

"Wait... What... If..."

With a dreadful expression that makes her face turn pale white, Vier stutters at the horrifying conclusion that she has thought.

"What if that white lady is a ghost..."

...Of course, she's not!...

Mifumi and Rozze disagree with Vier's conclusion because, as far as the two believe, people's ghosts are not real, or the fact that they haven't seen one either.

While Vier is trying to convince Mifumi and Rozze about the existence of ghosts that her Onee-chan has forced her to watch within her unusual dream, Felin remains quiet while looking far away into the distance.

Vier, Mifumi, and Rozze notice Felin's unusual, sad expression and immediately understand what it is for. That's why Rozze speaks to Felin to try and ease her worries.

"Don't worry, Felin. I'm sure Maine is still alive."
