
Rewriting Fate: Creating The Epilogue I Always Longed For

‘A Bittersweet Love’ is a novel of great tragedy that brings an end to every single being as the conclusion to the story is nothing but a voided space. With that in mind, it is someone's duty to prevent her favorite novel's world from perishing. The knowledge and memories she has recalled has finally come into use as she gained a renowned yet infamous reputation. Once a Monarch of the Underworld while a Maiden in the realm of noble society, those are her identities to which she'll in her attempts protect her beloved characters and the novel that has brought salvation in her previous life. When the Underworld finally rises from the underground, that is when she'll make her move to prevent the antagonists from ‘A Bittersweet Love’ with the people forever by her side. Friends, comrades, allies and the dear beloved characters from ‘A Bittersweet Love’ will now assist Persephone in her journey of the world's salvation! Note: This is a rework of ‘Diegesis’.

Akuma_Kira · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Intruder

Chapter 1 - The Intruder

Below the horizon where the sun greets everyone with a faint blush of the dawn, it wakes the realm from its slumberous night.

Journeying across the world for the chance to seek greater opportunities, the merchants and travelers who had set their destination for the majestic Empire of Olympus, were quickly shot down by their own speechlessness.

Roads made with fine craftsmanship have blessed these folks with something that they've never laid their eyes upon.

One by one with each of their steps trampling on the paths that are flat yet sometimes rough, the visitors rest their fascinated gazes onto the people who have resided within this capital their entire lives.

Walking on the archaic roads built in ancient times where the dawn of civilization is only fading memories, the people held their pride in the great Empire inside their hearts.

Left behind by the eons, buildings of ancient origin provide their residents with extravagances, whereas the passageways lead those who seek their entertainment.

Restaurants, striving with the Empire's cultural cuisine, enrich an appetizing taste for one's tongue. Thus, it is served drawn in picturesque art as the sight leaves one thirsting for a bite.

The sound of joy as the liveliness of the people resounded throughout the imperial capital; the scent of delicious food lingering under their noses; the refreshing beverages soothing their thirst; and most of all, the children running and playing around without a hint of dissatisfaction.

None like no other, it is regarded as the most prosperous of all while the uncountable wealth flows toward the historical location, the Olympus Empire.

In this vast Empire, there exists an Emperor who reigns over this majestic nation, and is considered to be someone who wields immense authority over anyone.

In spite of the significant difference in standing, he was admired for his unfathomable prowess to rule without oppression, and became an Emperor worth everyone's adoration and respect!


Yet, why is it that there's someone who stands above this supposed Emperor?

"It's a pleasure to meet the Great Sun of the Olympus Empire."

An astute and distinguished voice resounds blaringly in the hall of the Imperial Palace's throne room, alerting those who stood in their positions to raise their weapons against an unfamiliar foe!

"Stop where you're going!"

As swift as the wind, numerous spears were soon pointing towards a veiled entity in the center of attention, attracting the outside guards for reinforcement!


"Arrest the intruder!"

Sirens of hurried voices reverberated from the guards when they had efficiently encircled a lady without further orders!

"Your Majesty, what will become of this trespasser?" In a hasty yet calm manner, one of the guards asked.

In this chaotic moment, the Emperor who is reacting with indifference towards this spectacle, lays down his divine golden irises upon this masked figure!


Leaving aside the composed Emperor, the guards are shown to be dutiful in their pursuit to keep the trespasser at bay, but underneath their bravery lies a never-ending concern that arises from their anxiety!

'That lady is capable of appearing in front of the Emperor.. There's no way she came without a plan..!' The guard who appeared closest to the intruder, glared down at her.

'How did she invade this place without any resistance?! There's absolutely no chance for this highly secured place to be unable to detect this intruder!' On the lookout, this guard is musing behind the trespasser's back.

'Slipping past the tight security like this..! It's just impossible!'


"My. Is this how you greet a guest?" The mysterious lady utters, filling the room with angst from her confident voice.

"Zeus, the Emperor of The Great Olympus Empire, I have come to have an audience with you, hence I would appreciate it if you spend your precious time on me."


"Not a word? I understand."



At the end of her words came a bombardment of tree roots sprouting from the ground with a pierce! Aimed to penetrate the Emperor, it immediately disintegrated into pieces by a tumultuous lightning!


In the blink of an eye, an echoing of thunder came into conflict with the ever-changing roots, ending off with a devastating collision to the point where it bursts open a dreadful shockwave, driving the surrounding people to the far walls!

Little by little, the roots' objective to land a strike upon the Emperor while the lightning's goal is to shatter the very being of its foe was too much for the audience to withstand, sustaining injuries that can gradually lead them to death's door!

