

Cashier.....Oh, its you from the Seasons Ad, right? Gosh! You look hotter in reality than on t.v.

Riya....Thanks, i should go and thanks for having my Seasons drink.

Riya left.

Dano....Do you know her? Is she a celebrity?

Cashier....Ofcourse, she is the owner of the new best selling drink.

Dano....Which drink?

Cashier....Let me show it to you, here, its called the Seasons drink.Dont tell me that you havent tasted it.

Dano....Is that why she told me to take it? Fine, i will five of them.

Cashier....Great choice, the Seasons drink is the best.

Dano....Thanks, i should leave for now.

He drove to the hotel yet it was the same hotel Riya was at.He arrived in his room with the Seasons drink.

Dano....Wow! Its sweet, guess i will have to buy this everyday.So she is rich yet young, just like my neighbour.Anyway, i should get ready for tonight.

At midnight, they both wore their ninja wears and covered their faces then headed to the building where the sword was, Riya went first.

Riya....There you are! Am coming to get you.

She ran to the sword which was locked in a glass safe, she pulled out her lock breaker and it opened, she got the sword.But on leaving, she got punched and fell down.

The sword fell from her hands, it was Dano.She stood up and they started fighting, they were both at the same level of skillful.Riya pulled her pepper spaey and sprayed it in Dano's eyes, she got the sword and ran back to the hotel.

Riya....Shit! Who was that other ninja? So this swors is needed by not just papa, but someone else.Luckily i had my pepper spray, but he was very skilled.

Dano also went back to the hotel and washed his face.

Dano....Shit! Who was that? She was a woman! Damn! She took the sword from me, i didnt know simeine else wanted to have it, she was very skilled and it was unexpected.Now i have to get the shield before she does.

In the morning, he got medicine for his eyes.At midnight, they got ready once again and set out to get the shield since it was in another building.

Riya....Okay, time to break the code and get you to papa.

She got the shield first again and Dano arrived too, she tried to run away but he hit her with a sleeping injection, she fell down to the ground.

Dano....I was first this time, gotcha.

He got the shield and went to her, he wanted to remove off her mask, but he heard the police coming and ran away.Riya wokeup surrounded by the police.

Policeman....Dont move!

Riya....Hahaha...you wish!

She slowly pulled out a small can and threw it at them, it was dusty and they couldnt see anything, she ran back to the hotel.

Riya....Fuck! That sly fox pulled a fast one on me.Such a weak man, he shouldve fought a fair battle.Atleast i have the sword.

Dano was happy.

Dano....Atleast i have the shield now.

In the morning, they set out to head back home.Riya went straight home to Timo.

Timo....Gosh! That was unexpected, atleast you got the sword.

Riya....I will rest for today and get you the painting tomorrow.

Timo....Okay honey, well done, i already sent you the money on your account.

Riya.....Thank you papa.

She went to her company to seehow things were going.

John....Boss, our sales are higher now than before.


Zoe....We need you to collaborate with a famous model for another AD.

Riya....Keren, that is your work.

Keren....Really? Thanks Riya, i will surely get the hottest model.

Riya....Okay, keep up the good work, am heading home to rest.

She went home and rested.At midnight, they both got ready again and headed to the museum where the painting was, they met again.

Riya....(This asshole is everywhere.)

Dano....(This woman again??) Urgh!

Riya pulledher gun so did Dano, they started shooting at eachother.A bullet hit gas and the place caught fire.



The fire started spreading, Riya ran out, Dano tried to get the painting but it was half burnt, he also left.Riya went home and strted crying, she called Henry and he rushed to her house.



He went and hugged her.

Henry....What happened? Your wearing this, so you were on a mission again?

Riya....There was a fire...i was scared.

Henry....Its okay, am here so dont worry, everything is gonna be safe.

Riya....Pleasestay with me tonight, am scared.

Henry....Ofcourse, i wont leave you in this state.

Riya had fear for fire since she was in an arson years back at the orphanage.

Dano....Why did she run just like that? Am sure she was also there for the painting, now i lost it ecause of her.

Dano had no idea that it was the girl who saved his life in the orphanage yet she is his neighbour.In the morning, Henry prepared for her breakfast and left, Dano saw him leaving.

Dano....So she has a boyfriend, whatever!

He started training.Riya called at work.

Riya....I willwork from home today, tell Keren to bring me my p.c and everything i need to work.

She called Timo and told him about what happened.

Timo....It was risky, i never shouldve asked you to go there if i knew that man was going to be there too.

Riya....Its no ones fault papa.

Timo.....But your safety matters to me.Take your time to get me the ring, no rush dear.

Riya....Okay papa, good day.

She ended the call and ate breakfast Henry made for her.After eating, she went outside and started watering her flowers.

Dano....Aunt, i should go to the agency now.

Ora.....Okay dear.

He went outside onlyto set his eyes on Riya who was still in night dress looking sexy and hot in it.Ora also came outside bringing his phone he had forgot.

Dano was lost for what he was looking at, he couldnt stop looking.