

Riya cried her eyes out.Ora went and knocked on Dano's room.

Dano....Dont mind her aunt, i can hear her.

Ora....What happened?

Dano....Nothing, we will be fine.

Dano himself was also crying because he loved Riya more than anything.Suddenly, it started raining, Henry arrived and found Riya at Dano's gate.

Henry....Riya, what are you doing here? Lets get you inside.

He carried her to her house, Dano saw them since he was also coming to fetch her, he went back inside.

Henry....Your all wet, what were doing there crying?

Riya....Its non of your business.

Henry....What do you mean? Its my business because i couldnt turn a blind eye after seeing you in this condition.

Riya....I will be fine, just go home.

Henry....I came here to check on you.

Riya....Henry please, leave now!

Henry....Fine! I never shouldve came here in the first place.

Henry left, Riya called Dano's phone multiple times but he didnt pick up yet he had it in his hand.She sent him texts.

Riya....."Dano, talk to me please! Did i do anything wrong? Am sorry if i offended you but please lets not break up.You know how much i love you and you love me too, right? Please tell me that you love me too...please honey."

Dano read her texts and cried again.

Dano....What am i going to do with these feelings about you Riya? I really do love you but its wrong...we are siblings.

In the morning, he got ready to go work, he found Riya outside the gate waiting for him.

Riya....Tell me why? Atleast you should give me a reason, right?

Dano....Sorry but i have to go.

She held his hand.

Riya....Were you playing with my heart this whole time? I want to hear you say something...speak up!

Dano....I wish it wasnt like this...you dont know how am feeling right now.

Riya....What about me? Please tell me that this was a joke.

Tears started from Riya's eyes, Dano hugged her.

Dano....I dont want to see you like this at all...lets just be friends.

She held him tightly.

Riya.....No...no...no...i dont wanna be friends, i wanna be your lover.

Dano....This is for the best Riya.

He pulled himself away from the hug and left in his car, Riya went back inside crying.

Riya....That idiot! I was wrong to fall in love again, i was fine before i fell for him.But now...i...i...i cant live without him yet we just met.I've never fallen this hard for anyone like him.His all i want, but am Riya, so, i dont need a man,i will be fine.

She tried comforting herself but couldnt stop crying.Dano arrived at work and called his secretary.

Dano....I want you to do for me a background check on someone.

Secretary....Got it sir.

Riya didnt go to work for two days because she was heartbroken.She was thin and her temperature was high, she went to buy food and bumped into Dano.

Riya....Here is my card.

Cashier....Oh, its you guys from the Seasons AD, are you dating?

Riya....No, we are strangers.

Cashier....Thats too bad, you make a cute couple.

Riya....Sir...i want...to leave.

Dano....Riya, are you fine?

Riya....Why do you care, friend?

She got her things and walked away, Dano was following her.

Riya....Stop following me.

Dano....Dont mind me, am just worried about you.

Riya....Why would you care? After all, we are just friends, more like strangers.

Dano....Yes we are friends, but not strangers.

Riya....Stop messing with my head, its about to blow up.

She arrived at her gate.

Riya....Am home safely, you can leave now friend.

Dano....I will leave after you.

Riya....Are you crazy? Whats your real deal, huh? I dont need you concern, go away!

She opened but right that moment, she fell down and fainted.


Dano carried inside her house to her bed, he checked her temperature.

Dano....Oh dear! She is sick yet stubborn.

He went to a nearby clinic and bought for her medicine, he went back to her house.He took off her top and he used a cold cloth to cool down her temperature.

Dano....What is this? Is it a tatoo or a scar? Whatever! Hope she wakes up soon or else i will take her to the hospital.


Riya kept calling his name, he kissed her on the forehead.After, he laid down in her bed with her and wrapped his hands around her.

Dano....Let me keep you warm for now.

Riya woke up later, Dano was still awake.

Riya....Dano?? What are you doing in my bed? How did i get here?

Dano....You had a high temperature yet feeling cold at the same time, i was keeping you warm.

Riya....But, we are friends, right? Friends dont touch eachother like this....unless we arent.

Dano....Stop talking, its taking your energy.

She held him tighter and lied in his chest.

Riya....This is better.

Dano rolled up and he got on top of her, Riya looked away.

Riya....What...are you trying...to do? Arent we...friends?

Dano....You make me lose control Riya, whenever am with you, my whole body changes.

Riya....But...you said you wanted to break up...and that you wanna be friends.

Dano....Yes i did say that, but just like the songs goes, "The heart wants what it wants", so does mine.

Riya....Dano, just please...tell me what i wanna hear.Unless we are still...friends.

Dano....Stop it with that friends word.

Riya....If we arent friends, then what are...we?

Dano....I dont know Riya because i dont wanna say it.Guess i should go.

She kissed him and wrapped her hands and legs around him.

Riya....I wanna know what we are, first tell me.

Dano....Riya, your making it hard to not fall for you harder than i already have.

Riya....But your the one who made fall for you the hardest, did you want hurt me? I dont want to lose you Dano, i just want you love me.Is what i want too much to ask? Tell me please!

Dano....Riya, their is something you dont understand, you stole my heart, you own, your in charge of me.

Riya.....Then why? Why dont you love me like you claim?

Dano....Am sorry Riya, but i crazily and blindly love you.