
Throw less at the problem

Watch chef Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and you'll see a pattern. The

menus at failing restaurants offer too many dishes. The owners think making

every dish under the sun will broaden the appeal of the restaurant. Instead it

makes for crappy food (and creates inventory headaches).

That's why Ramsay's first step is nearly always to trim the menu, usually from

thirty-plus dishes to around ten. Think about that. Improving the current menu

doesn't come first. Trimming it down comes first. Then he polishes what's left.

When things aren't working, the natural inclination is to throw more at the

problem. More people, time, and money. All that ends up doing is making the

problem bigger. The right way to go is the opposite direction: Cut back.

So do less. Your project won't suffer nearly as much as you fear. In fact,

there's a good chance it'll end up even better. You'll be forced to make tough

calls and sort out what truly matters.

If you start pushing back deadlines and increasing your budget, you'll never
