
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

"We should write to our wives, they must be sick worried for the both of us. It's been a few weeks since we had written to them." Rey reminded Akuv as he took a sip of beer from the wooden cup.

Akuv bit off from the Naan that was dipped in Chickpea stew, savouring it's taste as he gulped it down. "Yeah, but unfortunately we don't have anything but leaves to write on!"

"Leaves!?!? What are you talking about Akuv, I bought a few papers yesterday, what happened to them?" The puzzled Rey stared with disbelief at his friend.

"What? Don't be silly Rey, you bought some large, thick brown leaves, and I fed them to our neighbor's cows yesterday. I don't know what leaves you bought Rey, but the cows are now sick, poor creatures." - Akuv.

"Akuv you Idiot, those aren't leaves, those are paper's meant for our letters! How are we gonna write to our wives now!?! And worse, why would you ever feed them to the cows!" - Rey.

"Hey don't blame me, paper is made out of leaves! and relax drama king, we can always get some more!" - Akuv.

"But we are broke you coconut-shaped dunce! How can we work buy paper, if we can't even buy a pinch of dirt!" - Rey.

"Then we will work for it, which is why we got a JOB, mophead!" - Akuv.

"You are such a knobhead." - Rey.


After a good breakfast, the duo cleaned up the table and washed the dishes outside with a wooden bucket of water. Rey washed himself with another bucket of rain water that he kept outside to collect the water, and Akuv did the same as well, gargling the water before spitting it on the ground.

Akuv took a hoe that laid outside of their home, while Rey locked the house with a makeshift lock and key that he made it himself, and tossed it into a hole where he buried it. 

The both friends assembled, and Akuv took a step ahead from Rey, his face was full of confidence, pride, and vigor, as the wind blew in their direction.

"Make way world! for the greatest grass pickers are on their way to pick divine grass as we roll with our hoes!" - Akuv.

"Really motivating man, wooooo, my spirits have penetrated the heavens, Akuv." - Rey, who sneered at Akuv with a dull tone.

"You clearly look like you needed it!" Akuv yelled at Rey.

The duo walked on the dirt road, making their way to the noble's house where they will pick the divine grass- I mean, attend their first day as Grass pickers at the noble's homestead.