
Rey De La Muerte

Once upon a time the astonishing gods ordered the angels to descend to earth to help the human civilization on earth. But because of the greed of humans wanting more than what was given.

King_Dragon · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Princess Iceland

He ordered to arrest and punish the person who had committed the crime. The adventurers who wanted power began to provoke the people to fight the Angels, but the humans did not know how much power the Angels had so there was a one-sided massacre. After the incident the leader of the Angels decided to return to their world and leave the humans, but they did not really leave the humans, they still watched them but this time they did not directly interfere in the affairs of the humans.

Since then the monsters began to show their fangs and began to attack the humans. "Kein, I want to go to the waterfall we used to go to." The princess softly said to Kein, with a firm voice Kein then said. "I will prepare a horse for you." Kein prepared a horse for the two of them to be able to go straight to the forest east of the kingdom of Arseland, the horse ran through the forest that was lush with trees, although Princess Iceland was a crown princess but she did not have the slightest difficulty in riding a horse.

The journey to the waterfall took about an hour when using a horse, but if traveled on foot it could take half a day. An hour had passed now they had arrived at the place where the waterfall was located, the waterfall came from a stream that crossed the mountain up there. Through the cave the water flowed to the waterfall and flowed towards the river that was used by the residents.

Iceland got off the horse and walked slowly towards the lake in the center of the waterfall. Kein also walked behind Iceland to keep an eye on the surroundings in case of a dangerous situation so that he could quickly help the princess. Iceland washed her face with the lake water that felt very cold against her skin.

"Kein, come here. The water here is so fresh and cold, you'll definitely like it after washing your face with the water in this lake." Kein then replied to Iceland's words in a soft tone. "I will do it later when we have time next time." But Iceland didn't like Kein's answer so she made an annoyed face but in Kein's eyes it was very funny.

This waterfall was named "Waterfall of Hope" by Iceland because every time she visited this waterfall it made her feel better when she was troubled, sad and confused. Iceland was sitting on the edge of the lake, dipping her feet into the water, enjoying the cool sensation of the water, when suddenly, the air around her began to tremble. The sound of birds chirping loudly signaled the danger around them.

Kein who knew something was wrong immediately took out his sword and was quickly in front of the princess to protect her. The shrill sound of screaming was so loud that anyone who heard it would surely feel frightened and run away or even faint on the spot.

The rumbling sound of footsteps came from all directions, Kein flowed magic energy into his sword to make it sharper and stronger. Then eight demons appeared in front of them. The demons had grayish skin, notched horns, enormous bodies about three meters tall and eyes that blazed with evil intent. They spotted Kein and Iceland, with quick movements, the demons began to approach the two of them, while launching attacks with their razor-sharp claws but Kein was able to withstand the attacks of one of them.