
Rewriting Fate: Creating The Epilogue I Always Longed For

‘A Bittersweet Love’ is a novel of great tragedy that brings an end to every single being as the conclusion to the story is nothing but a voided space. With that in mind, it is someone's duty to prevent her favorite novel's world from perishing. The knowledge and memories she has recalled has finally come into use as she gained a renowned yet infamous reputation. Once a Monarch of the Underworld while a Maiden in the realm of noble society, those are her identities to which she'll in her attempts protect her beloved characters and the novel that has brought salvation in her previous life. When the Underworld finally rises from the underground, that is when she'll make her move to prevent the antagonists from ‘A Bittersweet Love’ with the people forever by her side. Friends, comrades, allies and the dear beloved characters from ‘A Bittersweet Love’ will now assist Persephone in her journey of the world's salvation! Note: This is a rework of ‘Diegesis’.

Akuma_Kira · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 0 - A Bittersweet Love

Chapter 0 - A Bittersweet Love

⟨⟨ The world of sword and fantasy where mysteries are inevitable inside this novel, "A Bittersweet Love". And as the tale goes, it tells us a story about a captivating female lead named, 'Psyche'.

Residing in the Empire of Olympus lies a Saint who bears the resemblance of beauty itself, far surpassing even the glamorous Aphrodite. And in her moments, Psyche set foot in a palace unbeknownst of her first encounter with Eros, who was the main focus of the coming-of-age ceremony.

The male lead and her fated one, Eros.

At that moment when they locked eyes, they couldn't resist the sense of familiarity and recognition that washed over them. And as the glimpses they shared quickly shifted to that of affection and admiration, it became known to them that this encounter was simply what fate had in store for their destiny.

While the night's stars dancing right above their heads are unaware of these fateful ones, it has marked this special occasion where Psyche and Eros will forever have this momentous event ingrained in their memories.

One heart was of boldness and sweetness, while the other was overflowing with love and grace. Together, Psyche and Eros formed an everlasting and mesmerizing intimacy.

In the end, their mutual love was out in the open where those who bore witness to the tender feelings of a lady and a gentleman could only see a fairytale between the two. And beyond any words, it was a love desired by all.

The truest and purest form of love that everyone would only hope to experience in one of their lives has touched the hearts of many, leaving behind a never-ending impression.

Despite a heartfelt tale, their affection for one another couldn't surmount the might of Mount Olympus, and it was all the work of the despicable Aphrodite, Eros' one and only mother.

As the princess of the Olympus Empire and the sister of the late emperor, Aphrodite had proclaimed herself to be one of the most beautiful ladies in all of the lands. And thus, when she began to take notice of the decline of her admirers in terms of beauty towards a woman called Psyche, it gave birth to deep-seated envy within Aphrodite.

Aphrodite's hatred and jealousy were set alight when her son brought along a woman who was the source of her distaste. Thus, as a consequence of Eros' foolishness, his mother did all sorts of atrocities to draw distances between him and Psyche.

From assassinations, poisoning, false accusations, and any dirty schemes one could think of.

Despite their best efforts, Eros and Psyche were unmatched by Aphrodite's ploys and found themselves inexorably separated.

Before long, Eros, who was now trapped in his room as per his mother's plotting, prayed for the safety of his beloved Saint, Psyche.

After being forbidden from ever setting foot upon the ground of the Imperial Palace, Psyche is helpless with the knowledge of her beloved one in isolation.

Be that as it may, Psyche is unwilling to fall under the hopelessness of her situation. That's why she chooses to be resolute as the time to rescue her soulmate is drawing near with her allies' assistance.

Yet, as though Aphrodite is merely having fun with the futile Psyche, the Saint's journey to set Eros free is faced with obstacles in the form of Aphrodite's unjust trials.

"The path ahead may as well be my last, however..."

"I cannot allow myself to rest easy with the thoughts of my lover, Eros, stuck in a place he can't escape. As his partner and as someone who cares deeply about him, I shall bear the trials set in front of me, even as my life fades, even as my face grows pale from the forthcoming danger ahead of me.."

"I shall embrace the danger for the sake of my true love." Psyche declares.

To the struggles Psyche had to face and with her friends' endurance, none was as devastating as the final trial. For it has stolen the most beautiful and dearest Saint away from the world, leaving behind only her beloved Eros to live under the roof of ignorance for years.

"How pathetic of me to stand here under the night sky while my dearest tried her best to rescue me."

"A man like I shouldn't exist. A man who couldn't hold a candle against his mother, and a man who failed to keep his promise first.."

"My love is unworthy compared to Psyche who risked her life for my sake… But to doubt my love for her is denying Psyche's hardships."

"Therefore, I shall wait for eternity in hopes of your return, Psyche." Eros utters.

A decade has passed since the world had witnessed the demise of its favorite, and as the result of Aphrodite's sin of envy, reality has finally unleashed its wrath through the disastrous earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornadoes, tsunamis, and storms upon the Olympus Empire.

Tormentful years in fear of not the divine retribution, but the nasty creatures that had traveled through the cracks of the withering world without a Saint to revive it.

And the most shocking of all, Eros was the very one who has caused the world's downfall by forcing a crack into reality itself with his arrow, fueled by his wrecked heart and devoid of life.

"AHHHHH!!!" Eros cries out in despair.

While shredding tears upon the dreadful news of his beloved's death, it intensified Eros' resentment towards himself, extending beyond the sky as his sanity crumbled away at his failure to protect his destiny.

And in a blink of an eye, the world began to meet its collapse at the hands of Eros, who had sacrificed his life to bring forth a deserving end to those who had brought upon him despair.

What comes after…

..is the abrupt yet pitiful end to a heart-rending couple within the story of 'A Bittersweet Love'. ⟩⟩

And this bad-ending novel…

..is the world our female protagonist resides in.