

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantaisie
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101 Chs

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Cesar woke up particularly excited because it had been a full week since Rita logged out.

"She's finally done with the babysitting stuff" Cesar muttered with a grin.

The other girls he met in rheurym always tried to kill him ,so he never thought he would meet a girl that he liked in rheurym.

"The thing is she's not gonna consider my feelings" He murmured. To him,Rita wouldn't bat an eye even if he was dying ,so he had to show her that he wasn't a dick like the other men she knew. "How am I going to do that when I don't know a single thing about her?"

He waited a few hours before logging into rheurym. He already knew where she'd be: the gargoyles' den.

In a flash,he quickly transported there.

"Hey, beautiful" He greeted,moving close to her.

"Ugh,why are you here?" She frowned.

"Can't get rid of me that easily" Cesar grinned."How were the kids?"

"Devils as I expected but I managed to take good care of them" She said lazily.

"Nice job,how much did you get?"

"About 150"

"One hundred and fifty dollars?!"

"Yeah,it's a little small compared to the others though"

"Damn, I'm going to be a babysitter"

"You wouldn't cut it"

"Ouch" Cedar feigned hurt."What's that supposed to mean?"

"Perverts can't be babysitters" She grinned.

"And here I was thinking you've forgotten"

"Nope, still fresh in my memory" Rita sighed. She took a deep breath as she stared at the gargoyles."Time really flies" She said softly as her eyes watered.

"Are you about to cry?" Cesar asked with a grin.

"No! Shut up!"

"You're surprisingly sensitive"

"Why is that surprising?"

"I don't know" Cesar started."I see you as some kind of badass ,so I guess it's a little surprising to see this side of you"

"After you called me a badass,I stopped listening" Rita joked.

"Call me crazy but I want to know you"

"You're crazy" Rita muttered, walking ahead."Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to know me?"

"I'm curious,I guess" Cesar shrugged.

"Never heard the saying " curiousity kills the cat"?"

"Well,too bad I'm not a cat. I consider myself a big dog" He smiled.

"Oh, really?" Rita laughed softly."Okay then,I'll tell you some things about me"

"Great,the first step is complete" Cesar thought."Hopefully, everything goes according to plan"

"What did you say" Herman asked furiously.

"She killed everyone in the hideout" Finley replied.

"How did she defend herself against bullets?"

"If we consider her powers to be true,then it may be possible that she has developed some kind of healing powers".

"You're right" Herman mused."How is the investigation? Any leads?"

"For now,no. We originally thought of checking the crime scene for clues ,but everything was scorched" Finley replied.

"Sofia" Herman said.


"Her name was Sofia"


"Run it on the database" Herman instructed.

"The name ,Sofia, is very common in this city,sir"

"I know,but this is the only way to narrow the search"

"As you wish,sir" Finley slightly bowed before leaving the office.

"I hope this situation doesn't get worse" Herman muttered. His eyebrows furrowed as a thought came into his mind. He picked up the telephone on his desk and said:

"I want the sales folder on my desk now"

A minute barely went by before a man knocked on the door.

"Come in"

"Thanks sir" The man hastily walked in. He wore a grey suit on grey shoes. His hair was pulled back to reveal a little scary on his forehead.

"James,tell me the truth,are our sales plummetin" Cesar asked,staring him deep in the eyes.

"Uhm, originally,it was ,but comparing last week and this week's sales,it is fairly similar"

"I see,you may go" Herman waved him off. " Fuck! I should have predicted this" He thought."I have to call for a meeting"

He grabbed the telephone and rang Finley's office."Have your boss in my office in the next ten seconds" He said coldly.

"Sir" Finley rushed into the office ,not even bothering to knock.

"Schedule a meeting"

"Alright sir,how many of them should be notified?"

"All" Herman said gravely.

Finley gulped as he silently bowed his head and left.

"This shit is serious" He thought.

Mirai's words were still replaying in Sofia's mind. Though she didn't like it,what Mirai said was absolutely true.

She was being selfish.

"Hey,can we all meet at Phoebe's bakery?" She typed on the group chat.

"After all we've been through?" One typed.

"I know. Just listen to what I have to say first" Sofia replied.

She showered and got dressed before leaving the house and heading for the bakery.

"Samantha would have the perfect thing to say if she was here" Sofia sighed.

She entered the bakery with a gloomy look and was met with the same look by the others.

Some of them looked sad or hurt while others just looked angry.

Droyle and Dryle huddled together in a corner while Phoebe and Mirai stood in front. For some reason,Jessica had her head on a table.

"Hi guys" She waved nervously.

"Hey,Sofia" Mirai replied, embracing her.

Other than Mirai,no one else replied.

"I know some of you are hurt or sad or angry ,but I'm here to explain things" Sofia started."We were all naive. We didn't know what we were walking into. Some of us who were wounded hadn't even seen a gun up close before ,so I know all this is shocking. I originally thought of disbanding the gang ,but someone talked me into doing the right thing—"

"Just for the sake of clarification,by "someone" she means yours truly. I was the one that talked her out of it" Mirai said,looking at everyone.

"Thank you for that , Mirai"

"You're welcome" She grinned.

"Now to business,I am not here to force or persuade anyone to do anything. We've only seen a fraction of what this life we're about to live entails ,so I want you all to make the decision for yourselves. Do you want to continue or leave?"

The crowd hushed after Sofia finished. It seemed they thought she was gonna apologize.

"No one will judge you for your decision" Sofia added.