

Rey is only a kid, about 7 years old. Simply a child, but he knows more than a normal 7 year old. He was raised in a household with violence. His mother would beat him and abuse him. Rey was different. His father wasn't around, but when he was he would beat Rey. Rey's father would **** his mom in front of him. Rey was different. In school he never talked, he was trained to not speak. Rey was different. At home Rey will do anything he is ordered to do, good or bad. Rey was different. Rey had a younger brother, he was probably about 3 years old. Rey was disgusted by just looking at the toddler. He felt hatred towards it, but also remorse, and sadness for his younger brother. If only he was born into a different family, Reys thoughts continued to cloud his mind. Rey started breathing heavily, Rey started looking at his younger brother's throat, then a knife on the counter. Rey's hand started reaching towards the knife. Rey kept thinking, "If only you were born into a different family." Rey was about to do the unimaginable... "Rey.. come over here." Rey's mother called him over. Rey's mother just saved a childs life.