let's try to figure a way out..

Dear readers please I would like to know your thoughts on every chapter and how I can better improve my self... please bear in mind that all your opinions on my book are acknowledged...I will improve on the number of days I post each chapter. Please enjoy

KenzakiaAzurcreators' thoughts