
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

"I got to admit Rey, it seems like we have not been progressing in our lives just as much as we want it to be, we have been working too hard!, well, have been working too hard and yet we are still in this shack!" - Akuv.

"Well it's as if the gods above do not want us to progress, so they will have a reason to continue writing our sagas, perhaps we are just another character in their little storybook." - Rey.

The duo looked up at the sky with a blank, expressionless face, but Akuv's blank face transformed in a face of anger, flushed with rage.

"Damn you sky being!! At least if you plan on writing characters, make us rich or have a happy ending!! Don't let us rot here and use us for your plot devices!!" - Akuv.

"Stop, you look like a madman for doing that." - Rey.

Akuv took a big rock and hurled it at the sky with much strength, and it flew for a good distance, before coming back down and crashing on Akuv. However, much to Akuv's fortune, the rock broke in half, as the unfazed Akuv was still angry, and decided to throw more rocks at the sky.

"Why do I bother, I'm living with a PSYCHO who plays rock catching with the sky." - Rey, sighing from the sight unfolding in front of his eyes.

"That oughta teach that Sky Peanut a lesson! Anyways Rey, we should head out to the forest in the north to get some herbs!" - Akuv.

"Herbs for who exactly? cause we surely don't need any to consume or get high with." - Rey.

"It's a contract from a totally fine-looking lady dressed in rags!" - Akuv.

"...You were contracted by a witch, weren't you?" - Rey.

"A witch!?! Nonsense! She is a fine and beautiful lady! Just that she wore rags!" - Akuv.

"And where does she live?" - Rey.

"In the outskirts at a small lovely cottage! and she has a lot of cats and potions too!" - Akuv.

"So you were contracted by a witch, great, why can't you find normal people Akuv?" - Rey.

"I don't appreciate the negativity bucko, we can't just slander and assume our client like that! We gotta give respect to the paying customer, as what the merchants always say, the Right is always customer!" - Akuv.

"That's not how- ugh, nevermind, fine, let's go get some of that herbs that she wants. What herbs is she looking for exactly?" - Rey.

"Well she is looking for some stem bark, a Myosotis, and some aloe vera!" - Akuv.

"Ugh, work, but it doesn't sound hard, at least we can wrap this up quickly. Just lead the way Akuv, you know the way right?" - Rey.

"Aye Aye captain, I know the way, it's all the way North!" - Akuv.

"Cool, lead on." - Rey.

Rey followed Akuv as the duo went on to the North where they would stumble on a forest that they supposedly would find the resources they would need to gather. It took a few hours, and they stumbled on a vast plains.

"It's been a few hours Akuv..you told me it was gonna be a short distance!" - Rey.

"That's weird, the forest was supposed to be here! I guess the forest just moved to a new spot Rey." - Akuv.

"The forest....what!?!?!" - Rey.

"Woah easy there buddy, you don't wanna attract lions now!" - Akuv.

"You idiot forests can't move! and secondly, there are no lions on this Island!" - Rey.

"Hey then maybe someone teleported it to trick with us! I only brought us North!" - Akuv.

Just as those two was arguing, a local Azari merchant approached the duo, seemingly curious about their presence in their area and wanting to know more about their presence.

"Hujambo! You guys seem to be unfamiliar in these parts and you look lost, are you guys heading somewhere specifically?" - The Azari merchant.

"Yes sir, I am trying to explain to my friend that we are supposed to find a forest around here, and he is adamant about not following me to find that forest!" - Akuv.

"With all due respect sir, he told me it was gonna be a short distance, it's been a few hours already! and we have yet to stumble on that specific forest to find some herbs." - Rey.

"Oh don't argue lads, there are many forests over at this part, it depends where you want to go, and I will show you that path! Just tell me which items you are specifically looking for and I can show you the way!" - The Azari Merchant.

"Gee thanks mister! See Rey, I told you that coming to the North wasn't a mistake, Northerners are so friendly!" - Akuv.

"Northerners?" - The Azari merchant.

The duo paused for a moment as they caught onto the merchant's confusion.

"My friend....this is the south. I think you might've gotten confused." - The Azari merchant.

Rey slowly turned his head to Akuv, his face flushed with annoyance, while the latter just stood there, frozen in confusion as he realized the mistake he had made.

"So, what herbs are you guys looking for in particular? I think I might have them in store!" - The Azari Merchant.