"Y-Your Majesty!!"

"Ahh! It hurts..! B-Blood..! Ugh!!"

Bawling and bellowing in agony, the guards' screams carry over to make an effort in notifying the culprits of their inflicting torment, only to be drowned by the dominant shockwaves being unleashed by the trespasser and the Emperor!

"How exalting. Be that as it may, I can't simply be entertained by this when I currently have a fixed schedule to attend to." Unfolding her lips under the severity caused by her impatient action, this woman seized her chance to speak.


"Surely, the wise tyrant would understand my predicament?"

"Who are you calling a tyrant?" He who was unspoken before, lent his spine-chilling voice for the people to hear!

After a blood-curdling confrontation, the sounds of thunderclap instantly enclosed the vicinity, snapping with a roaring mess to the tree roots as if to display the Emperor's irk through his lightning!

Amidst that thunderous display, his purest hair in the hue of white aggressively flutters under the intensity of the shockwave! At that point, the slightest annoyance in the face of an Emperor is transparent to the lady's eyes, amusing her quite a bit.

The lady smiles under her veil.


Lightning and roots crashed into smithereens, lending both Zeus and the veiled individual to bear witness to each other's prowess! In that circumstance, a mutual agreement of ceasefire causes the attack to subside without further damages, surprising everyone!

"Shall we head over to your office?" The woman said, disregarding the people's injuries that was the result of her attack against the Emperor.

"Do what you want."

Out of the blue, Zeus' answer shocked everyone to their core when they stared at the sight before them! Laying on the ground and leaning on the walls were the guards, failing to feel their injuries' numbness in their trances.

Further rubbing salt to their wounds, the trespasser appears to be walking down the correct path to the Emperor's office without a guide as though she knew the location at the back of her head!

"Your Majesty! You mustn't—" The injured guard, filled with immense concern for the Emperor's well-being, was left speechless and fazed by what he was looking at!

The guard freezes up! "I-I.."

Despite this person's clear worries, when the Emperor shifted his indifferent eyes from the lady to his subordinates, an appalling stare was formed and was directed to these supposed guards!

At that point, there wasn't a need for words when the guards became conscious of the warning behind the Emperor's golden irises, glaring at them as well as sending shivers down their spines!

"N-No.." The guard frantically quivers under his impending future!


Overwhelmed with documents as well as luxurious furniture to make the room reliable and useful for an office, there were expected guests walking into this place.


Once a door shuts its only exit out of this place, the veiled lady is seen standing in front of a man who is sitting down at his desk.

"Quite a lovely place, I'll say." The woman comments on this room's interior, finding multiple books in the bookshelves that piqued her interest.


"An inconvenience, is it not? I find this silence of yours to be a complete waste of our time, no?"

"..You talk a lot."

"Naturally so. I do hope you learn from me."


There has never been a person who would speak up in front of an Emperor, especially Zeus himself. Because it would bring an undesirable outcome to the speaker, none has ever dared to do so..

Yet, once this unannounced woman came into the picture to spoil the constant flow of power and status, it has compelled Zeus to release his dormant fury to the surface, surprising even himself with an emotion he hasn't used!

"I understand how vexed you are. Honestly, I enjoy your irked expression as much as you don't." The woman dared to smile under the presence of an Emperor!


"You don't have to speak. I came with that in mind, so I hope you don't betray my expectations of you."

"Your expectations are unnecessary—"

"'Your expectations are unnecessary.'."

"...!" To his surprise, his every word was immediately repeated by the mysterious woman as though she had anticipated it!

"My words aren't lies." A simple giggle from this woman became a horrifying echo inside this soundless room.

"How arrogant. You're displaying quite a distasteful impression for our first encounter."

"You do not have the right to let those words leave your tainted lips, Zeus." The tone of disdain resounds from the lady, revealing to Zeus about his foe's wrath!

Not only that, an Emperor's name that should only be spoken by a selected few, has been uttered by a stranger who Zeus has never stumbled across before!

Under his hidden displeasure, each of this woman's steps closes the distance between her and him. Before long, Zeus found his perspective to be ostracized by this lady who's taking a stance in front of his desk!


"It's time for you to relinquish your unjust wars."


Catching an Emperor's attention metaphorically and physically, the lady has unexpectedly grabbed hold of a gentleman's collar while her covered face leaned closer to his!

Puzzled for once, the Emperor collected his thoughts after witnessing the audacity of this presumptuous woman! To disrupt a calculated man's thought process, this woman unpromptedly loosens her grip on Zeus' collar.

"Pfft." She chuckles softly.