
One Night Was All I Needed

Donkor, Lily, and I returned to HQ to talk to Valencia. We explained what we learned about cultivation and the warning that Don gave me. Anne served us tea while Lily was playing with Bibi. How did she find the two-headed dog cute? Whatever, as long as she was happy I supposed. Valencia's eyes widened when we finished our explanation.

"You guys have a whole term for it, AND most humans don't know about it? No wonder humans have such short life spans," Valencia rubbed her chin.

"What? How long do Orges live for?" Donkor raised an eyebrow.

"Hm? On average, around 300 years or so. I'm 59 right now," Valencia shared.

This information was a surprise to him. She was old enough to be our grandparent… And she proposed to me… No, it was best not to think about it. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the topic.

"If cultivation is so common for your species, can you give us some pointers then?" I asked her.