"Well sir, you might have the goods, but don't have the money. Thank you for your assistance, but me and my friend will be taking our leave to the NORTH, am I right Akuv?" - Rey.

"Right....heh." - Akuv.

"Awww, well alright boys, If you ever come here again, don't forget to stop by at my place! We can have some tea together. See you guys and safe travels!" - The Azari merchant.

"Thank you, you too mister." - Rey.

"Uhhhh...You too mister, thank you fellow Southerner!" - Akuv.

The Azari merchant waved his goodbyes as he departed, leaving the duo by themselves.

"Akuv." - Rey.

"Yes Rey?" - Akuv.

"I don't expect you to bring us East, right? If you do, I'll muster my strength, and I'll use your teeth as a pickaxe. Now lead the way, Properly." - Rey.

"Okay, crybaby, just you see we will go to the forest for real now!" - Akuv.

"That's what you said last time, and here we are." - Rey.

"Oh shut it! let's go!" - Akuv.

Rey, with much annoyance, followed Akuv's lead once again as he led them to the supposed North. Finally, they stumbled upon the forest that they had been looking for, and quickly they went to work. They did not chat much and it was a quick forage, gathering the items they needed without exploring further into the thick forest.

After gathering the items they required, they had to their client's place. It was a small cottage, and it looked neatly kept, outside was a few bottles that had a Mahogany colour. It must've been a weird potion, Rey thought. Akuv knocked on the door.

"Coming!!" - The client.

She rushed to the door and opened the door. It was a young woman, who had an elegant visage and an attractive figure, she is a local woman from Lawu. As she saw the duo with the herbs, she expressed a beautiful smile.

"You must be Rey! Akuv told me he was your slave! Come on in and drop the items, I got a reward for you both." - The Client.

"You said what now Akuv?! I am no slave, madam, I am his friend." - Rey.

"I was joking buddy!" - Akuv.

"Haha, don't worry it's a harmless joke! hop right in and make yourself comfortable, also, call be Amune" - Amune.

"Alright madam!" - Akuv.

The duo gave the items and went inside the abode, but Rey had second thoughts about entering the witches' lair, afraid they might become dinner or worse, be subjected to her twisted experiments and magicks. He devised a few escape plans to help them get out just in case things take a turn for the worse.

As they entered in, the lady locked the door behind her, much to the dismay of Rey. He was startled by her action, but Akuv seemingly was oblivious as he looked in awe at how tidy she kept her home. They took a seat, but Rey seemed restless, meanwhile, Akuv was still starstruck.

"Sit right here boys! I'll come back with your rewards, in the meantime, let me finish up with my final product!" - Amune.

She left the scene to head behind, leaving the duo alone.

"Akuv, I don't trust the witch, she's gonna use us as an experiment, I say we try to escape while we can." - Rey.

"What makes you say she is a witch Rey? I am pretty sure she ain't!" - Akuv.

"Shhhh keep your tone down you idiot! Do you want her to hear us talking? Here we can exit through the window!" - Rey.

"The window!? Isn't that an obvious escape plan!" - Akuv.

"Okay then what do you suggest?" - Rey.

"We should dig underground and escape, that way she won't suspect a thing!" - Akuv.

They looked down at the hard, stone floor.

"So what are we gonna use to dig, your eyebrows?" - Rey.

"I got a feeling that you are being sarcastic." - Akuv.

"Yes, yes he was, Akuv." - Amune.

All of a sudden, the duo was struck by a spell that bound them to their seat. The duo were now stuck and had nowhere to go. The Witch laughed as she approached the duo.

"You fools think you can just leave my house like that!?! Please! I will not let you go off the hooks like that. You will now be subjected to a treatment that you will never imagine!" - Amune.

"Damn you witch, I should've knew sooner that your beauty was none other than a sham!" - Rey.

"Wha? hey! my beauty is original okay!?! I may be a sorceress, but I don't scam people with a phony beauty! but enough talk, you will all face what is about to come! now stay right there!" - Amune.

The sorceress went behind to grab a few items, before coming back, carrying a tray covered with cloth. The cloth was soaked in red. Oh the horrors that lie underneath that layer of cloth. Perhaps, this could be the last Rey and Akuv would ever lay their eyes on this world.

"Hey Rey." - Akuv.

"What is it Akuv?" - Rey.

"We should've went with my idea and dug on the ground, we could've avoided all of this!" - Akuv.

