
Bandit lord Venatick

The blaring horn of the sea-train steamed out through the air as the tracks magically manifested beneath the waters. Within a small cabin, a black haired wolf-girl stared at the ceiling in disbelief of recent events. The window to the cabin was shut tight and the shutters were closed. She felt like life couldn't just give her a break, it's not like she asked to be the hero.

"Alright, we should be fine for now. I got a friend in the east that could help us out." The door slid open as a man in a large overcoat and top-hat stepped in. The man threw his disguise off revealing his haori and white hair.

Syri didn't respond as she was still staring at the ceiling in her own thoughts. Shiro glanced at her for a moment and placed his hand on the walls of the cabin. Runes poured out from his palm engulfing the room in a barrier. Satisfied with his work, he stepped towards the girl, looked at her for a moment. Then he squatted down to her level.

"You know, you're pretty strong kid." He began slightly annoying her when he called her kid despite only being a few months older. "Beating Apostle Candidates, headbutting actual apostles, cursing gods right at their face." He listed out the things he's seen her done.

"I remember doing similar things myself, in fact as your teacher I'm pretty damn proud of you."

"Self proclaimed." She muttered a retort

"You saved thousands of lives, in fact I can think of quite a few people that look up to you." he continued, ignoring the retort. "You're even closer to the second awakening than me. I'd call bullshit if you weren't my student." he was still a bit annoyed at the fact that his second awakening was having issues.

"What are you getting at?" she asked with a sigh as she was getting annoyed of the praises.

"Plus you're alive and not dead like an idiot. For that I can be assured that you'll be able to do great things since you don't choose to be an idiot like me." He said as she responded with annoyance.

"How can you be so calm about this!?" She asked heatedly. "We're enemies with the whole world and Quinn...." she stopped as she didn't finish her thought.

"Is dead?" Shiro finished the thought for her as his tone didn't shift. Syri's body trembled in her seat as she recalled the memory. Quinn died for her, after everything that was said. Quinn still died for her.

"I've known her for a long time since she was a bro to me, despite being female." He muttered the last part as he didn't know her gender until the armor broke. "You know, I've got a lot of memories of her. The time we first met, how we started traveling together, when she risked herself to defend me, when we parted. All those good times." he chuckled a bit languidly as he reminisced.

"But.... Quinn's dead." he stated again as Syri finally snapped and gripped him by the collar of his black robes. Her fingers turned into claws while her teeth seemed to grow into fangs. 8 eyes manifested above her, they shimmered enough pressure to cause cracks in the barrier.

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY!? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" She shouted as the barrier trembled from the intensity of her voice.

Shiro boredly gazed at her, ignoring the pressure exuding from her. He had expected this as he was trying to copy something he remembered from an anime. It worked in doing what he wanted to do.

"Let it out." Syri's grip trembled in response as he continued speaking. "The sadness.... the hate.... the doubt... the fear. Every negative emotion that's building up inside you. Let it out." Her grip loosened as she stepped back with tears streaming down her cheeks. She openedly cried out in grief as she dropped to her knees.

"I'll be back in an hour." Shiro said as he fixed the barrier before stepping out of the room. "Godamnit Quinn." he muttered the last part as he wiped a few tears from under his eyes.

"How long do you think your mana can last kid?!" Shiro heard the sexy bandit's voice over the spray of bullets. While it's true that most people don't have much mana available before the first awakening, Shiro was an exception. He could hold the shell for a day as long as no one tried to use fire on him.

"Freeze" Waves of ice expanded from beneath the shell. The ice traveled through the ground towards the mounted bandits as they all released an eye, halting the advancing wave.

"It's gonna take a lot more than that to stop us kid!" Her laughter was heard over the sound of bullets.

"I know, that was a distraction." Shiro spoke out loud, but not enough for the other party to hear.

"ARRRGGHH!" the bandits fell as clones drop kicked them out of nowhere. Shiro's clones would no longer break from the pressure after he had unlocked his first eye. Although there was a limit, as long as no one had 3 more eyes than him, the clones would be fine.

"And that is why stealth is always the best choice when available in games!" Shiro proclaimed loudly as he finally got to try out his new skill.

Snow Cloak: Disappear in a burst of snow. When used, the user and anyone he deems an ally will become invisible.

The only problem Shiro had with the skill was that whenever he used it, snow would be left on the ground. That would be suspicious if someone just randomly found snow on the ground. At least the snow only appears at the start of the skill.

Walking up to the unconscious bandits, Shiro looked down at the female bandit whose name he didn't know of. He blinked for a moment, he looked left, then right, then back to her. He released his clones since no one else was around.

"Well, I wouldn't be able to call myself a man if I didn't do this." he spoke out loud to himself.

"Shiro's been busy. He really doesn't know how to be subtle." Jack commented with a sigh as he gazed out into the frozen wasteland that seemed to stretch for miles.

"You sure your ride isn't just frozen over by now?" Kri asked as she had followed along.

The duo had convinced the mechanic to help them out, although they were hoping that Shiro knew not to cause too much of a commotion. Their hopes were let down the moment he decided to mess with the weather and rain dragons.

[Quinn: Do you see that up there?] Quinn gestured towards the sky.

Kri's eyes seemed to scan the sky through the snow as she made out a burning red figure. "Huh, looks like your friend pissed off Venatick." She commented as the bandit lord of the outskirts dashed through the air on a flaming lion.

"Of course he did! How could things possibly get any worst!?" Jack spoke loudly with annoyance in his tone.

"Well your friend seems to be feeling up Vena's little girl." She added as she looked off into the distance.

"I was being sarcastic!" he retorted with a face-palm. "Let's go help him before he gets himself killed." he sighed until Kri held him back by the cape.

"I'm still not completely convinced, let's just watch for now and see if you weren't lying to me earlier." She was still skeptical of Jack's earlier persuasion. For good reason too, since ice dragons went extinct soon after the Dragon Ruler of the north was sealed by an Apostle in the last war.

Quinn stood awkwardly at the side, debating whether or not to run in to help.

The giant flame lion descended onto the earth in a blazing inferno. An orange haired man in a cut off red blazer and tight pants stood above the fiery mount looking down at the troublemaker.

"You've got a lot of guts coming here....." he stopped his sentence as he checked closely at what he was looking at.

Shiro moved his neck up to the flaming bandit lord with a blank expression as he continued to fondle the unconscious female bandit's twin peaks. He noted that a hint of rage seemed to appear in the man's eyes when he processed the fact that he was sexually feeling up his daughter.

The scene turned incredibly quiet, besides the sound of crackling flame and melting ice. Shiro did the first thing he thought he should do in a situation like this. His fondling sped up as it turned into aggressive groping. That was the final straw as pillars of flame erupted all around them from the bandit lord's peaked rage.

"I'M GOING TO TURN YOU TO ASH YOU BASTARD!" The bandit lord Venatick roared as 4 eyes lit up above him exuding a burning pressure.

"I regret nothing" Shiro blankly replied as he didn't stop his hands despite feeling the heat. In the case that he was going to die there, he wanted to remember this feeling in his hands after death.