"Oh it was your idiotic idea to reject that got us in this mess! Ugh, can't believe my last hours is spent arguing with an imbecile like you!" - Rey,

"Silence you two! now, feast your eyes on this tray! Muahahahahahahaha!" - Amune.

She pulled out the layer of red-soaked cloth as the duo closed their eyes, afraid of what they were going to lay their eyes on, but as they opened, they were utterly dumbfounded, and puzzled.

"See? SEE?!?! I told that you will be surprised!" - Amune.

It was a tray full of berries and cherries, an array of local and exotic red fruits that Amune had seemingly collected.

"I-I don't get it, you're not gonna eat our hearts out?" - Rey.

"What? No I don't do that!" - Amune.

"You're not gonna rip us apart?" - Akuv.

"No!" - Amune.

"Feed us to your dogs?" - Rey.

"I only have a cat!" - Amune.

"You're not gonna feed us to your cat?" - Akuv.

"Ew? No! Stop it you two, I am just a sorceress! not a witch!" - Amune.

"What's the difference?" - Akuv.

"Semantics." - Rey.

"Oooooooooooh." - Akuv.

"Anyways, dig in guys! it must've been hard for you two to get the required items, so I thought some refreshing fruits might help you two! Oh, and sorry about the spell, I did not want you two to just leave without eating!" - Amune.

She dispelled the binding spell she casted on them, as the duo were now free, but were still dumbfounded at the whole situation that played out. Rey took a berry, and inspected it with much caution, meanwhile, Akuv just started gobbling the food.

"This isn't another one of your tricks, right?" - Rey.

"Please, I don't have time for tricks! besides, I don't get guests very often, and it's not everyday where I can play pranks like this!" - Amune.

"Well, i'll take your word. I am sorry to assume you were a witch." - Rey.

"Yeah, my friend can be very stupid sometimes!" - Akuv.

Rey knocked Akuv on the head. Amune giggled at the sight as she took a seat.

"It's okay, people assume so because I prefer to live alone and brew potions and alcohol. I am quite seclusive because I often work on brewing liquids and potions for many purposes, such as to help preserve fruits for a longer period! That's why these exotic fruits can last long and still taste fresh! How do you guys find it so far?" - Amune.

Rey took a bite of the strawberry, and quickly fell in love with it's taste as it's very fresh and still tasted sweet.

"It's great, I don't know how you do it, but it's amazing, Amune." - Rey.

"Yeah ma'am! I can feel the variety of tastes as it melts through my mouth!" - Akuv.

"Ohoho~ you guys are sweet! It's nice to have guests around here and eat with them. It makes this lonely cottage pretty lively. Heh, I sound like an old lonely woman now!" - Amune.

"Nah, don't worry, we got a friend who's just like you, he's quite secluded and busy with his projects, but he's a great guy overall." - Rey.

"Yeah, and his name is Edegbe!" - Akuv.

"Edegbe? that's an odd name." - Amune.

"He is a foreigner and has a crazy backstory, but that's a story for another time." - Rey.

"Awww, I love stories! But that's alright, I know you are both busy. Oh! and here is 4 coins each for your effort! I really appreciate the work that you have done, and keeping me company as well!" - Amune.

"Damn, this is probably the highest we got paid, thanks, Amune, your hospitality is as generous as your payment." - Amune.

"Aww yeah, character progression time baby!" - Akuv.

As they finished up their food, they took their leave and said their goodbyes to Amune as they left the cottage. It was already late afternoon, and the evening was about to approach in an hour.

"Thank you Amune, you surely have a way of surprising your guest." - Rey.

"Yeah! thank god you did not rip our hearts or make us into dog food! Thank you for the food, missy!" - Akuv.

"Hehe, that won't be the last! But I enjoyed your company! If you guys are free, do stop by sometime! oh, and maybe bring your friend too if he's interested! Now safe journey you two, and get back home before nightfall!" - Amune.

They waved at each other as the duo left, returning home as they were satisfied with the progress they made so far. Akuv regretted fighting with the Sky Peanut and mocking it's very presence sometimes, but Rey assured that some things happen for a reason. Today was a good day, they thought, tiring, but at least in the end, they were rewarded well. They are looking forward for the next day, to keep the grind going, well, Akuv at least is hoping to grind for money. Rey was looking to grind by sleeping for long hours and not doing much work. Either way, they were definitely looking forward for tomorrow's journey.